December 4, 2012

The Highland Lakes Women’s Club Meeting was held on December 4, 2012 at the home of Fran Stainback.

Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order by Margie Sabino, President, at 7:15 p.m. Members and guests were welcomed. and Mr. Grant Estes of Eddleman Property Management was introduced. Mr. Estes will be answering questions posed prior to this meeting. Mr. Joseph Feick , owner and pharmacist from Double Oak Pharmacy, is also a guest tonight, and has provided the wonderful food to be shared after the meeting. Margie Sambino also announced that a place is needed for the upcoming February meeting.

Old Business

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the meeting of October 2, 2012, were approved as posted.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Marilyn Chiaramonte, Treasurer. Please refer to separate attachment to review report.

Marilyn also informed members that residents of Shelby County can avoid being taxed at the higher Jefferson county rate when shopping online. A letter to verify residency in Shelby county will provide the needed documentation for the online retailer. Interested members should contact Marilyn for further information. Money for Christmas gifts for the guards will be collected by volunteers. Marilyn, as Treasurer, will divide the amount collected equally to be given to each guard as Christmas gifts.

New Business

Special Thanks

Margie recognized and gave special thanks to:

•Joseph Feich owner of Double Oak Mountain Pharmacy for providing the food for this evening's meeting;

•Ashley Mac's for providing the dessert cake. Ashley Mac's will soon open a new store in Inverness.

•Fran Stainback for graciously opening her home to the HLWC members for our

•meeting this evening.

Program and Special Guests

Carol McGibboney, Vice President, introduced Grant Estes of Eddleman Property Management as our guest speaker. Carol reminded members that Grant would provide answers to questions prepared prior to this meeting. A printed list of questions was given to each member. The following questions and answers are as follows:

Safety and Security

1. Overnight parking on the street is an ongoing problem. It causes difficulty for

residents to see ongoing traffic when backing out of driveways during the dark,

early morning hours. Parking on the sidewalks has been noted on some main


Response: Grant Estes responded that Highland Lakes security

regularly patrols the neighborhood. Violations, including on street parking, are

reported to Eddleman Property Management, who will notify the resident of the

violation. Letters are sent to repeat violators. Eddleman has outsourced the

security of Highland Lakes to Walden Security, whose corporate offices are

located in Chattanooga, TN. Waldon is well known throughout the southern states

for their security services. Eddleman feels secure that Walden Security company

will provide better service, and consistent straight line procedures throughout the

neighborhood. In addition, Walden is very familiar with the new technologics for

the gate system. The Country Club of the South retains Walden Security and

utilizes the same Gate System that is being installed in Highland Lakes. The

system is used at many commercial properties where gates are open many more

times than here, and is well suited for residential use.

2. JR was not retained by Walden. Some members expressed concern regarding that

decision, both for JR's status as unemployed, and also stated, in their opinion, that

JR was very responsive to residents complaints.

Response: Grant Estes explained that retention of security employees was solely

the choice of Walden Security. A former Eddleman employee who has patrolled

here in the past has been hired by Walden. Grant emphasized that security

employees, both past and present, are not to intervene regarding a complaint.

Instead, complaints are forwarded by security employees to Eddleman Property

Management, who will then contact the resident. A member questioned whether

residents should contact security regarding parking issues. Grant requested that

such issues be referred to Eddleman Property Management.

3. When will the new security arm at the front gate be activated?

Response: The new security arm and system at the front gate is currently being

tested. During the past week it was tested a total of 25,000 times. Marilyn

Chiaramonte stated she witnessed the security arm going down on a car during

the last week's testing. Grant explained that the car most likely did not have a sticker.

Grant further clarified that the security arm allows3-4 seconds per car, and will

accommodate 21 cars per light cycle. The amount of resident car without bar codes

really dwindled, and the gate attendant can open the gate manually when needed. In

addition the large gates will be kept open during heavy traffic times. Grant further

stated much evaluation was done prior to selecting the new barcode system. Gate

systems in 15 different communities were evaluated, and some were much more

expensive. The bar code systems are proven effective and work well. Gorry

Reagan is the manufacturer of the bar code system to be implemented, and is most

often used for commercial facilities. More than 6000 cars pass through the Highland

Lakes Gates daily. Residents without the new bar codes should call the office to

schedule an appointment. An Eddleman employee will come to the residence to

apply the bar code. Those without bar codes by the final date of implementation can

go to the inside gate for attendant assistance. A concern was raised regarding

regarding whether residents would be required to pay the bar code fee if a car was

replaced. Grant assured members that if a car is sold within the next year there

should be no charge for the new bar code sticker. Further, the bar codes can be

deactivated at the Eddleman office. It was requested that members notify the office

in the event a car is sold. The final comment from Mr. Estes regarding the gate

system is that the front exit gates operating system has been upgraded to Door King,

a commercial grade brand.

