US History 1CP Final exam review sheet

Chapter 12

- Industrial Revolution - definition

- Where did it begin?

- Samuel Slater

- What industry was first affected by Industrial Revolution?

- positive and negative effects of Industrial Revolution?

- new middle class

- Why was invention of steam engine important?

- Eli Whitney

- cotton gin

- interchangeable parts

- mass production

- division of labor

- Samuel F.B. Morse

- patent

- tariff

- Moving west

- Why did Americans move west in early 1800s?

- New modes of transportation: canals, turnpikes, steamships, etc.

- Conestoga wagons

- Daniel Boone

- Wilderness Road

- turnpikes

- steamboats

- Robert Fulton and the Clermont

- canals

- Erie Canal

- DeWitt Clinton

- What bodies of water were connected by Erie Canal?

- Era of Good Feelings – why was it called that?

- sectionalism

- nationalism

- Henry Clay and American System

- What were the main goals?

- John Calhoun

- Where was he from?

- What part of the country did he represent in Congress?

- John Marshall

- How did his Supreme Court decision’s strengthen the judicial branch?

- McCullough v. Maryland

- Why was their sectionalism in US in early to mid 1800s? (tariffs, etc.)

- Missouri Compromise

- Henry Clay – “Great Compromiser”

- What did it say?

- What was the Missouri Compromise line?

- Balance in the Senate

- Acquisition of Florida

- What was ultimatum Monroe issued to Spain?

- Adams-Onis Treaty

- Monroe Doctrine

- What were the main points of the document?

- Why did British support it?

- Election of 1824: “corrupt bargain”

- Why was it called that?

- John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay

- New political parties: Democrats and National Republicans

- Who were leaders?

- What parts of the country supported each party?

- What type of people supported each party (farmers, etc.)?

- What were the main beliefs of each party?

Chapter 13

- How did voting change in early 1800s?

- removal of property qualifications, etc.

- suffrage

- caucus

- What groups still could not vote in early 1800s?

- spoils system

- Andrew Jackson

- What battle did he lead US troops in during the War of 1812?

- Jackson’s war with the 2ndBank of the US

- How did Jackson destroy it?

- “pet banks”

- specie

- Nullification crisis

- Why didn’t South like the Tariff of Abominations?

- Henry Clay and compromise tariff

- secede

- Why didn’t South Carolina secede from Union?

- Native Americans

- In what ways did the Cherokee try to Americanize themselves?

- Cherokee vs. Georgia

- What was Supreme Court’s decision?

- How did Jackson respond to Supreme Court’s decision?

- Indian Territory

- Trail of Tears

- Panic of 1837

- What were the causes?

- What was Van Buren’s solution?

- independent federal treasury

- Election of 1840

- Whig party and the “log cabin campaign”

- William Henry Harrison: What happened to him? Why?

- Who was Harrison’s VP who became president after Harrison died?

Chapters 14 and 15

- Oregon Country

- mountainmen

- difference between prairie schooners and Conestoga wagons

- Where did the Oregon Trail begin?

- What was the western boundary of the Oregon territory?

- Election of 1844

- James K. Polk

- “54°40’ or fight!” – What does that campaign slogan mean?

- What country did the US make a deal with to get Oregon?

- Texas independence

- Stephen Austin

- What conditions did the Mexican government have for the “old 300” and others moving

into Texas?

- What did Mexican government do to restrict the amount of American settlers moving

into Texas?

- Battle of the Alamo

- Effects of the battle?

- Sam Houston

- People living in what part of the US opposed the annexation of TX?

- War with Mexico

- Manifest Destiny

- Borderproblems between US and Mexico?

- Where did Mexico attack and kill US civilians before war started?

- What were the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

- Gadsden Purchase

- James Gadsden

- settled boundary between US and Mexico

- Writers, artists, and scientists

- Edgar Allen Poe – what were his major works?

- Nathaniel Hawthorne – what were his major works?

- Utah

- Mormons

- Why were they persecuted?

- Brigham Young

- California

- “gold rush”

- forty-niners

- vigilance committees

- Reform movement

- Education

- Horace Mann

- Samuel Gridley Howe

- Prisons

- Houses of Refuge

- Dorothea Dix

- Temperance

- Temperance was strongly supported in what part of the country?

