Hillsborough Elementary School
PSSC Minutes
Date: December 1, 2015
Attendance- Karen Lindsay, Tammy Carlin, Tammy Betts, Kim Beers, Heather Hanley, Harry Doyle, Susan Wilmot
Absent- Caissie Wood, Nancy Tingley
Guests- N/A
Welcome: N/A
Approval of the Agenda: N/A
Approval of the Minutes: Tammy & Kim
Appointed Co-Chairs – Karen Lindsay & Heather Hanley
Structure and Norms – We went over the norms provided by Mr. Wheaton last year. Everyone agreed on norms will slight wording change to start and end time. Also added that If school is closed (i.e.: snow storm) the PSSC would cancel their meeting. We will meet the last Tuesday of the month. Sue will reach out to see if any agenda items each month and if no agenda items Sue will cancel meeting.
DEC report:
Harry advised the DEC met recently re: closure of schools. DEC Manager – schools in Saint John went to court as parents appealed closures. Schools still being closed by government even though Judge ruled with parents to keep schools open. Another interesting fact is in Saint John outside clubs have to pay the whole year up front to use space in the school (i.e.: karate). Harry advised looks like it may be a tough year as teachers negotiating. Government also announced re: less # of classrooms, higher # of students per class, less teachers & EA’s. DEC has more $$ this year than last. Minister said any $$ saved will go back into education. Something new: Any student put out of school more than 5 days, parents can appeal.
Home and School Report:
Kim and Heather are PSSC members for Home and School.
Shopping Party coming up Dec 14, if you have any items please send them into the school.
Principal’s Report:
Susan advised we still do not have a full PA system, currently she can only contact 1 room at a time, not the whole school at once. She has a concern based on training she has been doing for Crisis Response (i.e.: lockdown). Emergency spot should the school need to be evacuated is still Hillsborough Baptist Church right now. Trying to get Fundy Manor as much closer for students to walk to. Karen will join Susan as a PSSC member to be involved in Crisis Planning.
Susan advised new report cards beginning next year. Having Teacher sessions now on PD days. Three communications will be sent to parents. It will be Rubric vs Alphabet. Rubric is based on a continuum vs our current scoring of AA, etc. Each # means something and will have a specific description (i.e.: 1 = not there yet 2= approaching (almost there) 3 & 4 = acceptable or exceeding. 3 & 4 will also be able to have a + if teacher feels they are a doing better than a 3 but not quite at 4.
Susan shared the School Improvement Plan Goals & Positive Learning & Working Environment Plan (handout). For the SIP there is a new planning tool for teachers to utilize when they have an individual student or group of students that need help in a particular area. Area will be specifically identified, Goal set and Measured.
The SEP has been changed to PLP (Personal Learning Plan).
Trend shows that math has been going down instead of up. Not unique to this school. It is a concern provincially. Have District Math Leads come in to help with this.
Some New Staff – Replacements
- Mrs. Rushton has gone on mat leave, waiting for baby news. Mrs. Cathy Chapman has replaced her for mat leave
- Mrs. Keirstead is a new EA that came from Riverside School
- We have 4 EA’s this year, last year we had 2
Task to PSSC Group – Think of ideas to respond to governments $$ issue. Where can it come from?
Next Meeting January 26, 2016
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. Motioned by Tammy C 2nd by Tammy B