High Street, Edlesborough, Nr Dunstable, Beds LU6 2HS Tel: (01525) 220431 Fax: (01525) 221819

e-mail: Website: www.edlesborough.bucks.sch.uk

Jane Foster, Headteacher

20th November 2012

Dear Parents

Road safety awareness is a skill which all parents work hard to instil into their children. At school we endeavour to reinforce this training through the curriculum and through opportunities to practice these skills in a safe environment.

Our Footsteps Training group provide Road Safety Training for all our Year 2 pupils. This takes during school hours. There are 3 stages to the training and each child will have 3 training sessions over the course of Year 2. Specific times and dates for the training are yet to be arranged with the trainers.

Who does the training?

The training is done by 4 Edlesborough parents trained by Bucks County Council as Footsteps Trainers and following the Buckinghamshire CC requirements. These parents are also CRB cleared.

Where does the training take place?

The children are trained using the roads outside the school. Each stage of the training takes about 15 minutes.

What does the training involve?

Each trainer only trains 2 children at a time; this allows them to hold their hands all the time during the training

At the end of the year your child will have been taught:

-where is a safe place to cross the road

-stopping, looking, listening

-how to interpret the speed of cars by the noise they make

-crossing the road

-what vehicles’ lights mean

-to read traffic signs

-the green cross code

-crossing the road between parked vehicles

-effects of bad weather

-planning a safe route to school.

Many thanks to our Safer Routes to School Group for enabling this training to take place.

We hope that it will help to reinforce the very important messages about road safety that

we all wish to teach our children.

To enable your child to take part in this training please complete the attached consent form on the back page and return it to the school office by Friday 23rd November at the latest, please.

Best Wishes

Jane Foster