- Religion

- 2nd Great Awakening

- goals?

- Anti-slavery movement

- abolitionist

- What was the first religious group to start an antislavery society in US?

- William Lloyd Garrison

- The Liberator

- New England Anti-Slavery Society

- Sojourner Truth – worked in both antislavery and women’s rights movements

- Frederick Douglass

- North Star

- Underground Railroad

- Harriet Tubman – why were her journeys so dangerous?

- Escape to Canada – why?

- Songs and codes used – why?

- Women’s movement

- suffrage

- Seneca Falls Convention

- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

- “Seneca Falls Declaration”/”Declaration of Sentiments and


- Emma Willard

- Susan B. Anthony

Chapters 16 and 17

Life in the North

- immigration in mid-1800s

- Why did Irish come?

- Major immigrants groups (Irish, Germans, etc.)

- What was the biggest group to come to US?

- nativist

- American Party

- What was their nickname?

- What was their goal?

- What were free African-Americans in the North not allowed to do?

Life in the South

- Major differences with North: South had an agricultural economy, love of tradition,

life at leisurely pace, slave labor, smaller population.

- overseer

- What was the effect of the cotton gin on slavery in the South?

- Eli Whitney

- What were major slave codes?

- Why did most southerners defend slavery even though most didn’t own slaves?

- What restrictions were placed on free African-Americans in the South?

Compromise of 1850

- Henry Clay

- What were the 5 main parts?

- popular sovereignty

- What were main parts of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Frederick Douglass

Election of 1856

-Who won?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

-Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Kansas-Nebraska Act

- What did it say?

- Bleeding Kansas

- What did John Brown and his sons do in Kansas?

Dred Scott vs. Sanford

- What was the effect of the decision on the Missouri Compromise?

- Who supported the decision – the North or the South?

Lincoln-Douglas debates

- Why were the two men debating?

- Who won this election?

John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, VA

- Was it successful?

- What was the effect of the raid on the relationship between the North and the South?

- What happened to John Brown?

Election of 1860

- Republican Party

- Who was their candidate for president?

- How did the party feel about the spread of slavery?

- What was Lincoln’s primary goal when he was elected president?

Southern secession

- Confederate States of America/Rebels

- Union/Yankees

- What was the first state to secede from the Union?

- Jefferson Davis

Civil War

Advantages and disadvantages of North and South in Civil War

- General Winfield Scott, etc.

- What was the military strategy and goalsof the South?

Border states

- Why wasMaryland so important for the Union to hold onto?

First Battle of Bull Run

- What did the battle show to the North and the South?

Battle of Hampton Roads

- blockaderunners

- Virginia vs.Monitor

- Why was battle a turning point in naval history?

Battle of Antietam

- What were the effects of battle?

Emancipation Proclamation

-What did it say?

African-American soldiers

-54thMassachusetts Volunteers

- discrimination

What was the effect of the war on the northern economy?

Habeus corpus

- What were the effects of Lincolnsuspended the writs of habeas corpus?

Ulysses S. Grant

Problems with Civil War medicine and sterilization?


Battle of Gettysburg

- Why was it a turning point?

General William Tecumseh Sherman’s “march to the sea” - Atlanta to Savannah

- total war tactics

Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse - end of Civil War

- Why did Lee surrender to Grant?

Freedmen’s Bureau

Lincoln’s 10% Plan

- What was it?

Lincoln’s assassination

-Who killed him?

- Where did this occur?

- Who became president after Lincoln died?


Civil Rights Act of 1866

Thirteenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

Fifteenth Amendment

What was the goal of Jim Crow laws?

- tactics used by the South to limit strength of 14th and 15th Amendments:

- poll taxes

- literacy tests

- Ku Klux Klan

Define Reconstruction

Why did Southern governments pass black codes?

Radical Reconstruction

-What was goal of Radical Republicans for Reconstruction?

- Why did Radical Republicans criticize Lincoln’s and Johnson’s Reconstruction plans?

Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

- Why were there problems between Johnson and Congress?

-Tenure of Office Act

- How did it limit the power of the president?

- impeachment

- In which part of Congress can impeach an official?

- In which part of Congress does the impeachment trial occur?

Plessy v. Ferguson