
In years gone by, I never thought that I would be so fortunate and blessed to have this incredible dream come true.

It started with, an event, a date, an email, a suggested reunion and an awesome experience.

In 2014, I had just seen the advertised date for the 2015 Conference when “the girls in the Colonies” received an email from Mr John Hynd (of the USA and one of our tightly knit Cowal 2013 Judging team). He emailed us “girls” the live streaming information for 2014 Cowal and reminded us all of the fun and huge camaraderie we had shared the previous year. Such incredible memories were made and friendships set to last a lifetime.

This email set the ball rolling as one by one we responded with the suggestion we use the 2015 Conference as an opportunity to have a reunion. Looking at our current Rand situation, I guess this decision was timeous for me as the one from the “colony” at the bottom of Africa. One by one, emails crossed the airwaves containing much excitement and anticipation, not only of seeing each other again but being able to do this together in Las Vegas.

My ears were tuned to the different American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, English and Scottish accents, all creating a buzz with one common denominator, Highland Dancing. Distances over the oceans disappeared and as one body we were, as one. All with a common goal, to learn, swap ideas and opinions, to make new friends and continue/catching up with old friends.

Thank goodness for air-conditioning as the heat outside the Flamingo Hotel was extreme. For some this was not their first time at the Conference but for me, it was simply just that. I was ready to soak up everything I heard and experienced like a sponge. The American people made Tim and I feel so very welcome and not for once did we feel like the “a lonely Petunia in an onion patch”, being the only South Africans there. It was quite funny to hear a comment “oh so are you the South African”. It made me smile.

I made sure I could attend as many “new” lectures as possible having already been spoiled by attending those held at the South African Conference in 2013. I can still sit for hours and listen to Christie Freestone and her team talk about teaching children and how their brains are wired. Some other very interesting lectures I went to were, Improving technique by Ellen Cameron, what an interesting and different approach she has, Piping music and it in relation to Highland dancing by Donald McPhee and Christine Lacey, also emphasising rhythm and timing, so very interesting to hear it from a piper’s point of view.

How fabulous it was to sit in the lecture where Betty Sutherland and Rhona Lawrence went through the New SOBHD 8th Edition text book. I cannot imagine how many hours this has taken, all the thought gone into putting the material together, editing and resourcing material from days gone by. ..WOW these new additions are exciting and even more to see an amazing, humble dancer demonstrating the new work with such ease. It made me want to hold my breath it was so beautiful. Everyone obviously knew who the young lady was but.. me.. well , not knowing her, I just revelled in the experience of seeing this calibre of technique so close and incredibly beautifully executed. What a royal treat that was.

The opportunity to get to know people better in such an informal environment was superb and so very much appreciated.

The Golden Gillies Awards .. Brought the house down.. I saw Dianne, Joy, and Frances in another light, taking off Whoopie Goldberg in an attempt to recreate a portion of “Sister Act”. Oh yes, not to forget the sound track added to this! I thought I was going to bust my sides, and then in come Donald McPhee in Dianne’s clothes doing a “skit” with her.

Oh my goodness, putting this into words simply does not do the hard work, hours of practice, trying to keep straight faces etc. justice. It was so very so entertaining… For those who are not familiar with these folk I apologise but for those who are will be able to imagine this.

Then they never lost the opportunity to “roast” some of us. Where they get their ideas from, heaven only knows. I was again presented “with a hat”. This time a furry tartan and fleece thing you see in pictures of what hunters wear in the Canadian mountain, the teasing again being the result of my Judging at Cowal wearing a hat. The Australians also got their fair share of teasing, this all in such a fun way to introduce us to the other Highland members so they could now put a face to the name. We were told their goal was to make us feel welcome and to show their appreciation to us for travelling so far to join in at the Conference. I felt very special, to say the least.

We had loads to laugh at and those to laugh with. Our reunion took place on the Saturday evening and we never lost a beat as we reminisced and laughed, thus cementing our friendship even further. Of the 12 who were part of our 2013 team we were 6 and so sad the others could not be with us. After our dinner we were free spirits, full of nonsense trying to all fit into a giant red stiletto shoe in one of the hotels.. for another photo opportunity, then to soak in the beauty of the breath taking fountains choreographed to music at the Bellagio . We just never wanted the evening to end. In Las Vegas I doubt the evening even has an end!

The buzz and lights of the city Las Vegas is vibrant, people of all nationalities scurrying too and fro all with a purpose. Lights so colourful and bright., car horns tooting, buskers playing their music on every corner, Disney characters dotted all over the show for tourist photo opportunities, colourful glitzy people all dressed up advertising the shows in the city.

However as with everything, all good things have to come to an end. There were many goodbyes to be said, hugs and good wishes passed from one to another. As “our team” said fond farewell and until we meet again, there were many tears glistening in eyes. Some new and old friends I will only be able to see and keep contact with via Social media. Others I hope, God willing I will get to see again in person. This is only a snippet of what we experienced in Las Vegas and at the International Conference.

Was this worth it – without a shadow of doubt?

Would I repeat this experience again? …. IN A HEARTBEAT

Updated competition calendar for 2016

27 Feb . / Knysna CANCELLED / W8 / W.Cape / R Lavery
5 Mar. / East Rand Gathering / G2 / GAUT. / R.Saayman
12 Mar / KZN Highland Gathering / N6 / NATAL / B.Parker
12 Mar. / Edgemead H/Land Festival / W5 / W.CAPE / J.Lucas / 2
9 Apr / Vaal / G6 / GAUT / J Enell
23 Apr. / Tygerberg / W1 / W.CAPE / H.Johnston / 2
16 Apr. / East Coast Highland Festival / E5 / E.CAPE / J.Hubbard
30 Apr / S.Coast H/Land Gathering / N2 / NATAL / B.Parker / 2
14-May / Gauteng Highland Festival Jeppe / G7 / GAUT. / B.Leahy
28-May / Northern JHB de la Salle / G16 / GAUT. / B.Leahy / 2
11 Jun. / Cornwall Hill / G4 / GAUT. / B.Brett
TBA / HTA / W4 / W.CAPE / J.Lucas
17/18 June / Interprovs / E. CAPE / Committee / 2
18 June / Border / E. CAPE / R Piderit / 2
TBA / N.S.G. / N3 / NATAL / B.Parker
16 Jul. / ALL AFRICA Championship / G5 / GAUT. / B.Leahy / 2
30 Jul. / SA CHAMPIONSHIPS / SA1 / GAUT. / SAC Committee / 4
21 Aug / Claddagh / W2 / W.CAPE / H Booysen
3 Sept / EC Highland Gathering
24 Sept / Cape Town Celtic Festival / W7 / W.CAPE / L Foley
24 Sept / Gauteng Championship / G17 / GAUT / E Boyes / 3
17 Sept / SA Champs fund-raising Comp. / G15 / GAUT. / M.Smith
17 Sept. / East London H.F. / E3 / E.Cape / J.Hubbard
Dec / Choreography Festival / G11 / GAUT. / A.Nugent/B.Leahy