July 7, 2015
Hillsborough Police Station
Unapproved Minutes
Present: Members: Allan Kingsbury, Chair; Don Decowski, Vice-Chair.
John Segedy, Recording Secretary and Alternate; Peter Brigham, Recreation Directer; Laura Buono, Town Administrator.
Randy and Kathy Allen, Zachary and Sara Rioux
Chair Kingsbury called the Hillsborough Park Board (HPB) meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
John Segedy was appointed to vote in place of a vacancy.
a.Zachary Rioux addressed the Board:
Zachary Rioux told the Board he is looking for a project to do for becoming an Eagle scout. He explained he is required to plan out and complete a project that supports an organization or community. Zachary further expounded that he would be working with two other scouts, that they would do fund-raising for materials and any labor beyond their own. In response to a question, he said that he was looking at a time-line of completing it before December.
Allan Kingsbury said he thought they would be able to find a suitable project and would get back to him.
b.Randy & Kathy Allen, Franklin Pierce Lake Association (FPLA)
Randy Allen explained he was addressing the Board to follow up on a letter from the Association on a couple of issues. The first of these was the boat loading dock. He explained it could use some work and that also there is sometimes conflict over use of the dock by both people fishing and those launching boats. Randy Allen said the FPLA was suggesting that perhaps having a separate dock for fishing from (with appropriate signage) would alleviate the issue. The Board was receptive to the concept but there were questions about funds being available this year.
Randy Allen explained the second matter had to do with the Lake Host Program that they sponsor on the weekends to have boat inspectors to prevent the introduction of invasive species into the lake. The FPLA is requesting to have a bulletin board at the boat launch to help educate the public when there aren't personnel available.
Randy Allen said the FPLA would also like to reserve the Pavilion for July 18th for their annual meeting. He expressed interest in there being electricity being available now as they had used a generator in past years. Their was discussion of the pavilion currently being available on a first come first serve basis. The need to develop a policy was discussed by the Board. Consensus was to continue with the first come first serve procedure until a policy is developed. There was discussion of allowing the use of the electricity with arrangements to be made through Peter Brigham for key access.
The Board discussed the Dock issue.
Allan Kingsbury suggested getting more information about the numbers of people using them.
Don Decowski said he had looked and that he thought the current dock is very small but not in disrepair. When he had gone to look over the weekend he said there were 6-8 cars and trailers there.
HILLSBOROUGH PARK BOARD Unapproved Minutes – July 7, 2015
Peter Brigham agreed with Don that the docks were not in disrepair.
Consensus of the Board was to further consider the matter at a later meeting.
The Board then discussed the Bulletin Board.
John Segedy suggested that would be a good project for Zachary Rioux.
Allan Kingsbury moved: To allow Zachary Rioux to proceed with a Bulletin Board at the Boat Launch,
Don Decowski seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
During discussion it was determined that Zachary would be asked to develop a plan and bring the details back to the next meeting. Peter Brigham said he would convey the Board's decision to Zachary.
There was discussion of the need for developing a policy regarding the use of the pavilion. Laura Buono said she would get policies from other towns to work from and circulate them to the Board.
- June 8, 2015
Don Decowski moved: To approve the minutes of June 8 2015 as presented.
Allan Kingsbury seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
- FPLA – Letter. (Discussed above).
- Gravel Bills – Allan Kingsbury authorized for payment.
- Town of Hillsborough – Invitation to Employee and Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue on August 1, 2015, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
- TDS – Phone Bill Break down. There was discussion of costs. Laura Buono reported she was looking into this.
- Recreation Directors Report
a.Peter Brigham requested that cross braces on picnic tables at the pavilion be repaired. Allan Kingsbury said he would follow up with Robbie Beard on this.
b.Peter Brigham reported that the Manahan Emergency Phone is currently tied into Hillsborough Dispatch. He said that the Fire and Police Departments suggested it be connected to the 911-Dispatch instead.
There was also discussion regarding the Beard Brook phone being on the same line.
Laura Buono will follow up on this with Peter.
c.Property Liability Trust has done an inspection and the only issue at Manahanis the old path from the upper parking lot needing to be removed. Allan Kingsbury said he would ask Robbie Beard to remove it.
d.A couple of lifeguard assists were reported.
e.Bathrooms. There was discussion of when bathrooms were open. Laura Buono said she would discuss patrols with Chief Roarick.
- Grimes Field Bathrooms
The plans were reviewed. Consensus was they looked alright after a cursory review.
Laura Buono will follow up with getting copies made and putting the project out for bids.
- River Walk Plaque
Don Decowski reported that the plaque that had been placed at the River Walk had been vandalized/stolen. John Segedy said he would contact Jim Young, Hillsborough Representative to the Contoocook and North Branch Rivers Local Advisory Committee.
- Beards Brook Swimming Hole
Don Decowski asked about trash cans at the Beach.
John Segedy said he thought it had always been “carry in – carry out”.
Allan Kingsbury said he would check with Robbie Beard about this.
- Tennis Courts
Don Decowski reported that he had received a request about having a camera at the tennis courts to prevent vandalism. The Board briefly discussed use of the courts for other things such as skate boarding and chalk drawing.
Don Decowski asked about painting “kitchen lines” on the courts for pickle ball use.
The Board discussed this.
Allan Kingsbury moved: To allow Don Decowski to paint “Kitchen Lines” on the Tennis Courts as a test.
John Segedy seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Peter Brigham reported that the repair company had not returned to fix the crack repair yet. Consensus was that payment should be withheld.
- Recreation Department
John Segedy reported on behalf of Wendy Brien-Baker that no decision had been made by the Selectboard and that things will continue as is for the time being.
- Town BBQ-Pavillion
John Segedy reported on behalf of Wendy Brien-Baker a request that the Board approve the use of the Pavilion for the Town BBQ on August 1, 2015 from 11:00 – 2:00.
Don Decowski moved: To allow the towns use of the pavilion as requested.
Allan Kingsbury seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
- Pavilion Floor
Peter Brigham expressed concern about the slipperiness of the floor in the pavilion.
John Segedy suggested painting with a “sand paint”. After discussion Peter Brigham said he would investigate this further.
- Resignation
Allan Kingsbury announced his resignation from the Board effective the end of the meeting.
- Manahan Encroachment
John Segedy pointed out the likely encroachment on the West side of Manahan that was noted in the Foresters report. Laura Buono said she would follow up on this. Peter Brigham offered to show her where it was.
John Segedy moved: To adjourn.
Don Decowski seconded. Motion passed 3-0 at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
John P. Segedy
Recording Secretary
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