To be the best we can be, for ourselves, for others and for God.
18th April, 2017
Dear Parents or Carers,
Year R School Trip to Hastings
We are very excited to announce our Year R trip to Hastings this year! During Term 5 we will be exploring the sea and the types of animals that live there. As part of our trip we will be visiting the Blue Reef Aquarium where we will have a guided tour from an expert. We will explore the Fisherman’s Museum and if time will go to look at the lifeboat centre. We will finish with lunch on the sea front.
Year R will be visiting Hastings on Tuesday 2nd May and must arrive promptly at school for 8:45. The coach will be returning to school at normal pick up time. We do already have enough adults on the trip, however thank you if you were going to offer any help.
Please could you provide your child with the following:
- Please bring all belongings to school in a plastic bag. We will be providing every child with a named reflective orange bag for the trip on arrival to school. Book bags will not be required today.
- A lunchbox and a water bottle. Please be aware that the children will be carrying their bags around with them for the day.
- A waterproof coat. Even if it rains we will still try to continue the trip as normal.
- Please ensure the children are wearing the usual school top and jumper; however they are able to wear comfortable trousers and trainers.
We are requesting a contribution of £18.00towards the cost of the coach and the aquarium fee. Our preferred method of payment is online via ParentmailPMX. Just log into your account and select the trip. Alternatively please send a cheque, made payable to Hildenborough CEP School, in an envelope to the school office.
Please complete the attached permission slip, reminding us of any allergies your child may have and return it to school as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Charman
I give permission for……………………………………………………to go on the trip to Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium on Tuesday 2nd May.
I enclose a contribution of £18.00.
I have paid a contribution £18.00 through Parent MailPMX.
Signed……………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………
Riding Lane, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9HY. Tel 01732 833394. Email:
Headteacher: Pam Scott. Deputy Headteacher: David Hemsley