- The Steering Committee and Council Leadership provide leadership and guidance in carrying out the work of the Council.
- The consultants coordinate and implement the activities.
- The Board of Directors and ASPHN management ensure the Council has the resources to achieve its goals and to set overall direction, including looking for and applying to new MCH nutrition related funding opportunities
Highlighted items are priorities of the 2015-16 Steering Committee
GOAL 1 - Provide Services and Resources for Members /Objectives and Activities / ASPHN Strategic Plan / MCHB contract / Budgeted /
1. Identify opportunities to strengthen nutrition for MCH populations especially those served by MCH Title V programs. / 3.2 Public Policy Activities as appropriate / Write one ASPHN brief / X
a. Promote resource and educational opportunities for members promote nutrition in Title V 3.0.
i. Submit proposal for AMCHP / X (registration, attendance etc)
b. Develop resources and educational opportunities for members on “The intersection between clinical, public health and community nutrition.” / Write one ASPHN brief / X
c. Develop resources and education opportunities on (this years brief. Topic TBD).
d. Build a relationship with AMCHP
2. Enhance the usefulness of the MCH Nutrition Council liaison position.
a. Steering Committee provides input on position responsibilities / 4.1.2 Create Awareness for the Role and Value of the Public Health Nutritionist / Focus on MCH Nutrition Council liaisons / X
b. Expand state participation in the MCH Nutrition Council (Liaisons in every state, develop a state MCH agenda, activities related to the Affordable Care Act, quarterly training calls [e.g. workforce development & ACA], and a brief) / TA & development of Council / X
c. Highlight members in ASPHN newsletter
3. Provide guidance to ASPHN in carrying out agreed upon activities in the MCHB contract. Contract includes: / 5.2.6 Prepare, submit, and manage new funding applications to CDC, HRSA, USDA-FNS to support projects in 2012-2017 strategic plan.
5.2.6 Implement MCH Nutrition Council projects based on work plan and MCHB contract deliverables.
4.2.14 Blueprint: Seek funding to continue Blueprint for Nutrition and Physical Activity learning collaborative project / X
a. Monitor the states who received MCHB funded “seed-grants” / Support Blueprint / X
b. Coordinate with MCHB-supported nutrition training programs; consultant participates on regular calls. Focus on trainee work toward:
· Pipelines to improve diversity in the workforce
· Cultural competency modules / 4.6.4 Support the leadership programs offered to ASPHN members by the MCHB Nutrition Training Grantees.
5.4.1 Each council will submit an annual work plan to the Board of Directors
5.4.2 Each council will submit monthly reports to the Board of Directors / Work with MCHB nutrition training grantees / X
c. Progress reports and a final report / X
4. Enhance educational opportunities for MCH Nutrition Council members / 4.2 Education and Training / X
a. Engage in ongoing assessment to determine what members are interested in
· Determine actions to meet member needs
· Solicit member feedback on all-member and steering committee calls / 4.4.5 Complete an ASPHN membership survey every two years
4.4.6 Complete an annual training needs assessment of members (as appropriate)
b. Offer four educational calls per year for members (Steering Committee provides recommendations on topics and speakers).
· Contact members quarterly about the call / Training calls: Offer conference call training sessions to members of the MCH Nutrition Council
4.2.18 Training opportunity: Each ASPHN Council will open up at least one training (conference call, face-to-face, or webinar) to all ASPHN members / Quarterly MCH Nutrition Council training calls / X
c. Maintain and regularly update the MCH Nutrition Council webpage with new resources and information.
· Provide quarterly reminders to members to view the MCH Nutrition Council webpage, highlighting new products and services. / 5.4.7 Keep Council webpages up-to-date on www.asphn.org
1.1.1 Maintain a relevant web site at www.asphn.org
4.4.9 Provide communication support for training and mentoring efforts / X
d. Provide educational opportunities at ASPHN Annual Meeting (Chair-Elect serves on Committee)
· Ensure an annual MCH Nutrition Council gathering at either the ASPHN Annual Meeting (or by conference call).
