Participants’ Guide: Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained



(Proposed Kairos 2-Day Retreat)



Talk One: A General Overview of Genesis and Revelation

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Genesis 1:1; Revelation 21:1

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in Paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: Lord, as we examine the beginning and end of Your Story, may we draw closer to You, the Almighty King. Amen.

Discussion Question When you first think of the books of Genesis and Revelation, what comes to your mind?

Creative Activity: Each table works on a poster, skit, radio commercial, song, reading, etc. about the comparative elements in Genesis and Revelation.

NOTE: Only one activity will be worked on each day (different from the 4-day).


Talk Two: The Rise and Fall of Satan

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Genesis 3:6; Revelation 20:11-13, 15; 21:8-27; 22:15

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: Lord, we praise You that our enemy is already a vanquished foe. Give us the strength to resist the devil so that he will flee from us. Amen.

Discussion Question: What are some ways that Satan tempts you in your daily life?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its retreat-inspired activity.


Talk Three: The Entrance and Exit of Sin

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Daniel 2:44-47

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: God, we live in a sin-sick world, but the day is coming when this disease will be healed Maranatha. May it be soon! In Your name we pray. Amen

Discussion Question: What do you think it will be like to live in a world without Sin?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its retreat-inspired activity.


Talk Four: The Entrance and Exit of Shame

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Genesis 3:8-10; Revelation 22:4

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: God, when we feel ashamed by what we have done, may You remind us that we have been forgiven. Amen.

Discussion Question: Why do you think that Christians still feel guilt and shame even thou they are forgiven?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its retreat-inspired activity.


Talk Five: The Entrance and Exit of Sorrow

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Genesis 3:16-19; Revelation 21:4

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: God, we praise You that one day You will wipe away all our tears. In Your name we pray. Amen

Discussion Question: Have you lost anyone whose death grieves you?

Creative Activity: Each table will present its creative activity of the day to the community.



Talk Six: The Forfeiture and Regaining of Community

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture PassagesGenesis 3:23; Revelation 21:3, 7, 22

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: Almighty God, we await the day when You will restore our broken fellowship with You. In Your name we pray. Amen

Discussion Question: What do you think it will be like to God dwell in the midst of His people again?

Creative Activity: Each table works on a new poster, skit, radio commercial, song, reading, etc. about the comparative elements in Genesis and Revelation.


Talk Seven: The Entrance and Exit of Death

Scripture Passages: Genesis 4:8; Revelation 21:14

Suggested Talk Song:

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: Lord, we praise You that death has been defeated. As we grieve, remind us that it is only for a season. Amen.

DiscussionQuestion: What do you think will be the best part about living in a world without death?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its new retreat-inspired activity.


Talk Eight: The Entrance and Exit of Age

Suggested Talk Song: Victory

Scripture Passages: Genesis 5:5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20; Revelation 21:15

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: God, it’s often so hard growing old, but we praise You that You make all things new. In Your name we pray. Amen.

Discussion Question: What is hard about growing older, especially in prison?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its retreat-inspired activity.


Talk Nine: The Banishment From and Invitation to the Tree of Life

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passages: Genesis 3:22, 24; Revelation 21:2, 14

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: Lord Almighty, we gladly accept your invitation to partake of the tree of life in the midst of Your Paradise.

Discussion Question: What do you think that Adam and Eve must have felt when they were banished from the Garden of Eden?

Creative Activity: Each table continues working on its retreat-inspired activity, to be presented after the next—and final—talk of the Retreat.


Talk Ten: The End-The Archangel

Suggested Talk Song:

Scripture Passage: Genesis 3:14-15; Revelation 22:3

Opening Prayer: God, we praise You that You will one day restore all that has been lost. We look forward to the day when we can live with You in paradise. In Your Son’s name we pray. Amen.


Closing Prayer: God, since we know that the curse has been lifted we pray as Your servant John did, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Amen

Discussion question: What are you looking forward to the most about the New Jerusalem?

Creative Activity: Each table will present its creative activity to the community.