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Yoko Ono: Collectorof Skies [B ONO]

Beram, Nell and CarolynBoriss-Krimsky

Abrams/Amulet, 2013

Many people know YokoOno’s name, but they don’tknow her story. A musician,an artist, a performer, awriter, an activist, a mother,a wife, but most importantly—a collector of skies.

Little Fish: A Memoirfrom a Different Kindof Year [B BEY]

Beyer, Ramsey

Zest, 2013

In this autobiographical taletold through a variety offormats, Beyer moves froma small town in Michigan toan art school in Baltimore.

Original journal entries, lists,and comics are all used torecount the joys, discoveries,and challenges of herfirst year in college.

Let Me Play: TheStory of Title IX: TheLaw That Changedthe Future of Girls inAmerica [796 BLU]

Blumenthal, Karen

Simon and Schuster/Atheneum,


Although we take it forgranted that girls play highschool and college sports,this wasn’t always the case.

Who was responsible forthe passage of Title IX, andat what cost? This fascinatingchapter in the history offeminist equality is a story

that should not be forgotten.

World Religions: TheGreat Faiths Exploredand Explained [200 BOW]

Bowker, John

DK, 2006

This comprehensive andlavishly illustrated workintroduces the reader tofaiths of the world through religious artifacts, paintings,

architecture, and annotations

of sacred texts. Itincludes timelines comparingsignificant events and


Shakespeare: TheIllustrated andUpdated Edition

Bryson, Bill

HarperCollins, 2009

Bryson hits the mark withhis characteristic wit ashe explores the world ofShakespeare and the mysterysurrounding the manand his plays.

Gods Like Us: OnMovie Stardom andModern Fame [306.4 BUR]

Burr, Ty

Pantheon Books, 2012

Why do we obsess about

Hollywood and its stars?Burr’s history of cinemaand acting illuminates whywe love—and sometimeslove to hate—the idea ofcelebrity.

Art That Changed theWorld [709 CHI]

Chilvers, Ian, Iain Zaczekand others

DK, 2013

This beautiful and extensive

collection examinesthe history of art. Organizedchronologically, thecombination of visuals and

informative text is bothapproachable and easy tograsp.

Philosophy: ADiscovery in Comics [100 HEE]

de Heer, Margaret

NBM, 2012

What is thinking? Whoare we? Find out sometheories in this fun graphicnovel introduction to basicprinciples of philosophy andhistory of philosophers.

The Oxford Project [977.7 FEL]

Feldstein, Peter andStephen Bloom

Welcome Books, 2008

In 1984, Feldstein tookphotos of everyone in thesmall Iowa town of Oxford.In 2004, he returned and

did it again. Here are theirphotographs and stories.

Bossypants [B FEY]

Fey, Tina

Little, Brown and Co., 2011

How did one of the funniestwomen in the world getto where she is? In Fey’sown words, “you have to godown the chute.”

Rookie Yearbook One

Gevinson, Tavi

Drawn & Quarterly, 2012

A refreshingly real and passionate handbook tomusic, movies, pop culturalicons, and getting through

the hardest, most confusingyears of your life.

Rapture Practice [B HAR]

Hartzler, Aaron

Little, Brown and Co., 2013

How do you accept yourselfand your beliefs when theydiffer from your family’s?Hartzler’s memoir of growingup gay in a house wherehis parents believed theRapture could happen anymoment is funny, honest,and respectful of the ideathat being yourself doesn’tmean disrespecting orundermining others.

Steal Like an Artist: 10Things Nobody EverTold You About BeingCreative [153.3 KLE]

Kleon, Austin

Workman, 2012

Creativity is for everyone,and everyone can be creative—and this guide to theprocess should keep youinspired.

Relish: My Life in the

Kitchen [B KNI]

Knisley, Lucy

First Second, 2013

Knisley’s life has revolvedaround food in all itsmanifestations. This graphicmemoir is perfect for those

who live to eat or those who

simply eat to live.