· Help plan a MCH-focused session. / 4.2.1 Annual Meeting: representative committee of members and partners will design an annual meeting to address training and development needs of members and partners based on survey
e. Explore use of methods to share information between members. / 4.4.4 Strengthen internal communication with members for purposes of retention and continual representation in all states and territories.
5. Work with relevant ASPHN leaders, committees and councils to clarify MCH Nutrition Council roles related to membership (liaisons), communications (social media), collaborations, and the inclusion of graduate students in activities. / 2.2.4 Develop and maintain collaborations that support the work of ASPHN and the Councils and to address priority issues.
4.4.2 Develop a program to engage students in ASPHN and a passion for public health nutrition
GOAL 2: Increase value of and access to nutrition services for MCH populations /
Objectives and Activities / ASPHN Strategic Plan / MCHB contract / Budgeted /
6. Identify opportunities to strengthen nutrition for MCH populations especially those served by MCH Title V programs. / 3.2 Public Policy Activities as appropriate / X
a. With the Obesity Prevention Nutrition Steering committee update resources about the ACA as appropriate. / Provide technical assistance to states on the ACA / X
b. Provide suggestions to MCHB about integrating nutrition into Title V 3.0
7. Promote ASPHN-developed products with members and partners. / 4.2.16 Training resources: Develop and distribute training materials (web pages, documents) to members. Resources may be specific to council members or relevant to all members.
4.3.2 Nutrition in MCH brief. / X
a. Continue promotion of previously developed materials (e.g. Infant Mortality brief, etc.) by tying ASPHN products into quarterly training calls.
b. Share ACA external resources. / Describe what is in contract. / X
c. Promote how ASPHN members use the materials via newsletter highlights, steering committee calls, web page, and new member letters.
d. Highlight an MCH relevant ASPHN resource in every Newsletter.
8. Promote member-developed products with members and partners. / 4.4.4 Strengthen internal communication with members for purposes of retention and continual representation in all states and territories
a. Publicize just-completed MCH Nutrition Success Stories
b. Write new MCH Nutrition Success Stories that highlight resources.
9. Conduct outreach opportunities to promote the revised Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle: Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity on specific topic TBD.
a. ??AMCHP and focusing on NPM and also using the Blueprint as a tool for states to ID additional strategies around PA and BF. / 4.2.14 Blueprint: Seek funding to continue Blueprint for Nutrition and Physical Activity learning collaborative project / Promote & market 2nd ed. of Blueprint (Sandy) / X
10. Incorporate a health equity perspective in MCH Nutrition Council work.
a. Promote MCH nutrition training grantees resources on health equity and diversity. 12/2016 - The training grantees are currently pilot testing the module the. Will be available soon.
b. Consider the health equity perspective in publications and communication from the MCH Nutrition Council.
c. Promote the ASPHN Health Equity Internship to MCH programs.
11. Identify opportunities for collaboration or support with key partners / 2.5.7 Offer guidance (e.g. written recommendations) to support collaboration at state and federal levels among CDC-, MCHB-, USDA, FNS-funded programs
12. Maintain communication with MCHB staff via regularly scheduled phone calls / 2.2.4 Develop and maintain collaborations that support the work of ASPHN and the Councils and to address priority issues
2.2.5 Monitor the public health nutrition field and identify strategically-important new groups for collaboration. (For example in 2012 an emerging area of focus for public health nutrition is child care and some new organizations to work with may be needed.)