4. What is the time frame for everyone to be in compliance? Eddleman understands

the bar code will be a big change. Three to six months time to roll out the new bar

code program should allow for stragglers to get bar codes applied to their vehicles.

5. When will newsletters be mailed out again? The newsletters should begin again in

the spring of 2013. The conversion to the new bar code system required much

work and resulted in the absence of the newsletters. Eddleman Property

management maintains a website for the Highland Lakes Residential

Association. All Highland Lakes residents may register on the website, and

will find news, and pertinent information. The website address is:

6. What is the purpose of the security truck patrolling? Response: Security personnel

patrol regularly throughout the neighborhood to monitor anything suspicious, items in

need of repair, and to obtain an overview of what is going on in the neighborhood.

The role of security attendants is to observe, and report to Eddleman Property

Management, and to proper authorities. Issues of compliance to deed

restrictions should be reported directly to Eddleman Property Management.

Letters are sent to the homeowner. A property management compliance

software is used called "On Point", which is a keeps a database of letters sent,

as well as how often the letters were sent, etc. A member questioned whether

Eddleman would utilize legal recourse for residents who ignore letters requesting

compliance. Grant explained that Eddleman likes to work directly with the residents

to work out the issue. Several reasons given for this approach is the expense of the

legal process, which can range from $7000.00 to $20,000.00. Also, taking a hardline

approach is not good for sales. In most cases, working directly with the homeowner

has led to the issue being resolved. If a violation is noted, residents can call the back

gate and ask the attendant to report it to Eddleman, and a letter will be sent.

7. What are the crime statistics in Highland Lakes? Response: Residents can go to

the website for comprehensive information regarding

crime in Shelby county. Click on "Crime Statistics" and an application will open

which will show specific types of crimes per zip code.

8. What crime issues occur in Highland Lakes? Most of the crimes reported within the

Highland Lakes neighborhood involve petty theft and domestic issues. Grant will

request the Eddleman web administrator to place on link on the website

9. Questions were posed specific to property management issues. The first was that

the gates and gazebos were looking worn. Response: plans are being made to

renovate the gates and gazebos during 2013. Vandalism to the gazebos has been

noted. Again, Grant advised members to report any vandalism issues to Eddleman

Property management.

An old boat has been stored across from the back gate all summer. Response:

The boat belongs to Colonel Payne. He moved during the summer, and needed

a place to temporarily store the boat. The boat is being sold.

When will the signage regarding the new bar code system be removed?

Response: The signs are temporary, and will be removed after the transition to the

new bar code system has been completed. Eddleman wanted to preserve the beauty

of the entrance gates, and decrease intrusiveness.

10. A number of mailboxes are in disrepair. $16,000 was budgeted last year for

maintenance, so why have no repairs yet been done? Response: The $16,000

placed in the budget for maintenance has been deferred until 2013. Plans

are underway for renovations to take place in 2013. Renovations will include the

replacement of all signs that are worn, as well as the gazebos and other repairs

previously discussed.

11. What action will be taken to keep Crest Road and Crest Drive from being used as

a dumping ground? Response: Crest Road and Crest Drive are not owned by


Some additional concerns were voiced regarding unkempt empty lot, and residents

who don't retain their properties. Grant again emphasized that such noted violations

should be reported to Eddleman, who will then contact the homeowner. Unkempt

empty lots should be reported to Kevin Nichols, the compliance coordinator. His

telephone number is 205-877-9480.

Special Guest Joseph Feick - Double Oak Mountain Pharmacy

Joseph Feick, Pharmacist and owner of Double Oak Mountain Pharmacy spoke to the

members about his pharmacy. It is located at 5510 Hwy 280, Suite 123, Birmingham, AL. 35242, in the Greystone Center. Mr. Feick has a drive through at the back of the

building, and also offers free delivery. In addition, all Express Scripts members are welcome, and all major insurance companies are accepted. Prices from other pharmacies will be matched. Hours of business are 9am - 6:30 pm, Monday through

Friday, 10am - 3pm Saturday, and closed on Sunday. Double Oak Mountain

Pharmacy strives to provide excellent customer service; average wait time for a prescription to be filled is ten minutes. Transfer of a prescription is as easy as a phone

call, and Mr. Feick will handle the details to complete the transfer.

A gift shop is located in the pharmacy, and carries many personal care items, candles and children's items. Members were each given a $5.00 gift certificate, and a 15% off coupon good toward any gift shop item or OTC item. Fran Stainback suggested that

the coupons be included in the New Resident Packages.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for February 5th, 2012 at 7:00 pm, location to be determined. Margie Sambino asked anyone willing to host the February meeting to please contact her.

Door Prizes - Three poinsettias were given as door prizes. Fran Stainback was presented with a Poinsettia in appreciation for hosting the meeting. Following the door prize awards there was no further business of the club for the evening. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02pm.

Submitted by:

Deana Yarnish