Ready for a Brand NewBeat: How “Dancingin the Street” Becamean Anthem for aChanging America [323.1196 KUR]

Kurlansky, Mark

Riverhead Books, 2013

Kurlansky follows the creationand recording of theMotown record “Dancingin the Street” against thetumultuous period of racialintegration and Americanpolitics.

Fortune CookieChronicles:

Adventures in theWorld of Chinese Food [641.5951 LEE]

Lee, Jennifer 8

Twelve, 2008

Mixing travel with social andfood history, readers gain abetter understanding of theChinese-American experienceand a better appreciationof their next meal at aChinese restaurant.

The Holy or theBroken: LeonardCohen, Jeff Buckley,and the UnlikelyAscent of “Hallelujah” [782.42164 LIG]

Light, Alan

Atria Books, 2012

What happens when artistsperform their own version ofa song? Follow the evolutionof the song “Hallelujah”from its original version byLeonard Cohen to beingfeatured in the movie Shrek to being performed onAmerican Idol as a perennialaudition song.

All Our Pretty Songs [F MCC]

McCarry, Sarah

St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013

A modern retelling of theOrpheus myth where musicand art mix with an undeniablyloyal pair of bestfriends.

Muck City: Winningand Losing inFootball’s ForgottenTown

[796.332 MEA]

Mealer, Bryan

Crown Archetype, 2012

In Belle Glade, Florida, atown rife with poverty andviolence, high chool footballis more than a pastime.It’s an escape.

The Night Circus [F MOR]

Morgenstern, Erin

Doubleday, 2011

Just imagine a circus madeof the stuff of dreams. Thenadd two cruel magiciansand their protégés, andmix in a hearty dollop ofromance. Will love win out,or will the circus drift away?

Boy21 [F QUI]

Quick, Matthew

Little, Brown and Co., 2012

When Finley’s basketballcoach asks him to look outfor new kid Russ, he has noidea what’s in store. Finleymight be used to the racial conflict in his town and thepressures of basketball, buthe is totally unprepared forRuss’s strange request tobe called “Boy21.”

Theater Geek: TheReal-Life Drama of aSummer at StagedoorManor, the FamousPerforming Arts Camp [792.02 RAP]

Rapkin, Mickey

Free Press, 2010

Rapkin follows the summerof three high school attendeesof Stagedoor Manor—arenowned performing arts

camp—as they prepare forvarious parts in Sondheimmusicals.

The Unlikely Disciple:a Sinner’s Semesterat America’s HoliestUniversity [378.755 ROO]

Roose, Kevin

Grand Central Publishing, 2009

Kevin Roose was a studentat ultra-liberal BrownUniversity when he decidedto take a semester off to infiltrate a dorm at veryconservative Liberty University to find out what reallymakes born-again Christianstick. He approachedhis task with an open mind,and what he learned was

quite surprising.

The Butterfly Mosque [B WIL]

Wilson, G. Willow

Atlantic, 2010

Taking an Islamic Studiescourse changes Wilson’s lifeforever when she convertsand moves to Cairo toteach English, submergingherself in her new culture.When she meets and falls inlove with Omar, she’s forcedto question and strengthenher position as a womanembracing both Westernand Eastern identities.

The Lucy Variations [F ZAR]

Zarr, Sara

Little, Brown and Co., 2013

Piano prodigy Lucy quitplaying when she could nolonger handle her family’spressure. Can she ever learn to find her love andpassion for the music againon her own terms?

The Absolutely TrueDiary of a Part-TimeIndian [FALE]

Alexie, Sherman

Little, Brown and Co., 2007

Born with water on thebrain, Arnold Spirit, akaJunior, transfers to an all-whiteschool off his reservation.He knows he won’teasily fit in, but with self-determinationand a solid

personal identity, he has thechance to succeed.

Gay America: Strugglefor Equality [306.76 ALS]

Alsenas, Linas

Amulet, 2008

This work provides achronological overview ofpublic attitudes toward

homosexuality throughoutAmerican history, aswell as the experience ofgay people during theseprescriptive, restrictive, andeven dangerous periods.