2.5.2 Continue to (ASTHO) and ASTHO affiliate organizations including, but not limited to, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD), Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE), and Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) to establish joint training initiatives/projects and or resources to address mutual training needs of memberships and to foster integration of state programs to address obesity, nutrition and physical activity across programs /diseases, funding streams, and disciplines
o Follow-up with MCHB leadership to discuss joint interests
o Meet with Association of Maternal and Child Programs (AMCHP) to discuss common issues and opportunities to work together to meet the needs of MCH population, especially those served by the MCH Block grant. / 3.1.1 Collaborate with partner organizations (National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA), Trust for America's Health (TFAH), ASTHO, NACDD, United Fresh, AMCHP, Food Research and Action Committee (FRAC), USBC, National WIC Association, Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), and others) to educate and impact national legislators on the connection between nutrition, physical activity, chronic disease, and environmental and policy interventions.
o Collaborate with the MCHB Training Grantees to participate in joint projects as mutually identified / 4.6.4 Support the leadership programs offered to ASPHN members by the MCHB Nutrition Training Grantees / Work with MCHB nutrition training grantees (Sandy) / X
o Participate in ASPHN mid-year meeting, if held, to meet with key partners as available, e.g. CDC
GOAL 3: Recruit, retain and engage members /
Objectives and Activities / ASPHN Strategic Plan / MCHB contract / Budgeted /
13. Recruit new MCH Nutrition Council members in conjunction with ASPHN Membership Committee. Reach out to existing ASPHN members about Council activities 1-2 times per year.
o Ensure that new ASPHN members (expanded and associate) are informed of the MCH Nutrition Council with information about how to join.
§ Question on new member application
§ Information in new member brochure / 4.4.7 Welcome new members with letters, phone calls, and orientation sessions / Expand state participation in MCH Nutrition Council (Sandy) / X
o Welcome new MCH Nutrition Council members with a letter and invitation for their involvement in MCH Nutrition Council activities / 4.4.7 Welcome new members with letters, phone calls, and orientation sessions
o Ensure that existing ASPHN members (expanded and associate) are information of the MCH Nutrition Council with information about how to join.
§ Invitation to All member calls.
§ Add something on the dues notice about the various Councils and opportunities to join.
§ Put something in newsletter.
14. Aim for MCH Nutrition Council Liaison in every state / 4.4.10 Offer specific opportunities for members to participate in a variety of association activities and initiatives / Expand state participation in MCH Nutrition Council (Sandy)
Focus on MCH Nutrition Council liaisons (Sandy) / X
a. Identify states without Liaisons in order to specifically target recruitment efforts
b. Seek assistance from ASPHN members with states who do not have an appointed MCH Council liaison; reach out via peer-to-peer contact
c. Send recruitment letter co-signed by ASPHN and AMCHP to recruit liaisons in States with Designees but no liaisons. / Priority to get letter out.
15. Engage members to promote active participation on the MCH Nutrition Council
o Promote quarterly educational calls and offer opportunities for sharing. / X
16. Maintain the MCH Nutrition Council Award and present it to a recipient at Annual Meeting (a Steering Committee member participates on the Membership Committee and promotes award). / 4.4.2 Develop a program to engage students in ASPHN and a passion for public health nutrition. / X
GOAL 4: Ensure that the MCH Nutrition Council functions effectively to accomplish its work /
Objectives and Activities / ASPHN Strategic Plan / MCHB contract / Budgeted /
17. Support and participate in the work of ASPHN
o Carry out MCH Nutrition Council activities in the 2012-17 ASPHN strategic plan. / MCH Nutrition Council plan
o Participate in the process to develop the 2018-23 ASPHN strategic plan. / Check to see. / MCH Nutrition Council plan
o Ensure that the MCH Nutrition Council is represented on ASPHN committees.
18. Ensure regular communication and planning for MCH Nutrition Council business. / TA & development of MCH Nutrition Council (Sandy) / X
o MCH Nutrition Council Steering Committee meetings occur monthly.
o Chair, Chair-elect and Past-Chair along with consultant participate in monthly meetings.
o Chairs, ASPHN consultants and MCHB leadership meetings occur quarterly.
19. Maintain staffing to achieve MCH Nutrition Council goals / 5.4.3 Seek funding to provide consultant support for each council to work with council leadership bodies and help implement work plan. / TA & development of MCH Nutrition Council (Sandy) / X
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