Hilliard Ohio Soccer Association(614)529-85428
P.O. Box
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
MINUTES 2-9-2014
Greg Lutz, Keith Stewart,Randy Eidemiller, Aaron Connell, Bill Morris, Kathleen Rolinatis, and Liz Alecusan.
Visitors: Katrina Stibel
Meeting called to order by Greg Lutz at7:31p.m.
Motion to approve the 1-5-2014 minutes was made byRandy Eidemiller. Keith Stewart seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathleen Rolinatis distributed a P&L for January of 2014 as well as a review of June 2012 through May of 2013 and June of 2013 through January of 2014. Rolinatis reported that she will be changing the FY budget period to the months June to May to better capture a full year of collection of funds versus expenditure. There will be a forecast and other follow-ups this spring. Motion made to approve treasurer’s report made by Bill Morris. Motion seconded by John Wilson. Motion carried.
New Business
Katrina Stibel presented on behalf of Ohio Health. Explained that Ohio Health is beginning to work with youth sports organizations and that they have a new facility in Hilliard. They have 80 athletic trainers and five physicians as part of sports medicine institute in Columbus. She explained that they have doctors specialized in handling concussions and can see injured athletes within 24 to 48 hours. Also offer on-call athletic trainers as well as CPR training. Provide “impact baseline testing” free of charge for players ten years old and younger. There is an agreement proposing that Ohio Health work with HOSA to provide baseline training, CPR training and educational talks all free of charge, in exchange for which they wish HOSA to link them to website and to provide information about their services to player’s families.
Old Business
- Concussion Policy for all programs: Bill Morris made a motion to approve the concussion policy as submitted by Greg Lutz. John Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Program Business
Director of FC:Randy Eidemiller reported that an FC training director’s meeting was held in order to discuss various issues with the league.
Keith Stewart reported that he is working to schedule referee training sessions for March. Mr. Stewart also reported that the number of trained referees is down significantly, which could affect FC and Rec.
Public Relations (CRPRC)/Marketing:
No report.
Director of Recreational Program:
John Wilson reported that meeting is scheduled for March 2 at Memorial. Mr. Wilson plans to invite Ohio Healthas well as coaches from FC to present. Mr. Wilson further discussed coaches’ gifts and suggested providing t-shirts. He also suggested providing a coaches’ manual.
Jr. Academy:
Randy Eidemiller reported that registration has been extended.
Director of MSSA/HSSA:
Aaron Connell reported he had registered one high school, one middle school boys and trying to build a girls team.
Director of TOPSoccer:
Vern Anthony discussed need for 70 sets of socks and shin guards and 80 t-shirts for coming season. A budget for TOPSoccer is to be submitted to Kathleen Rolanitis by Vern Anthony ASAP. A TOPSoccer Challenger Camp is now scheduled July and informational flyers are ready for distribution. Talks continuing with Ohio State, including an internship program for this coming summer.
Fields-City of Hilliard:
Bill Morris reported Mr. Shivley’s land purchase for development of fields. Mr. Lutz reported that Hilliard would have four fields allocated for HOSA use.
Fields-City of Columbus:
No report.
Director of Camps:
No report.
Keith Stewart reported he has been using Google analytics to track our web site visits.
Motion to adjourn made at9:16 pmbyBill Morris.Seconded by Randy Eidemiller. Motion passed.