Spanish IIIH- Señora Lagattolla

Westhampton Beach High School

Room: 225


¡Bienvenido a la clase de español! This class is an Honors class. We will be taking a comprehensive Final Exam aligned with the New York State Standards in June.
In order to succeed in Spanish class you must do all homework, class work, projects, participate in class, bring class materials and meet deadlines. If you put forth the effort in class and do ALL work on time, you should have no problem succeeding.

Course Description: Spanish III Honors is not only the sequel to Spanish II, it is a course designed for those students who have achieved a high level of mastery in Spanish II. This course will continue to provide students with communicative language skills and to broaden their knowledge of Hispanic cultures. Students will work on correct pronunciation and be introduced to more complex grammatical structures and patterns of the language. The purpose of this course is to continue the student’s mastering of the four functions –listening, speaking, reading and writing on a variety of topics dealing with everyday life situations.


Grades will be determined on the following:

  • Tests
  • Quizzes
  • Homework & Class work
  • Midterm: New York Comprehensive Examination in Spanish (Regents)
  • End of the year Quarterly


  • Assignments given on the average of 4-5 times a week
  • Assignments are checked and/or collected as given
  • Students are to complete all assignments and are responsible to make up all missed assignments when absent.
  • Each student will begin the quarter with a quiz/homework grade of 100% in PowerGrade.

For each missed assignment the 100% grade in PowerGrade goes down 5pts.

Graduation Standards and Assessment:

  • Successful completion of course and Comprehensive Examination required for a Regents diploma (unless student receives a 5-credit sequence in art, music or occupational education)

Learning/Study Strategies:

  • Make flashcards for vocabulary and some basic grammar structures
  • Make review/study sheets before a test or quiz
  • Review class notes on a DAILY basis
  • Do homework as assigned
  • Study with a partner or a family member
  • ATTEND EXTRA HELP- ROOM 225 MONDAY & WEDNESDAY: all are welcome to come to study, to complete homework or to just chat (en Español of course )


  1. Respect teacher and classmates at all times!
  2. Be on time!
  3. Be prepared! Bring textbooks/laptops to class every day. No visits to lockers will be allowed.
  4. The teacher dismisses class. (Not the bell)


Please read the code of student conduct and understand its penalties for any offenses. Make sure you understand what “cheating” means. Cheating is considered a Violation of the Honor Code. Consult your handbook on the Schools Honor Code!

Having someone doing the work for you / Having someone checking your work after you have completed it and notating their name at the end of the paper
Cutting and pasting / Writing with your own words at your level of proficiency
Using a dictionary or an online translator to translate word by word / Using a dictionary for occasional words

If you have further questions or concerns, come see me during extra help hours or email me, and I will return it as soon as possible.

¡Gracias! I look forward to working with you this year!

Please return to Mrs. Lagattolla by tomorrow

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Lagattolla’s Spanish III Honors Class. I have shared these expectations and requirements with a parent/guardian.

Student’s signature:______

Parent/Guardian”s signature:______