(Up to $20,000)


Please read the information on the next page before commencing the application process

Artistic Development Grants are only offered in Round One (1) and applications close on Thursday 17 April 2014
(for projects commencing from 12 August 2014).

Name of Applicant(Organisation)
Contact Person
Name of Project Proposal
Amount of Funding Sought
Date(s) of proposed activity or event
GST status / Registered Not Registered
Date Application Received
File Number


Funding will be provided to strategic partners specifically for projects that increase opportunities for young, emerging and established artists in the city, whilst delivering Council’s program priorities.

Before submitting your application make sure you have:

Read the Arts and Cultural Grants Guidelines – in particular please note the Arts and Cultural Program priorities, the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan priorities, and the eligibility criteria (pages 4-6)

Fulfilled any previous grant or sponsorship obligations with Adelaide City Council

Made contact with the relevant Grant Officer to discuss your project prior to commencing an application:

Edward James, Public Art Consultant

Phone: 82037154 / Email:

Included a copy of your organisation's(or your auspicing organisation’s) Certificate of Incorporation (excludes individuals in the Public Art category)

Included your completed preliminary risk assessment

Included your completed income and expenditure budget

Included a copy of your public liability insurance “Certificate of Currency”(minimum $20 million)


Attached a quote for the purchase of public liability insurance. I understand that if I my application is approved, I will need to purchase this insurance and provide a copy of the policy to Adelaide City Council before any funds will be released.

Included a copy of your WorkCover confirmation of registration (if applicable)

Included written evidence of permission to use a site which is privately owned (if applicable)

Included key artists CVs and/or links to their websites (if applicable)

Completed all sections of the application form including details about your ABN and GST status

Signed the application form

Kept a copy of your application for future reference

Submitted your application to:

by post

Vibrant City – Public Art

Adelaide City Council

GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001
(application must be postmarked on or before closing date)

in person

Customer Centre

Attention: Vibrant City – Public Art

Adelaide City Council

25 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000

(Applications can be lodged in person until 5.30pm on the closing date)

Please note that late, faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted



Please select the outcomes from the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2012-2016 and the Arts and Cultural Program Priorities which are most relevant to your Artistic Development proposal:

Outcome 1: City of Great Places

Activates city places with business, community and entrepreneurs input

Outcome 2: Accessible City

Creates great streets and paths for people

Outcome 3: Creative City

Fosters creativity, cultural and artistic events and activities

Activates underutilised city streets and public spaces to create places for creative and social activities

Facilitates growth in creative industries

Ensures an exciting range of events and activities in a variety of venues throughout the year

Outcome 4: Liveable City

Develops a strong and resilient city community and increases participation in the city life for all people and all culture and means

Increases the capacity of the community to deliver ideas that improve the City

Creates places and programs that promote social interaction

Outcome 5: Prosperous City

Work with businesses to contribute to the activation of city places

Develop partnerships with business and the non-arts sector


Enhances city living, build community identity and fosters social cohesion by increasing access for the community to an artistic, cultural or multicultural experience

Effectively engages young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, new arrivals and people experiencing disadvantage

Promotes accessibility

Is free or provides a free component

Is original and of a high artistic and conceptual standard

Reflects a diversity of artistic practice

Reflects the diversity and cultural richness of the City

Is innovative



Performance Event
A Series of Workshops / Community Art Project
Special Arts Program
Other (please provide details)
Name of Project/Proposal
Short Description
Please describe your project in one or two sentences
Project Start Date
Project End Date
  1. What is the aim of your Artistic Development application? (eg.the project will assist new arrivals share their music with the wider community which will assist in breaking down barriers to their participation in a vibrant city)

  1. What are the identified needs for this project to take place?

  1. How will your application increase opportunities for young, emerging and/or established artists in the city?

  1. Please provide an indicative outline of your program or artistic development strategy
e.g. what are the creative processes you will undertake to bring your project to fruition
  1. Please provide a timeline for your project, including dates and times of specific events.

  1. Where will the proposal take place? Please provide a site plan / map
(within the boundaries of the City of Adelaide including any of the Park Lands)
  1. Please summarise how your application addresses the Adelaide City Council Strategic Priorities and the Arts and Cultural Program Priorities selected on page 3.