Lawrence in Arabia:War, Deceit, ImperialFolly and the Makingof the Modern MiddleEast

Anderson, Scott

Doubleday, 2013

Lawrence was a player ina thrilling game of territorialmachinations filled withdeceit, spy craft, and dubioustreaties. From WorldWar I through the modernday, cultural clashes andfallout from these double-dealingsare illuminated inthis engaging history thatuses the famous adventureras its linchpin.

The Boys in the Boat:9 Americans and theirEpic Quest for Goldat the 1936 BerlinOlympics [797.12 BRO]

Brown, Daniel

James Viking, 2013

Building to the suspense ofa race won by seconds, thistale follows the nine youngmen who traveled fromSeattle to Berlin to competein crew at the spectacularand infamous Nazi Olympics.

At Home: A ShortHistory of Private Life

Bryson, Bill

Doubleday, 2010

Bill Bryson turns his eyefor intriguing connectionsto exploring the history ofthe structure of the housefrom ancient times to recentinnovations.

The Rape of Nanking:The ForgottenHolocaust of World

War II [951.04 CHA]

Chang, Iris

Penguin, 1998

Barely a postscript inJapanese history, this booktells the story of the horrifictorture and murder of

hundreds of thousands ofChinese citizens took placeover the course of justseven weeks.

Nothing to Envy:Ordinary Lives inNorth Korea [306.0951931 DEM]

Demick, Barbara

Spiegel & Grau, 2009

Get a glimpse of what life islike in this oppressive andsecretive nation throughthe lives of some ordinarypeople who managed toescape.

The Brief WondrousLife of Oscar Wao [F DIA]

Diaz, Junot

Riverhead Books, 2007

A self-proclaimed “ghettonerd,” outcast and animé-lovingOscar Wao is thelatest in a long line ofdoomed generations tosuffer the dreaded fukucurse of his native Dominican

Republic. With onlyhumor and talent as hisweapons, he perseveres,knowing “you can never runaway. Not ever. The onlyway out is in.”

The Worst Hard Time:The Untold Story ofThose Who Survivedthe Great American

Dust Bowl [978 EGA]

Egan, Timothy

Houghton Mifflin, 2006

In this layered account ofthe great dust bowl, Eganshares incredible eyewitnessaccounts and exploresthe convergence of failedagricultural practices, ill-fatedgovernment policies,and the costs of “get richquick” schemes.

A Continent for theTaking: The Tragedyand the Hope of Africa [967.03 FRE]

French, Howard

Alfred A. Knopf, 2004

To put it mildly, colonialismhas not been kind to Africa.From rubber and diamondsto oil and coltan, it is a continentof fabulous naturalresources that continues tobe the focus of greed andexploitation. Part journalisticvoyage, part memoir, this isan exploration of colonialism’songoing legacy.

King Leopold’s Ghost:A Story of Greed,Terror, and Heroism inColonial Africa

Hochschild, Adam

Houghton Mifflin, 1998

History echoes acrosstime, and nowhere isthis clearer than in theDemocratic Republic of theCongo in central Africa.The brutality of Belgium’scolonial occupation of theCongo is a surprisingly

unknown and ugly historical

interlude and resulted inthe first ever human rightscampaign.

Claudette Colvin:Twice Towards Justice [B COL]

Hoose, Phillip

Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar,

Straus and Giroux, 2009

Months before the landmark1955 Montgomery busboycott began, one fifteenyear-old girl refused to giveup her seat and became akey part of the legal battleto overturn segregation.

Town of Evening Calm,

Country of CherryBlossoms

Kouno, Fumiyo and NaokoAmemiya

Last Gasp, 2009

A poignant and delicatelook at the lingering effectsduring the weeks, years,and decades after theatomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Salt: A World History

[338.2755 KUR]

Kurlansky, Mark

Penguin, 2003

War. Empire. Revolution.

