Hilton PSO Meeting

March 11, 2014 (9:30 AM)

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order by PSO President Dacia Pitzer at 9:30 AM

Thought of the Day: “ I need a timeout! Please send me to the beach and don’t let me come back until my attitude e changes” – author unknown


Principals Report ( Mr. Martin) :

The Box tops basket ball game was a great success. Many kids participated and watched the game. Mr. Martin did pull a victory and a rematch will take place in May. Details to follow!

Right to Read week and the Book Fair are in full swing and the kids are very excited. This weeks events is listed on the website and down below:

Wed- Mustache Day/ Dime Day

Thursday- Sombrero Day/ Quarter Day

Friday-Spirit Day/ Dollar Day

Playground Update- a playground meeting took place last night and the committees were able to see two drawings drawn up by Snider co. Based upon the drawings and input from the committees as well as the surveys Snider will combine the two drawings into one as a template of what we vision as the playground. Snider Company has worked with the school and is anticipated to be the company to build the playground. It was stated that if the plan was completed and all monies were in by June the playground would be up for the new school year. However with fundraising and grants to be submitted this time frame may be unrealistic. Once the final plan has been drawn, and the total cost determined we would have a clear view of what the costs will be and will be able to reach out to local and state business for donations.

It was also determined that Demolition of the current playground would cost around $ 14,000 and if we could come up with an alternative plan to demo ourselves that is money we could save. Ideas suggested was researching Metal recycling plants to haul the metal after it was taken apart. Some PSO members shared they could access a Back Hoe, which would help bring down the current structure. Reaching out to the community for help will also be considered in demolishing the current playground in hopes of saving money, which would be used to pay for the new playground,

VP’S Report by Michelle Banks:

We have a slate for the PSO Executive Board for the 2013/2014 School Year and it will be voted on today.

President-Janelle Henning

Vice President- Melody Davies

VP of Membership- Angel Marshall (Second Year)

VP of Fundraising- Deb Kusevic

-Jen Kunka ( Second Year)

-Dan Foley( Second Year)

Secretary- Lorene Kecco

Treasurer- Rhonda Strmac

Council Delegates- Michelle Banks

-Katie Batcheller

A motion for the new Board is made at 10:04 am and was confirmed by Cheryl Priest. Dan Foley confirmed a second motion. Micelle Banks put the board up for vote and its unanimous.

Treasure Report by Sue Ryan

Checking Account- $ 36760.48

Pay Pal $ 52.58 (Adult Night Out is on Pay pal)

Council Delegate Report by Cheryl Priest

Kindergarten Registration will take place on March 18 and 19th Any parents with children going into Kindergarten need to complete forms found on the boards website and register one of the two days listed above.

3rd Grade testing has been rescheduled for May 1 and 6 th.

Mr. Pebels discussed the make up calamity day for April 21, 2014 in the event of another snow day. Hilton is at day 6 due to a power outage earlier in the year. If we get a snow day a blizzard bag maybe utilized. This has not been voted on as of yet but is being considered for Hilton in the event of another snow day. In addition a two-hour delay maybe enforced in the event of poor weather conditions to avoid a snow day if possible.

Congratulations to our Athletics and Debate teams. (Gymnastic Team has won its 11th State title) The Wrestling Team and Swim team won many matches and the Debate Team showed its winning spirit! Congratulations to all our athletes and scholars for a job well done!

A new standard with accelerated programs will be used in the new school year.

The High school will no longer have PSO meetings but will combine meetings with the PSO Council, as attendance at these meetings has been low.

Council Report by Ronda Strmac:

The Communications committee may hold positions that should be considered board positions in the future as they are important to the PSO and require a lot of time and energy. It should be discussed adding these positions to the executive PSO Board in the future. Currently Below is the communications committee for the school year of 2014/2015.

Webmaster- Bill Henning ( Bill is looking to bring in additional help in assisting him)

Wendi Polman (second year) SUG/Volunteers

Currently the PSO relied on a yahoo account but communications has decided to switch all communications over to a gmail account. () By doing this each committee would have its own email. All information and inquiries would go directly to the chairperson of that committee without having to use their personal email. This method of communication is more efficient and more private.


Presidents Report by Daica Pitzer:

Kindergarten Registration- Volunteers may still be needed for Kindergarten Registration on the March 18 and 19th. Please look at the SUG on the PSO council website for open timeslots to volunteer.

Preview Day for Bookfair is tomorrow. If weather cancels the preview day then it will NOT be rescheduled. All teachers will be asked to browse during set up today for there class wish lists just in case. Dacia is reaching out to PSO members to assist in putting the teacher baskets together on Thursday if the storm cancels school tomorrow (plan B)

Market Day is next Tuesday and the deadline is Thursday. The Next school year Market Day will pack all orders for the school.

New News: Melissa Matteo reports on Student of the Arts

The theme is – Where in the world (copies of information are in the office)

Any type of Artwork or music will be accepted for graces K-12

Art Submissions are Due on April 14, 2014 (No early submissions will be accepted due to space issues)

Reception is tentatively planned for May 10,2014 at 7:00 PM at the High School

Staff Appreciation Week by Angel Marshall

“ Garden Theme” Thank you for helping our children Bloom

Breakfast on Tuesday (SUG to go out)

Flowers for Teacher on Wed

Lunch catered by Stancatos on Thursday

Desserts on Friday (SUG to go out) and small gifts given

57 staff members currently

It was suggested we give a questionnaire to the teachers to find out what there favorites are so maybe each day we can have the kids do something like wear there teachers favorite color or bring in there favorite candy and etc…Mrs. Marshall will make up the questionnaire and come up with a daily plan for teacher appreciation week and communicate with room parents so the kids are aware on what to do or bring each day.

Book Fair- A Chipolte Bar, Rice and Veggie bowl and Fish Tacos will be available for dinner to eat at the fair or take home. Costs will be from $3-$5 Desserts are free and donated by Cozumel.

A Photo Booth will be available in the lobby with fun props and is FREE..

No old news

Meeting called at 10:50 am