Executive Committee Meeting

Thurs. June 11, 2015

Hilton Fort Worth, Texas

In attendance: Dana Mordecai, Philip Guerrero, Alounda Joseph, Matt Painter, Janeen Wood, Stephanie Ozuna, Brandon Lemley


Summer Institute

  • Dana conducted overview of conference agenda (See detailed agenda)
  • Logistics Needs
  • Anybody who brought laptops or clickers need to setup in the morning.
  • Business Meeting Agenda Points:
  • Overview of TxGAP
  • Board Introductions
  • Membership and Growth (last year we had 140 members)
  • Financial Report: Expenses, Income (Alounda)
  • Goals
  • Officer Nominees
  • Get Connected/Join a Committee
  • Thank you to Sponsors
  • 2016 Conference Site- During the conference we will announce that our 2016 location will be Austin. Takeaway: We need to start looking for Conference Chair.
  • Budget Review.
  • No one on the board had questions.
  • SI Follow Up Items:
  • We need to send “Thank you” notes to attendees and sponsors.
  • We need to send out survey after. Can we put it in Guidebook? Philip mentions that you have to pay for it so the board agrees we use the same survey as last year instead.
  • We need to do a summary of conference to publish in perspectives. This summary should include:
  • Attendees, hotels, presentations, survey results.
  • Takeaway:Philip will complete the summary.
  • Where and who will post conference pictures?
  • Takeaway: Philip and Stephanie will post on Facebook.
  • Outstanding registration and membership payments:
  • Alounda mentioned that 5 people had not paid for conference and she printed invoices.
  • Takeaway:
  • Conference Fees- Some post opt things need to happen and Alounda will follow up with Andrea in the next few weeks.
  • Membership Fees- We need to credit membership for the next year by July 1st. It is a manual process and Janeen will work on it. Dana will show Janeen how to log in.
  • We need to load conference presentations to slideshare:
  • Takeaway:Dana will get with Andrea to load presentations to SlideShare.

Anticipated Board Transitions

  • Is there anything that we need to do as we transition to the new position?
  • Treasurer:
  • What address should we list for check to be made out to? Do we need to update? We need to update because everything currently gets sent to Alounda. Is there going to be any issues with changing address? With tax purposes?
  • Philip mentioned that he may have trouble receiving the mail because other people get the mail to be delivered and might not know where it goes. On UT campus a mail box cost $80 a year. Takeaway: We will table this issue to next meeting. Philip is going to ask his campus if it can be sent to his network mailbox or through campus mail.
  • Assuming nothing changes with the elections, Philip will need to get on the signature card which has to be done in person. Takeaway: Philip, Dana and Alounda will schedule a time and location to meet and go to the bank to provide new signature.
  • Vice-President:
  • Shared Google Drive files and Drop Box has all of Brandon’s information. Dana and Andrea know the passwords for these drives. In regards to the conference Brandon mentioned that he used to helpwith scoping out and negotiating the contract for the conference location. He suggests that this needs to be done by a President or VP since it involves signing a contract. In regards to our tax situation he has been working on a majority of that. He is also a big part of keeping our technology up to date like our website portal.
  • Takeaway:We as a board just need to be more aware of everything that needs to get done and how to appropriately delegate the work.

Banking Updates

  • Credit Options:
  • Dana suggested maybe we need a backup account just in case if any fraud happened to us during the conference. She suggested having a second account to have our money in two different places.
  • It was also suggested that we should invest our money in the future.
  • Board agreed that we should have a second account and having it in a high interest account.
  • Dana also brought up the point that maybe we should start building credit in TXGAP. This is because when we try to make a contract with a hotel sometimes they ask for references so make sure we can pay for conferences. Board thinks that we don’t need to make it a priority right now since we will have more hotel references after this conference.
  • Current financial status from Alounda: We currently have $24,591 in the bank. We have about $9,000 in expenses.
  • Brandon asked if we need to setup some sort of audit for our finances or maybe hire a CPA. Board believes that it should be something we work towards. We need a chart of accounts. Philip thinks that we can certainly come up with budgets and engage some members to audit them. Janeen feels that somebody outside of the organization needs to conduct the audit. If we already engage with a CPA to do our tax return then maybe he can do the audit, as well. Another suggestion is to work with a CPA in the area of where treasurer is at for convenience of signing forms. Dana and Alounda think that we should stay with Jerry because he is doing a great job and nationally recognized.
  • Takeaway:Board agreed that we should try to stay with Jerry if we can. Philip or Alounda should follow up with our CPA, Jerry and let him know what we need and how much it costs before we make a final decision.
  • Takeaway: Alounda and Philip will also get together to work on budgets again so that we can vote on amounts and processes for committees to make requests for money. Dana is suggesting that we should also have committees do an action plan and present to board at the beginning of fiscal year.

Committee Updates

  • Membership (Janeen):
  • On the Brochure and other items Janeen wants to come up with solid points as to why they want to join.
  • She would also like to know if there is a budget for a mail out and some sort of token appreciation to be sent to new members in their welcome packet. She is thinking of a lapel.
  • Takeaway:Janeen will get quotes on lapels for members.
  • Professional Development (Matt):
  • Matt went into the website and made tweaks to the forums tab. He moved the forum from membership tab to the far right, to be more visible. You have to be logged into the site, to see it. He cleaned up the content a little, as well. He added a welcome post that explains what to do. He created cards to give out at the conference and will announce at the closing session. He doesn’t see it being a newsfeed but it may be that for a little while. As board and committee members we should at least spark the content at first. Matt envisions to continue doing webinars in the future as NAGAP gets a webinar application to use.
  • Takeaway: Board should try to engage on the forum in some sort of consistent way.
  • Ad hoc designation for elections and by-laws review:
  • Should we do this and do we have a timeline?
  • Board suggested that we should have a committee to review bylaws and elections.
  • We can announce at Summer Conference.


  • Chapter Grant Application:
  • This application is due by July 1 for up to $500. Should we apply?
  • Board agreed that we should apply for grant.
  • What do we want use the grant for?
  • Board agreed that we should use it for membership.
  • Takeaway: Stephanie will work with Janeen to write the grant application.


  • Website Fee:
  • Our website application fee is due, should we pre pay for the website. If we pre pay the lost will be lower than paying per month. Cost is $540/a year starting in September. The new plan would have been $70 a month. Board agreed that we should pay the $540.
  • Do chapters members have to be NAGAP members? Dana has been talking about this issue with them but it hasn’t been put on their NAGAP agenda yet. It looks like it is going to be an ongoing issue.

Future Board Meetings

  • Summer conference call dates:
  • Next meetings:
  • June 17th at 2:00pp
  • August 5th at 2:00pm
  • Fall Planning Retreat
  • Board agreed that we should meet at an Austin location for a site visit of the property for summer institute.
  • The board feels we should meet around the first or second week of December.