Experience Summary
A high energy, results-oriented Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Management professional with over 20 years of experience. Proven skills in: communication, strategic planning, employee and contractor management, risk analysis and mitigation, project management, problem solving, collaboration, decision making, and budget management.
Highlights of EHS Experience
- Regulator interface, participated in 50+ successful regulatory inspections.
- Analyzed injury rate data and modified or refined EHS programming to limit future risk.
- Developed and implemented an EHS management philosophy in which company managers understood their EHS obligations.
- Air pollution permitting and compliance.
- Managed Fleet Safety Program and DOT compliance.
- Managed Radiation Safety Program.
- Accident and injury investigation and corrective action follow through.
- Implemented ARC Flash Safety program at manufacturing and R&D locations, consistent with NFPA 70e standards.
- Fire Protection and Loss Prevention auditing.
- Identified and implemented a Web Based Safety Training tool to increase training rates and reduce costs.
- Conducted 100+ training classes – in person and webinar format.
- Managed and successfully resolved:
- a “Sick Building Syndrome” incident
- numerous indoor air quality concerns
- a work-related Hepatitis A outbreak
- potential work related Meningitis and TB exposures
- Mold investigation and abatement activities.
- Managed U.S. Workers’ Compensation program.
- Contractor/vendor management with an estimated $1.4 million EHS annual operating expenses.
- Routinely reviewed customer sales contracts to ensure company met customer EHS and Social Environmental Responsibility requirements.
- Frequently convened and led cross-functional teams on specific projects.
- Managed environmental due diligence activities for over a dozen Real Estate transactions.
- Managed three environmental chemical releases.
- Involved in over six environmental remediation projects.
- Managed the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) that is ISO14001 compliant.
- Drove and facilitated corporate compliance with European Union Directives (e.g. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), etc.).
- Developed external website outlining company Social and EnvironmentalResponsibility policies.
- Conducted Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Code of Conduct self-assessments and developed supply chain policies and protocols for implementation of EICC Code of Conduct supply chain requirement.
- Developed and implemented a Wellness Program for U.S. employees.
EHS Experience
- Managed EHS risks to ensure compliance with all international, federal, state, regional and local EHS regulations. Accomplished this by evaluating EHS risks involving operations, activities and contracts and implementing appropriate countermeasures and programming.
- Prioritized and established strategic direction for the EHS department.
- Managed and implementedCorporate Health and Safety Policies, Injury & Illness Prevention Program, Ergonomics Program, Accident Reporting/Investigation, Workers’ Compensation and Claims Management, Environmental & Hazardous Materials Compliance Program, Hazardous Waste Management, Hazard Communication, Contractor Safety, Risk Assessment, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, Social and Environmental Product Compliance Activities, Emergency Preparedness & Response Program, Commute Alternatives, and Employee Wellness Program.
- Managed Corporate Security duringacquisition of a smaller company and ensured the newly combined company headquarters were brought up to corporatesecurity standards.
- Prepared and maintained routine regulatory files/records documentation.
- Launched the first internal “intranet” site for employees providing easy access to EHS information, policies and resources.
- Used Lean Six Sigma methodology on accident investigations to improve safety within the Field Service organization, with a focus on ergonomics and material handling.
- Developed a strategic plan that improved employee ownership and accountability for safety. Reduced US OSHA recordable case rates by over 60%, taking incident rate from above industry standards to below industry standards.
- Managed and implemented workers’ compensation claims management changes that reduced claim costs per hours worked by 50%, improved return-to-work process and significantly reduced number of litigated cases.
- Collaboratively delivered EHS solutions that served overall business objectives while keeping employees safe. For example, developed safety protocols for: liquid immersion cooling technology in a “proof of concept” R&D environment and manufacture/installation of Modular Data Centers (20-foot shipping containers outfitted as “mobile” data centers).
- Led cross functional Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) team focused on newly developing Corporate SERregulations (e.g. electronic waste, restricted substances in products, conflict minerals, etc). Tracked regulatory obligations, analyzed business impact, developed strategic plan for compliance, engaged appropriate internal functions and ensured systems and resources were in place for ongoing compliance.
- Created and led a multi-company collaborative focused on improving Emergency Response and Recovery for Mountain View employers on the North Bayshore side of Hwy 101.
- Instrumental in developing Business Continuity Plans to determine communication protocol in an emergency, emergency response plans, drills, and recovery.
EHS Auditing Experience
- Environmental Compliance: Participated in three comprehensive audits that included facilities operations, manufacturing operations, R&D operations, contractor operations, and related hazardous materials use, storage and disposal.
- Environmental Management System Auditor(2+years): Performedquarterly audits of various EMS programs.
- Property Insurance (10+ years): oversee annual audits associated with fire protection and loss prevention at high value US facilities (4-25 buildings per year).
- Safety Program Audits: Performed the following safety audits, including implementation, training, recordkeeping, etc.:
- Powered Industrial Truck Program (10+)
- Contractor Safety Program (5+)
- Lockout/Tagout Program (5+)
- Building Safety Inspection Program (5+)
- Bloodborne Pathogen Program (3+)
- OSHA Recordkeeping (3+)
- Hearing Conservation Program (1)
- Contractor Safety Compliance: Audited safety programs of contractors. Depth of audit depended on contractor job scope. Could include: safety record, safety program elements, actual safety program documentation, communication/training, recordkeeping, OSHA logs, etc. (3+ comprehensive audits and 10+ “light audits”)
- Workers’ Compensation (8+ years): oversaw annual audits of worker’scompensation(e.g., workers’ compensation job codes, payroll records, etc.)