  1. Will you be entering into any collaboration with co-creators to assist in delivering your application aims? How and with whom?
    (Please ensure you have attached resumes of co-creators)

  1. How will your application engage with young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and/or people experiencing disadvantage?

  1. What is your marketing strategy or plan to engage young, emerging and/or established artists in the city?

  1. What are the objectives of your organisation?

  1. Please demonstrate your groups or organisations capability to effectively manage the grant (i.e. organisational structure and financial governance procedure)

13 a) How is your organisation managed?
Management Committee Board of Management
Advisory Board Other - Please Specify …………………………………………………………
13 b) How is your organisation constituted?
Incorporated Association
Limited Company
Auspiced by an Incorporated Association
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
  1. Certificate of Incorporation -Please attach a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation for your organisation (or your auspicing organisation).

  1. Public Liability Insurance - Please attach a copy of your Public Liability Insurance “Certificate of Currency” or a quote for thepurchase of this insurance.

  1. Workcover - Please attach a copy of your organisation’s Workcover confirmation of registration
    (if applicable)

  1. When organising your project, activity or event you may need to apply for a service from the Adelaide City Council. Please see Attachment A for further details.
I have fully costed my project including all applicable Council services
  1. Please complete and submit aPreliminary Risk Assessment of your proposed artwork with this application form. Please see Attachment B for further details.

  1. Landowner/ Landlord Approval–Please attach written permission to this application if the project is to take place on private property.

  1. Working with children

Does the activity (at any stage) involve working with children and young people aged under 18 years?
If yes, have you read, and do you comply with Arts SA's Protocols for working with children in art?
Protocols can be downloaded from:
  1. Please provide CV’s and images of relevant artists work, concept images / designs for your project, and any other applicable letters of support.

  1. Is there any other information you think is relevant to your proposal?

Please add additional information if directly relevant (maximum of 2 pages)

Please complete the Income and Expenditure Budget below, indicating in bold what Council funds will be directly used for. Please include fees and charges for Adelaide City Council services as Council will not provide in-kind support via the waiving of fees. See Attachment A: Contact and Costing Details for Council Services for more information.
Please note: Your total contribution in cash or in-kind must be equal to or greater than the amount being sought from Council.

Grants / Donations / Wages / Associated Costs
Adelaide City Council / Wages – please provide details
Applicants $ / On-costs
Applicants In-kind / Training
Other $ / Administration
Other In-Kind / Accounting / Audit
Performance fees
Sound equipment
Other Income / Marketing & Promotion
Exhibition fees / Radio
Stall holder fees / Printing
Performance fees / Posters / Fliers
Sales i.e. art works / other / Postage
Membership subscriptions / Other - detail
Public Liability Insurance
Council Fees
Park Land fees
Services (i.e. gas, electricity)
Road closure
Art materials - provide details
Designs plans
Other materials - provide details
Documentation *
Total Income / Total Expenditure

Total income must = equal total expenditure
*Please allow for documentation as part of your project process.

Budget details
please provide breakdown of any relevant budget items here (e.g. wages, art materials)

Budget items listed are intended as a guide only and can be changed to more accurately reflect the income and expenditure associated with your proposal.

  1. Has Council funded your organisation over the last two (2) years

If yes, please provide details below:

Date Funded / Amount / For What Purpose?
  1. Who else is funding the proposal and what will their contribution be?
    Important: Total contributionby the applicant in cash and or in-kind must be equal to or greater than the amount being sought from Council.

Type of Support / $ Value / Status (Confirmed/Pending)
Adelaide City Council / Grant / Pending
Applicant50% / Financial
Other / Financial
Total Amount
  1. Could your project proceed if only partial funding was received? Please explain.


The entity applying for a grant must supply an Australian Business Number (ABN) and state whether it is registered for GST (on page 1).Entities should be aware that the GST legislation deems you / your organisation as providing the supply for GST purposes. As such, any liability for GST arising as a result of any non-complianceissue rests with you / your organisation and the Corporation has no obligation to contribute to that liability.

Entity Registered For GST

Registered Entity, prior to receiving a grant, must complete and return the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (as provided when notified of successful application) for the agreed amount of the grant plus GST.