Currency. Table salt?Explore the history of theworld through this surprisinglycomplex condimentthat has enabled exploration,caused wars, anddriven empires.

March: Book 1

Lewis, John, Andrew Aydinand Nate Powell

Top Shelf, 2013

This remarkable graphicmemoir charts John Lewis’sprogress from a young manpreaching to his chickensto joining the nonviolentCivil Rights movement tohis seat in the United StatesCongress.

Malcolm X: A Life ofReinvention

[B X]

Marable, Manning

Viking, 2011

A nuanced and thoughtful

examination of a complexman who was both apowerful advocate for socialchange in America and acontroversial public figureshrouded in competingmyths.

The Black Count:Glory, Revolution,Betrayal, and the RealCount of Monte Cristo [B DUM]

Reiss, Tom

Crown Trade, 2012

Everyone knows The ThreeMusketeers and The Countof Monte Cristo, but fewrealize the inspiration forthese action-packed taleswas Dumas’s own real-lifehero: his father, a mixed-racesoldier who rose tobecome a general in Napoleon’sarmy.

The NotoriousBenedict Arnold:A True Story ofAdventure, Heroism,and Treachery [B ARN]

Sheinkin, Steve

Roaring Brook Press, 2010

This action-packed storyreveals how a RevolutionaryWar hero became the mostfamous traitor in American


Well-Behaved WomenSeldom Make History [305.4209182 ULR]

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher

Alfred A. Knopf, 2007

The historian to whomthis oft-quoted maxim isattributed provides intriguingexamples of women’scontributions to history.

Triangle: The Fire thatChanged America

Von Drehle, David

Atlantic, 2003

In 1911 New York, a fire ina shirtwaist factory staffedmostly by women trappedand killed 123 workingthere. Von Drehle uses thisdisaster as the focal pointfor a history of the rise ofunions in the U.S. duringthis era.

Turn Me Loose: The

Unghosting of Medgar [811 WIL]


Walker, Frank X

University of Georgia Press, 2013

The tragedy of Evers’sdeath is revealed throughpoems in the voice of hiswidow, brother, the wivesof his killer, and the killerhimself.

Code Name Verity [F WEI]

Wein, Elizabeth

Hyperion, 2012

The Nazis catch a femalespy during World War II inoccupied France. To saveher life, she slowly revealsher mission and in theprocess discloses the storyof the relationship betweenherself and her best friend,whose life and missionbecome entwined withhers in the strong bonds offriendship and trust.

Alif the Unseen

Wilson, G. Willow

Grove Press, 2012

In an unnamed MiddleEastern country, computerhacker Alif falls for thewrong girl and runs afoul of her fiancé, the vicious headof state security. The biggerproblem is there is only oneally who can save him: a

deadly world-weary jinni.

The Watch that Endsthe Night


Wolf, Allan

Candlewick, 2011

A retelling of the tragedy ofthe sinking of the Titanic,from many points of view,including all classes ofpeople on the ship, telegraphmessages, and eventhe iceberg itself.

A People’s Historyof the United States1492–Present

Zinn, Howard

HarperCollins, 2003

A comprehensive historyof the United States, fromthe impact of Columbus’sand others’ arrival in theNew World through moderntimes. This is the historythat is usually not told,about America’s misuses ofAfrican Americans, Native

Americans, and othertraditionally disenfranchisedgroups. The history coveredis from 1492–2001.

Chasing Shadows [F AVA]

Avasthi, Swati

Alfred A. Knopf, 2013

Corey, Holly, and Savitri actas one until a random actof violence destroys theirgroup. Holly and Savitrimust find their own way todeal with the tragedy withoutbecoming undone.

Going Bovine [F BRA]

Bray, Libba

Delacorte Press, 2009

When Cameron is diagnosedwith Mad CowDisease, he sets out onan adventure with a videogame obsessed dwarf anda Viking god trapped in ayard gnome in the hopes offinding a cure.

