Monday December 2, 2013 HINTON, AB

Coreen Byers, Suzanne McDonald, Bill McDonald, Tammy Koch, James Duke, Megan Buttazzoni, Dino Buttazzoni
Steve Westgate, Chris Pratt, Suzanne McDonald, Bryon Bambrick, Tabi Arsenault, Tanya Carre
Coreen Byers called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.
Adoption of the minutes:
Tammy moved to adopt the minutes from the last meeting; seconded by James. Voted. All in favour. Carried.
Adoption of the agenda:
Megan moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by Dino. Voted. All in favour. Carried
1) Games staring late: Midgets are taking 15 minute warm up at the beginning of their ice time. They are only permitted a 5 minute warm up, unless the prior ice time ends early and they opt to take advantage of that time. If you are going to run late, you must run straight time, skip floods etc. in order to stay on track and with in the allotted time.

Executive Reports:

A) President- Only a few minor issues over the past month, all have been dealt with and everything seems to be running very smoothly. Coreen did speak with Hockey alberta in regards to the alleged complaints received that were received by Hockey Alberta and relayed to a HMHA board member when discussing unrelated issues. Hockey ALberta confirmed that no formal complaints have been received in regards to the conduct of any board members this season.
B) Past President- Absent
C) Vice President- Vacant (duties being covered by Tabi)
D) Secretary- Nothing to report
E) Treasurer – Still waiting on a few cheques to come in from sponsors (Boston Pizza, KFC, Secure, Napa). Megan motions that HMHA purchase a safe for the use of the treasurer. Seconded by Tammy. Voted. All in favour.
F) Registrar- Nothing to report
G) Equipment Manager – purchased more locker keys for novice and initiation.
H) Gaming coordinator- Absent
I) Coaches Coordinator- Absent
J) Player Development - Power skating and Gold in the net were cancelled this week due to the roads, they will be coming next week instead.
K) Ways and Means- Absent
L) Referee-In-Chief – Absent
M) Female Director – Vacant
N) Ice Conveyor – Minor Hockey Week, Dig that Stitch will be donating all of the trophies again this year. Spring tournament, lots of novice and atom teams and a few peewee teams have sent in applications. Hinton's 3 novice teams, the Atom C, Peewee AA and Peewee C teams are registered. Tim Hortons, Servus Credit Union and Tarpon are all on board as major event sponsors. The Hansons will be playing on Saturday night, they will be in town on Thursday, Friday they will spend the day visiting all of the HMHA sponsors! Friday and Saturday during they day they will be at the arena signing autographs etc.
O) WYR AA Rep - Absent, sent a report in to Coreen, Thanking HMHA for changing the affiliation rules.
Round Table:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 pm motioned by Coreen; seconded by Tammy Carried.

Coreen Byers, President Megan Buttazzoni, Treasurer