Entity Not Registered For GST

Amount to be paid is the agreed grant amount only. Payment documentation must state that the payment does not include any GST component.

All applicants are encouraged to obtain independent advice as to their position under GST legislation.


I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements made in this application are true.

I have read the Adelaide City Council’s 2014 Arts and Cultural Grants Program Guidelines.

I understand that, should this application be approved by the Adelaide City Council, I would be required to accept the conditions of the grant in accordance with the Council’s accountability and reporting requirements.

Name of Delegated Officer
Today’s date

If this grant is to be auspiced by another organisation please complete the following details:

Name of Auspicing Organisation
Name of Delegated Officer
I certify that we are to be the auspicing organisation for this proposal
Today’s date

Service Agreement

Recipients of an Artistic Development Grant are required to enter into a Service Agreement with Council which outlines the specific outcomes / deliverables tied to the grant and partnership arrangements between Council and the recipient.


When organising your project, activity or event you may need to apply for a service from the Adelaide City Council.

Below is a list of some applicable Council services, including details of the contact person, the approximate cost for this service and the minimum lead up time required for this service to be arranged.

It is recommended that when submitting your application, you contact the relevant Council Officer to ensure your project’s costs are included in the budget.

It is important that you fully cost your activity or event including all the services listed below as Council will not provide additional support. Should your application be successful, the amount allocated will be the total of Council’s contribution and no further request (cash or in-kind) will be considered.

Closure of a street or road / Application Fee: $678 (GST Exempt)
Advertising Costs: approximately $250 (if through Council)
Engagement of Traffic Management Company (can cost up to $1,500 per day) / 3 months / John Hanchett
Phone: 8203 7433
Fax: 8203 7476

Reserve on-street parking adjacent to event Temporary Parking Controls (TPC) / Depending on nature of TPC, costs range from $120 per day installation and $20 per space per day / 3 working days / John Hanchett
Phone: 8203 7433
Fax: 8203 7476

City banners, Across street banners and Flags / Rates vary according to banner site location and organisation type (eg, commercial, not-for-profit, charity)
For a quote please contact: / 3 months
Check for site availability up to 12 months in advance / Vibrant City
Phone: 8203 7203
Fax: 8203 7575

Park Lands:
bookings, site fees, power, signage, stalls, marquees, amusement rides, temporary structures, fireworks display, clean up / Costs will vary based on event. Please contact Vibrant City for fees and charges or visit - / 14 days for minor events
3 months for medium events
6 months for major events / Vibrant City
Phone: 8203 7203
Fax: 8203 7575

Street March/
Parade/Rally / No charge / 1 month / John Hanchett
Phone: 8203 7433
Fax: 8203 7476

Development Approvals / Please contact Duty Plannerfor a quote. / 6 weeks / Duty Planner
Phone: 8203 7185
Fax: 8203 7588
On Street Trading Stands / $58 per day
(1/2 price for charities) / 1 week / Michael Vroom
Phone: 8203 7358
Fax: 8203 7674

City Work Permits / Please contact Permit Officer for a quote / 2 weeks / Anthony Hibbert
Phone: 8203 7236
Fax: 8203 7108


The primary objectives of the Preliminary Risk Assessment are to:

  • identify hazards associated with undertaking the work
  • determine the level of risk
  • establish the appropriate risk control measures

Each major or significant task or activity associated with the proposal shall be assessed in terms of the potential risk factors and the most likely outcome as a result of an incident.

Risksshall be classified according to the following schedule:

Class 1: potential to cause death or permanent injury to one or more people

Class 2: potential to cause one or more injuries requiring medical treatment; and

Class 3: potential to cause an injury treatable with first aid

The aim of the Preliminary Risk Assessment shall be to eliminate Class 1 and 2 risks associated with the proposal. Applicants should detail risk control measures which address all identified Class 1 and 2 risks. When determining risk control measures, the hierarchy of controls summarised below must be considered:

Eliminate the Hazardeg: offsite cutting of panel work

Substitute the Hazardeg: replace ladder with scissor lift, substitute solvent based paint with water based

Engineering Controlseg: reverse alarms/lights fitted to plant, exhaust ventilation to removefumes

Administrative Controlseg: job rotation, work instructions,safety inspections

Personal Protectiveeg: hearing protective devices,respirators, equipment hard hats