Kindred [F BUT]

Butler, Octavia

Beacon Press, 2003

Dana is torn away fromher home in Californiaand taken back in time toAntebellum South whereshe is a slave. Each timeDana is pulled into thepast, her stay there grows

longer and she fears thatshe might not survive.

Spell it Out: TheCurious, Enthralling,and Extraordinary

History of EnglishSpelling [421 CRY]

Crystal, David

St. Martin’s Press, 2013

A fascinating and entertaininghistory of Englishspelling that also examinesthe evolution of writing,printing, and the languageitself.

The Eyre Affair [F FFO]

Fforde, Jasper

Viking, 2002

The first in a series set in azany alternative Swindon,Thursday Next (SpecialOps—Literary Division) ison the case when charactersare kidnapped fromtheir original manuscripts—potentially changing literatureforever.

100* Best AfricanAmerican Poems (*ButI Cheated) [811.008 ONE]

Giovanni, Nikki, ed.

Sourcebooks MediaFusion, 2010

This anthology, edited byaward-winning poet NikkiGiovanni, contains morethan one hundred poemsby classic and contemporaryAfrican-Americanpoets. Also included withthe text is an audio CD withsome selections of poetryread aloud.

Almost Perfect [F KAT]

Katcher, Brian

Delacorte, 2009

Logan’s friendship withSage, the new girl atschool, begins to evolveinto more until she revealsher secret. This story ofacceptance is not justabout how we love, but thesurprise of who we love.

Good Poems [811.008 GOO]

Keillor, Garrison, ed.

Viking, 2002

Selected from Keillor’sradio show, The Writer’sAlmanac, this anthologyof both contemporary andclassic poetry is the firstin a set of three. Poemsrange from quirky to quaintand everyone is sure to findat least one favorite in thisaccessible collection.

Please Ignore VeraDietz [F KIN]

King, A. S.

Alfred A. Knopf, 2010

After her best friendCharlie’s death, Vera Dietzstruggles to stay anonymouswhen Charlie beginshaunting her, demandingthat she clear his name.

The Lover’s Dictionary [F LEV]

Levithan, David

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011

In simple dictionary entriesa story of friendship, passion,and love comes tolife.

Thrice Told Tales:Three Mice Full ofWriting Advice [803 LEW]

Lewis, Catherine

Antheum Books for Young

Readers, 2013

One nursery rhyme is usedto explain nearly one hundredelements of literatureand writing in a fun, cleverway.

The DisreputableHistory of FrankieLandau-Banks [F LOC]

Lockhart, E.

Hyperion, 2008

When fifteen-year-oldFrankie finds out her boyfriendis lying to her, shevows to infiltrate and takedown his boys-only secretsociety to prove what a girlcan really do.

Finnikin of the Rock [F MAR]

Marchetta, Melina

Candlewick, 2010

Ten years after the royalfamily of Lumatere is brutallymurdered, nineteenyear-old Finnikin sets outon a journey to discoverwhether or not the rumorsof a surviving heir are true.

Under the Mesquite [F MCC]

McCall, Guadalupe Garcia

Lee & Low Books, 2011

When Lupita’s mother isdiagnosed with cancer, itfalls to Lupita to care forthe rest of her Mexican-American family. In thisfree-verse novel, Lupita

comes of age and findsstrength in sharing herthoughts and opinions.

Song of Achilles [F MIL]

Miller, Madeline

Ecco, 2012

Achilles and Patroclus havebeen through many toughsituations as they’ve grownup together. The battle atTroy may be their final challenge.

This beautiful retellingof their story brings the Iliadto life.

No Crystal Stair: ADocumentary Novelof the Life and Workof Lewis Michaux,Harlem Bookseller


Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux

Carolrhoda Lab, 2012

Through the use of illustrations,photos, and newspaperclippings, the struggleand triumph of Lewis Michaux’spassion to get peopleto read led him to found

the National MemorialAfrican Bookstore, whichbecame the intellectual huband the place to be duringthe Harlem Renaissance.