Hillsborough Health Department Seasonal Flu Vaccination Clinics

The Hillsborough Health Department will sponsor flu vaccinations for Hillsborough Township and Millstone Borough residents, age 18 years and older ( excluding pregnant women due to insurance issues) at the Hillsborough Municipal Building on the dates below. More dates may be added as necessary. The Community Visiting Nurses of Somerset County will administer the vaccine. The flu vaccine will protect against the three strains of influenza most likely to cause illness during the 2014-2015 season.

Although there is an approved high dose vaccine available for Seniors age 65 and older, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has not yet made a recommendation regarding the use of one vaccine over another for Seniors. Please ask your doctor whether he or she recommends any one type of influenza vaccine over another.

There is also a vaccine available that protects against an additional strain of flu that may be prominent during the season. However, only about half of this year’s vaccines produced in the country will be available in the “quadrivalent” or 4 strain flu form. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does not recommend waiting to find the desired type of flu vaccine before getting it. Flu season can begin as early as October and run as late as May. Don’t wait to get the vaccine.

You can also refer to the Centers for Disease Control at www.cdc.gov/flu. Go to “flu basics”, then 2014-2015 season, and “what you should know”. The Hillsborough Health Department will give the usual inactivated intramuscular trivalent vaccination. This is a vaccination using a killed virus.

There will be a $25 charge to all participants unless a Medicare Part B Card is presented. If you are allergic to eggs or have any severe allergies, or if you have a fever, you may be excluded from receiving the vaccine. Clinics will be held at the Hillsborough Municipal Building on the following dates (more dates may be added- check the website frequently):

Wednesday, October 1, 2-7pm

Wednesday, October 8, 2-7pm

There is no pre-registration required. Clinics will be held as long as vaccine is received. Please check the website at www.hillsborough-nj.org for cancellations. Please call the Health Department at 908-369-5652 for any questions about the clinics.