When safe work procedures or instructions are developed they must:

  • outline a work sequence
  • highlight the procedures required to control the identified Class 1 and Class risks
  • inform all people involved in the activity about safe work procedure

The Preliminary Risk Assessment Formrequires the applicant to:

  1. Specify each Task/Activity associated with the proposal in the sequence in which it will be performed from the beginning to the end product/or its installation.
  2. Name the Potential Hazards associated with each activity or task to be carried out.
  3. Evaluate each Hazard as a level of risk, described as Risk Class 1, 2 or 3 defined above to prioritise the risk control measures.
  4. Identify a Control Measure necessary to eliminate or minimise the hazards that may lead to accident, injury or occupational illness.

Hazard Identification and Control Table

The following table provides examples of control measures for a range of generic hazards. These examples are provided as a guide only and important site specific factors must also be considered. Note also that this table of examples does not include all possible hazards.

Hazard / Possible Cause / Control Measure
  1. Traffic Hazards
/ 1.2 Working in close proximity to roads / Installation of temporary traffic signals
Use of Safety Signs
Speed restriction signs displayed and enforced
Use of witches hats or temporary barriers to cordon off sections or whole of road
  1. Manual Handling
/ 2.3Handling of heavy objects / Use of lifting aids
Imposed restrictions on certain activities
  1. Contact with Heat
/ 3.1 Hot materials
3.2 Fire in the Workplace
3.3 Exposure to sun / Provide appropriate protective clothing and training
Remove flammable materials or store correctly
Provide adequate fire fighting equipment
Employee fire fighting awareness
Provide protective clothing and sunscreen
Reduce exposure time
  1. Contact with Electricity
/ 4.1Faulty electric leads and tools
4.2No earth leakage detectors
4.3Electric leads on ground
4.4Electrical leads in damp areas
4.5Electric leads tied to metal rails
4.6Contact with underground or overhead cables / Tools and leads inspected and tagged
Residual current devices in all circuits and tested
Electrical leads kept elevated and clear of work areas
All electric leads kept dry
All electric leads are kept insulated
Location of services and overhead cables to be established
Services to be isolated when working in proximity
Establish safe clearance distances
  1. Exposure to Noise
/ 5.1Not wearing appropriate noise protection / All personnel to wear appropriate PPE (hearing protectors)
  1. Contact with dangerous substances (chemicals)
/ 6.1Incorrect handling procedures
6.2Lack of information
6.3Not wearing appropriate PPE
6.4Incorrect storage
6.5Elevated exposure levels / All personnel informed with regard to correct handling and product sheets as required
Staff provided with appropriate PPE
Hazardous substances stored and labelled correctly
Provide mechanical ventilation
  1. Struck Against
/ 7.4Protruding objects in access routes
7.5Not wearing appropriate PPE / Protruding objects are removed or marked
Provide appropriate PPE and training
  1. Struck by Object
/ 8.1 Objects falling from work platforms
8.2 Debris from grinding operations
8.3 Windblown particles
8.4 Loads slung from cranes / All work platforms fitted with toe-boards
Fence off areas below to prevent access
Materials stacked securely
All personnel wear appropriate PPE (hard hats)
Secure loose objects to structure
Loads not slung over personnel
Loads slung correctly
  1. Fall from Height
/ 9.1 No handrails
9.2 Working outside handrails
9.3 Floor penetrations not covered
9.4 Ladders not secured
9.5 Unsafe area / All work platforms have secure handrails
Persons wear full fall arrest type harness
All floor penetrations covered or barricaded
All ladders secured to prevent movement
Ladders to extend at least 1m above landings
Tag and fence to prevent access
  1. Slips and Falls
/ 10.1 Access routes obstructed by materials
10.2 Leads/hoses across access routes
10.3 Slippery surfaces
10.4 Safety footwear not appropriate
10.5 Poor visibility / All access routes kept clear of materials and debris
All leads kept clear of ground or covered
All access surfaces kept dry and in good condition
Personnel wear appropriate safety footwear
Provide adequate lighting

Using the Hazard Identification and Control Table complete thePreliminary Risk Assessment Form provided and submit to Councilas part of the application process.
See example below: