The regular town board meeting of the Town of Addison was held on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 6:00pm at 21 Main Street. The following people were present:
SupervisorKenneth Gerber
CouncilmanThomas Hallett - absent
CouncilmanMichael White Councilman Edward Soporowski
CouncilmanBrian Herrington - absent
AttorneyMathew McCarthy - absent
Town ClerkBetty Machuga
Highway Super.Dan Parrillo, Jr.
AssessorTeresa Lyons - absent
BookkeeperLinda Austin
Supervisor Gerber called the meeting to order at 6:09pm asking all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Highway Superintendent Parrillostated they have done repairs on equipment and snow removal. Also informed the board that the grader was too tall to haul and Miller's will have to make another trip to pick it up. Town Clerk Machuga stated that all the tax bills have been mailed out and starting to come in. Delinquent Dog notices will be mailed out in January and tickets will start being issued in February.
Dan asked the board if they decided on his health insurance after retirement. He stated that his last day will be June 18th and that he will be on vacation starting May 15th thru June 18th. Board tabled this until next board meeting.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber to appoint Jerry Aldrich, Jr. as Dog Control Officer, to be paid monthly.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber, seconded by Councilperson White to appoint Betty Machuga as Clerk to the Assessor.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski to appoint McCarthy Law Firm as Town Attorney.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber to appoint Community Bank, NA, Five Star, Chase Manhattan, Chemung Canal and M&T as designated depository for Town funds.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber seconded by Councilperson White to set Town mileage rate for officers using their own vehicles for Town Business at .45 cents per mile.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski that the Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Deputy Tax Collector, Assessor, Assessor Clerk,Supt. of Highways and Justice Clerk are to be paid at the same time as Highway Employees.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber that the Addison Post be named the official Town newspaper.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber seconded by Councilperson White to pay Highway Employees on the first Thursday after the last Saturday worked for the two week period.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski,to pay Highway Employees at the hourly rate as follows: $18.50 and $8.75 for part time people.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski,seconded by Supervisor Gerber to pay Justice Clerk $10.80 hour for up to 80 hours a month.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber seconded by Councilperson White to affix Town Salaries as in the 2015 budget.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski,to have the second Tuesday of the month as the meeting night of the Addison Town Board 2015 at 6:00PM at 21 Main Street.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber that the following Town Officers are paid monthly on or before the last day of the month: Town Justice & Supervisor.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber seconded by Councilperson White that the following Town Officers are paid monthly on or before the last day of the month: Town Board Members.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski, to have two Town Board Meetings to be held one in April and one in August at the Town Highway Barns.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber to pay utility and health insurance bills as they come due to avoid finance charges.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber, seconded by Councilperson White to consent to the temporary assignment of the Justice as prescribed by the Unified Court System, Seventh Judicial District.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski, to adopt the Investment Policies and guidelines of the Town of Addison which are on file as the April 10, 2014 for 2015.
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Supervisor Gerber to adopt the procurement policy which is on file as of April 10, 2014 for 2015.
Motion by Supervisor Gerber, seconded by Councilperson White to appoint Dr. Erica Verkleeren as Health Officer for the Town.
Motion by Councilperson White, seconded by Councilperson Soporowski to appoint Advisory Committee of Bonny Moore & Betty Machuga for the purpose of Records Retention Program.
Resolution #1 offered by Supervisor Gerber, seconded by Councilperson White to approve the appointments as submitted. White - yes, Soporowski - yes, Gerber - yes.
Supervisor Gerber appoints Thomas Hallett as Deputy Town Supervisor, to be paid $25.00 per meeting that he presides over.
Supervisor Gerber appoints Bonny Moore as Town Historian
Supervisor Gerber appoints Linda Austin as Bookkeeper to the Supervisor.
Supervisor Gerber appoints Linda Austin as Budget Officer.
Highway Superintendent Parrillo appoints Stephen Knapp as Deputy Town Superintendent of Highways, to be paid on an "as needed" basis.
Town Clerk Machuga appoints Sara Byler as Deputy Town Clerk, Deputy Tax Collector at the pay rate of $12.82/hr up to 4.5 hours a week.
Received Justice Burton's Certificate of completion continuing Judicial Education.
Bookkeeper Austin stated that she needed to receive Justice Burtons bank statement so that she can finish her yearend report. She also asked to be allowed access to the Justice one line statement. Board informed her to contact Justice Burton and proceed with her request.
General Fund 2015/01 through 2015/13totaling $3,891.06; Highway Fund DA 2015/14through 2015/17totaling $265.54; Highway Fund DB 2015/18totaling $150.00. Grand total of $4,306.60was presented to the board for their approval.
Motion by CouncilmanWhite, seconded by Councilman Soporowski that the bills be paid in their usual manner.
Ayes:White, Soporowski, Gerber
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Councilman White to go out of regular meeting an into executive session to discuss personnel at 6:56pm. Town Clerk Machuga and Bookkeeper Austin were invited to stay.
Ayes:White, Soporowski, Gerber
Motion by Councilperson Soporowski, seconded by Councilman White to go out of executive session and back into regular meeting at 8:43pm. .
Ayes:White, Soporowski, Gerber
Motion by Councilman White, seconded by CouncilmanSoporowski, that the meeting be adjourned at8:45pm, and next scheduled boardmeeting is Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 6:00pm at the Town Hall.
Ayes:White,Soporowski, Gerber
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty L. Machuga
Town Clerk
NEXT MEETING:February 10, 2015 at 6:00pm
at the Town Hall