Mag. Michaela Frank M.A.
Klammstrasse 7, A – 4040 Linz, Austria
Tel/Fax: 0732 / 738957,
- Training and clinical experience in Multicultural (Cross Cultural) Therapy
- Professional skills in crisis intervention
- Extended experience with arts processes in different art media
- Public relations work, including mass media, marketing
- At about thirty years of teaching and teacher training experience in different professions and settings
1999 – 2001 / Psychotherapy education in the Client Centered Method, ÖGwG1996 – 1999 / M.A. in Integral Counseling with Concentration in the Expressive Arts, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA
Studies with Stanislaw Grof , Natalie Rogers.
Sidharta Kich, Paolo Knill, Ellen and Stephen Levine, Daria Halprin and others
1994 – 1989 / Certificate of Museum`s Pedagogy, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
1984 – 1988 / Studies of Ceramics, University of Industrial Design, Linz, Austria
1978 / M.S. Science Education, University of Vienna, Austria
2001 – / Verein für Prophylaktische Gesundheitsvorsorge, Psychotherapeutische Gesundheitsambulanz , O.Ö. Psychotherapy2000 – / Private Practice
2000 – 2001 / Psychiatric Hospital (Landesnervenklinik O.Ö. Wagner Jauregg), Linz, Austria
Clinical work with MS population
1998 – 1999 / CrisisInterventionCenter, Redwood City, California, U.S.A.Psychotherapy
1998 / Volunteer, Pediatrics Unit, Playroom, University of San Francisco Medical Center
(Stanford Clinics), San Francisco, U.S.A.
Volunteer, Sub Acute Care Unit, St.LukasHospital, San Francisco, U.S.A.
2002 - /Psychotherapy for refugees, Volkshilfe O.Ö. OASIS Project, Linz, Austria
2002 / UKUZOBA Cape Town - Villach, AustriaMulticultural Project with black South African artists; public activity on the Main place of Villach, Carinthia, Austria
1998 - 1999 / CrisisInterventionCenter, Redwood City, California, U.S.A.Multicultural clientsTEACHING EXPERIENCE
2004 - /Continuing Education of psychotherapists (ÖGWG): arts media in psychotherapy
2003 - / Running multimodal art groups of self experience in the art therapy training ofÖAAG, MGT and Austrian College of Art Therapy
2002 - / Lecturer and Trainer of Austrian College of Art Therapy, Vienna, AustriaInstructor, trainer: Multiculturel Therapy, Internationale Hochschule für künstlerische Therapien und Kreativ – Pädagogik, Calw, Germany
Psychotherapy working for Verein für prophylaktische Gesundheitsvorsorge PGA, Linz, Austria
2000 / Art Therapies in the U.S.A: Therapies in a Cross Cultural Context. University of Dresden, Germany
1991 – / Instructor. Conducted teacher training and workshops in Continuing Environmental Education and Arts.
1979 – 2001 / Teacher of biology and chemistry in several undergraduate schools (BHMS) in Austria
1993 – 1996 / Program director for Public Services in the MunicipalMuseum, Gallery Freihausgasse, Villach, Austria. Development and establishment of public services for the Museum of Contemporary Art. Public Relations work1991 – 1992 / Director of the first Green School of Austria
Organizing and management – Founded and directed planning for education system dedicated to a holistic, integral approach to education and curriculum programming. Established administrative structures. Public relations work including mass media.
1993 – / Freelance artist. Participated in various national and international exhibitions and at private galleries1993 – 1996 / Art facilitator. Museum Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach, Austria
Led arts groups of 15 – 30 people for a Museum of Contemporary Arts. Worked with diverse populations including children and adults with developmental disabilities. Designed programs to encourage the creative process in individuals, and to promote self understanding and expression. Utilized a variety of art media: music, painting, movement and clay.
1992 / Grüne Schule. Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst (Ed.), Umwelterziehung, Heft 4/ 92 Wien1992 / Die 1. Grüne Schule Österreichs. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften, Biologie, Heft 2/95, Köln
1993 / Erde – Feuer – Form (Ed.) Linz
1994 / Das Villacher Modell, museumspädagogische Arbeit in der Kunstwerkstatt in der Galerie Freihausgasse. Landesregierung Kärnten (Ed.) Die Brücke, Heft 2/95. Klagenfurt
1995 / Earth and Fire: Archaic Elements of Creation. Main lecture and workshop, Paedagogic Conference of Kindergarden Teachers of the City of Villach
1996 / Sinnbilder, Sinnesbilder: Erde – Feuer – Wasser – Luft. Schulmagazin 5 – 10, Impulse für den kreativen Unterricht, Heft 5 / 79, München
2001 / „Strategien zur Entwicklung kultureller Identität und der damit verbundenen therapeutischen Kompetenz“. ( abstr.) Psychologische Medizin, Heft, 3/2001, Wien
Strukturaspekte zur Wahl kreativer Medien als psychotherapeutische Interventionsform am Beispiel einer Multiplen Sklerose Gruppe. (abstr.) Psychologische Medizin, Heft 3 / 2001, Wien
Strategien zur Entwicklung kultureller Identität und der damit verbundenen therapeutischen Kompetenz. Lecture.
Strukturaspekte zur Wahl kreativer Medien als psychotherapeutische Interventionsformen am Beispiel einer Multiplen Sklerose Gruppe. Poster discussion.
A Day of Coordinating the State of psychotherapy Research,MedicalUniversity, Innsbruck, Austria.
Psychotherapy with Creative Media within the stressful area of Therapeutic Alliance and Healing Environment. Workshop, Society of Accompagnying Psychosis and Psychosis Therapy, Gugging, N.Ö.
2002 / Book review: Menzen, KH.Grundlagen der Kunsttherapie. UTB Verlag Wissenschaft, München, Basel in: The Arts in Psychotherapy.Special Issue: Reflections on 9 /11and other Catastrophes. Elsevier, New York, Amsterdam: Vol 29 (3) 178- 179.
2005 / Continuing Education Workshop in Multicultural Therapy for clinical stuff of the Intercultural Ambulance to be invented in the WagnerJaureggHospital (Psychiatric Clinic) in Linz, Austria
The Image as a Cultural Metaphor, In L. Kossolapow, S. Scoble & D. Waller (Hrsg.), European Art Therapy. Different Approaches to a Unique Discipline. Opening Regional Portals (S. 382 – 387). Münster. Lit Verlag.
Trouba M. (1998). The Greening of the Arts .Austrian Student integrates spirituality, ecology and art. (Michaela Frank). In California Institute of Integral Studies (Hrsg). Open Eye, 15 (1) June.
(Green School) in / Thonhauser, J. Umwelterziehung und Umweltpolitik in Österreich, Nationaler Bericht zur OECD – Evaluation, Salzburg, 1992
1990 / Traun, City Gallery
1992 / Villach, Galerie an der Stadtmauer, New Austrian Ceramics
1995 / Villach, Alpen – Adria Symposion, Kunst und Hand, Sculptur`s Garden
1995 / Maborghetto, Italy, Palazzo Veneziano, Museo Estate
1996 / Paris, Suresnes, France: Galerie Courtrieux: Aspects de la Ceramique Contemporaine
1998 / San Francisco, U.S.A. California Institute of Integral Studies