OfficeofLearningand Teaching


Higher Education Stage 2 – Course Quality Assurance

Masters by Coursework: AQF Level 9


Course Title: / Course Code:
Version: / Initials / Date
This proforma can be used as guide for developing the following course accreditation submission;
  • New courses.
  • All courses due for reaccreditation (5 year review)
  • Courses that are seeking accreditation due to major changes and/or associated resource implications.
2016 Stage 2 Quality Accreditation University LTC Submission Dates
•Submission 1 27 February 2015
•Submission 2 27 March 2015
•Final Submission 24 April 2015
All submissions are to be submitted via CAPS (Proposals)
The final date for all resubmissions is 22 May 2015. This relates to any original submission where, upon review, ULTC has requested amendment or further information.
Course proposers will need to check with the relative school and faculty committees to ensure that they comply with any internal submission deadlines.
  1. Course proposers must consult with the relevant Schools involved in the delivery of the program to ensure course details are consistent with both awards in the combined degree course. Please ensure adequate time prior to the faculty deadline is reserved for this to occur. It is the responsibility of all Faculties involved to set appropriate FLTC dates prior to the submission date.
  2. Course developers are advised to consult the relevant discipline contact in the Higher Education Development Team in the Office of Learning and Teaching for assistance with the Quality Assurance Process.
  3. For combined degree courses where the single awards are owned by more than one school/faculty, the QA proposal should be endorsed by both School/Faculty Learning and Teaching Committees to ensure course details are consistent with both awards in the combined degree course.
Do Not Submit This Form
All submissions are to be submitted via CAPS (Proposals)
1. Contact Details of Course Proposer
Contact Name
Phone and Email
Name of alternate contact
Host Faculty
Host School / Host School Percentage
Identify if any other School/s is responsible for the course. / Other School/s Percentage
1. Course Learning Outcomes
The course learning outcomes should broadly describe the knowledge and skills cumulatively acquired by students, and how the studentswill be able to apply them after successfully completing the course. Course learning outcomes may be taught and assessed both directly and indirectly through multiple activities across multiple units and contexts. They therefore influence the overall learning and assessment strategies selected for a course.
AQF Learning Outcome Descriptors
And Linked CDU Graduate Attributes / Course Learning Outcomes
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
demonstrate mastery of theoretical knowledge and to reflect critically on theory and professional practice or scholarship
Linked to CDU Graduate Attributes - Knowledge Base
Has an understanding of the broad theoretical and technical concepts related to their discipline area, with relevant connections to industry, professional, and regional and indigenous knowledge
Cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply established theories to different bodies of knowledge or practice.
Linked to CDU Graduate Attributes – Application
Is an efficient and innovative project planner and problem solver, capable of applying logical and critical thinking to problems across a range of disciplinary settings and has self-management skills that contribute to personal satisfaction and growth
Cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate and evaluate complex ideas and concepts at an abstract level.
Linked to CDU Graduate Attributes - Creativity
Can conceive of imaginative and innovative responses to future orientated challenges and research.
Communication and technical research skills to justify and interpret theoretical propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Linked to CDU Graduate Attributes – Communication
Demonstrates oral, written, and effective listening skills as well as numerical, technical and graphic communication skills in a cross generational environment
Technical and communication skills to design, evaluate, implement, analyse and theorise about developments that contribute to professional practice or scholarship.
Linked to CDU Graduate Attributes – Acquisition
Can identify, retrieve, evaluate and use relevant information and current technologies to advance learning and execute of work tasks
Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or further learning.
Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with high level personal autonomy and accountability.
Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to plan and execute a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship.
CDU Graduate Attributes not linked to AQF Learning Outcome Descriptors / Course Learning Outcomes
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Can function effectively and constructively in an inter-cultural or global environment and in a variety of complex situations.
Team Work
Has a capacity for and understanding of collaboration and co-operation within agreed frameworks, including the demands of inter-generational tolerance, mutual respect for others, conflict resolution and the negotiation of productive outcomes
Social Responsibility
Is able to apply equity values, and has a sense of social responsibility, sustainability, and sensitivity to other peoples, cultures and the environment.
Can exercise initiative and responsibility, taking action and engaging others to make a positive difference for the common good.


