High Spen Primary School English Medium Term Planning Class FWD Year 4/5
Summer 1 Plan (Miss Lowes) Text: Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine (Recounts) Traditional poems- Robert Louis Stevenson poetry (from A Child’s Garden of Verses)
Wk / Context / Phonics/Spellings / Speaking and listening / Reading / Writing / Cross-curricular links1 / Text: Persuasive writing / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff / Discussion FOR/AGAINST points for a balanced argument. / Planning and drafting a persuasive argument.
2 / Text: Follow up piece / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff /
3 / Text: Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine / Learning how prefixes un-, in-, dis-, and mis-can be used / Discuss pros and cons of swapping things-Spoken language
Predict ending of story using language of possibility- Spoken language / Reading a recount noticing the verb tense-comprehension / Improvise a scene based on the story-comprehension
Using adverbs and adverbials-Grammar
Describing a precious object- Composition
4 / Text: Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff / Discuss the features and use of diaries - Spoken language
Brainstorm ideas- Spoken language / Predicting the end of a story-Comprehension / Identifying speech marks- Grammar
Creating complex sentences- Grammar
Writing a detailed character profile in the first person- composition
Planning a diary recount-composition
Writing the first few days of an animal’s imaginary diary/ Finishing their diaries- composition
5 / Text: Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine
6 / Text: Traditional peoms
Robert Louis Stevenson poetry (from A Child’s Garden of Verses) / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff / Collecting ideas for a class poem / Analysing a poem
Group reading - enjoying poems by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Finding interesting and unusual words in rhyming dictionaries / Learning about verb tenses-Grammar
Writing rhyming couplets- Composition
Writing a simple poem using rhyming couplets-Composition
7 / Text: Traditional peoms
Robert Louis Stevenson poetry (from A Child’s Garden of Verses) / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff / Recite a poem / Writing synonyms and practising handwriting to increase legibility.
Using neat legible handwriting to create a published document / Use descriptive clauses-Grammar
Using commas after descriptive clauses- Grammar
Identifying prepositions of place- Grammar
Using the structure of an existing poem to create a vivid picture- Composition
Editing and polishing their new verse- Composition
Finishing and illustrating their poem to form part of a book- Composition
8 / Text : Performance Poetry / Ravenclaw-
Hufflepuff / TBF