3. Approaches To Learning And Teaching
Provide details of the approaches to learning and teaching in the sections under each the following headings.
Pedagogical Approach
Describe how your curriculum design is informed by sound educational and/or pedagogical theory. Include any relevant theoretical frameworks and research findings.
Course Level Benchmarking
Identify the key issues that need to be considered in regards to benchmarking and how will they be addressed.
Describe how consistency of outcomes for all students across campuses and modalities will be assured?
Use of Learning Technologies
Explain how learning technologies and pedagogies will be used to ensure all students have the best opportunity to meet course learning outcomes, regardless of enrolment mode.
Student Satisfaction with Learning and Teaching
Explain how the course will be evaluated/reviewed.
Summarise feedback from students, identify key trends in the data and explain how issues are being addressed
(if course is being reaccredited).
Non CDU IT infrastructure of software.
Identify if any non-standard CDU software or infrastructure is required for this course.
4. Course Structure Overview
Course structure should align with the University Common Rules and AQF Qualification Specifications for specific course types.Justification for any variations must be clearly documented below.
Unit type / Number of units / Credit Points
Core Units
Specialist Electives
Total Credit Points Required for Qualification
Proposed exemption to Common Course Rules
Approved Streams (if relevant)
Streams / Title of Stream/s / Include on Academic Transcripts
Removal of currently accredited specialisation
5. Course Learning Outcomes and Unit Assessment Task Matrix
Common, Core Units and Specialist Units Only
List the core and specialist units taught in the course and indicate (X) the course learning outcomes that will be assessed within each unit.
Course Learning Outcomes
Unit Code / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Core Units:
Specialist Units:
6. Transitional Arrangements for Continuing Students
Explain in the boxes below how any changes to the course structure (combinations of core and specialist elective units) or to any other specific course rules and/or unit offerings being proposed impact on continuing students.
Any changes identified below require a Course Transitional Arrangements form to be submitted.
Major changes to core units
Changes to specialist electives
Other changes


7. Pathways, Advanced Standing and Articulation.
Details of HE to HE Pathways
On completion of the award/s tabled below students entering this course will be eligible for the following credit
HE Provider / HE Course Code / HE Course Title / AQF Level / Total credit / Specified Credit
List CDU units applicable / Unspecified credit
(if applicable)
Note the course should have elective units in which unspecified credit can count towards / Any Additional Requirements/Information
Other requirements in addition to qualification (e.g. Practicing Certificate)
Students who complete this award will, subject to any specific arrangements, receive credit towards the higher education course(s) tabled below
HE Provider / HE Course Code / HE Course Title / AQF Level / Total credit / Specified Credit
List CDU units applicable / Unspecified credit
(if applicable)
Note the course should have elective units in which unspecified credit can count towards / Any Additional Requirements/Information
Other requirements in addition to qualification (e.g. Practicing Certificate)
8. Alternative Exit Awards
NOTE: If alternative exit award is not currently accredited by CDU then the course must be accredited through CARP with the R&P attached to this form.
Exit Award Code / Exit Award Title / AQF Level / Accredited requirements
List all units required to receive the exit award.
(proposed accredited requirements if form is attached)


Section B
1. Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
ThisinformationisrequiredforCallistaset-up and the issuing of AHEGS to the graduating student. Please review/provide details for the Feature Statement and Accreditation Statement specific to this course.
Current 2015 information / Proposed 2016 information
Award Statement / The Award Statement is a standard statement that is prepopulated based on Award information supplied in the R&P
Feature Statement / For reaccrediting courses please email for latest AHEGS information. Please change the information, based on any changes to the course and copy and paste all four statements into the relevant statement box on this form.
New courses will need to write new AHEGS statements.
If work placements are an important feature of the award, this may be included in this section however this is not compulsory.
Pathway Statement / The Pathway Statement is a standard statement prepopulated depending on the AQF level
Accreditation Statement / If the award is accredited by a professional body, it may be useful to include details here. If none are applicable, please leave blank.


Recommended Study Plans
Complete the table below to show how a student would be expected to progress through the course of study. Normally this would be indicated by a study load of 80 credit point, completed over two semesters per year. A recommended study plan is required for each period that the course is available for admission. If not a full time load, identify a study plan for a part time load. Courses with specific specialisation may also require specified study plans.
Legend for unit types:
P = Practicum/Placement/Professional Practice / CO = Core / SE = Specialist Elective
R = Research / E = Elective
2. Proposed Course Structure
Unit type / Credit Points / Specific requirements
Specialist Electives
( **units) / **cp / Specialist Elective Units totaling ** credit points selected from the list of available units detailed below:
(** units) / **cp / Units totaling ** credit points selected from *undergraduate* units offered by the University
Course Total **cp


3.1 Semester 1 Entry
Semester 1 / unit type / Semester 2 / unit type / Summer Semester / unit type
Year 1
<include unit code and unit title>
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
3.2 Semester 2 Entry
Semester 1 / unit type / Semester 2 / unit type / Semester 3 / unit type
Year 1
<include unit code and unit title>
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4


3.3 Summer Semester Entry
Semester 1 / unit type / Semester 2 / unit type / Summer Semester / unit type
Year 1
<include unit code and unit title>
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Ensure all Quality Assurance Unit Proformas are submitted with this Course Proforma
Note: No Course Proformas will be processed without the accompanying Unit Proformas.


Course Advisory Group Activity
Please attach a summary of curriculum development undertaken by the Course Advisory Group. This should include brief details of consultations within CDU (such as with the academic support staff and other academics in Higher Education and VET) and with external stakeholders (such as professional accreditation bodies and industry professionals); and be accompanied by records of Course Advisory Group meetings. Your response could also include an indication of how wide a cross-section of potential employers has been represented in any external consultation.
Outline the involvement of the Higher Education and Training Developers in the accreditation process for this course.
Endorsed by School Learning and Teaching Committee
Endorsed by Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee