Feedback Sampling
I enjoyed meeting you the other day.
Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
You have great presence. Commanding. I liked the energy in your voice. Good volume. Great eye contact. Good posture. Watch your rate: it was a bit too fast at times. To help slow you down, ask questions. It will also help engage the seller and make it feel more like a conversation instead of a one-way communication.
Ron, I really liked the way you brought in the client right from the start. You said, "Another thing you asked me the other day when we talked is you wanted to make sure we had enough exposure . . . that enough people were going to be able to find you whether online, print or any other kind of advertisement." Very SMART to relate back to what the client said. It demonstrates you listened. You are customizing your presentation to the client. It's not a canned presentation.
I liked the language you used to set yourself apart: "Not everybody in the industry offers . . . we have a really big presence online."
"Everybody who goes online and looks at photos of your home that we've taken and likes it. Wow!. . . They can be in L.A., they could be across the street. They pick up the phone. . . Right away, the call comes to me. Anyone who wants to know whether the house has hard wood floors or maybe they want to put an offer in right away. So it's pretty much on demand." Pause. Ask the client what she thinks of this system. It's very impressive!
I think you tried to include too much information and it became a little confusing when you said, "We're also part of a Relocation Program. We have an Open House Program that we offer. We want to get a lot of exposure . . . " Earlier you brought up the enhanced Open House program and then went into your discussion about having a big online presence. It was a little confusing. Better to choose ONE topic and present it thoroughly and in a compelling manner than to try to jam too much information into this segment.
For the purposes of covering one topic well, just stick to that topic and pause. See if the client has any questions before you transition to Relocation or Open Houses.
Alex, I can see you know your stuff. You just need to slow down a bit and work to paint the picture of how this works. Example:
"At Weichert, we understand how demanding the internet consumer is and we do everything to ensure the
customers who are shopping online and interested in your home can have their questions answered as
quickly as possible. We have a call center that is open 7 days a week.
When buyers search online, we connect them directly to a sales associate like me.
Our response time to interested buyers is minutes compared to days, getting more buyers
previewing your property sooner. No other national real estate broker can provide you with this service."
THEN you can explain step-by-step how it works. You can bring the seller's property into the description so they can see how they will benefit from this. Start with "So when a buyer sees your home online and likes what they see, they often have a question before they commit to taking the time to preview it. . . . " etc. etc. and explain the steps in the process leading to a direct connection to you to set an appointment and preview the home.
I enjoyed meeting you the other day.
Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
Alicia, you come across as caring, considerate and experienced. Good posture. Great eye contact. You're a little soft spoken and may need to "up" the volume a bit. Try to vary your rate and pitch a little more. It can sound a little sing-songy at times.
I'm glad you covered Gold Services! It's a real benefit to sellers. It was a little challenging to hear because there was so much background noise. I'm going to recommend that next time your team goes into a private office or conference room and closes the door so there won't be any distractions.
That said, I can see you really know your stuff. You explain all the services we have: "We have onsite -- in the office -- gentleman who handles financing. He's only a phone call away. We have home owners insurance which you should consider if you're going to move out and have a vacant home. We also have home warranty services. We have movers. . . "
Next time, share the benefits to your client a little more clearly.
Something like: "I share all these services with you because my clients find having everything under one roof makes it so convenient. They don't have to coordinate anything. Everything you'll need is right here at Weichert.
Also, having the ability to have Logan, my Gold Services Manager preapprove buyers is critically important to you. Why? The last thing you want to deal with is finding out at the settlement table that your buyers' financing fell through and they don't have the financial ability to purchase your home. With Weichert Financial Services pre-approving the buyers that bring you offers, you won't have that worry. You can go to the closing table with confidence knowing the deal will go through. Now that's peace of mind. Is this a service you would want?"
I enjoyed meeting you the other day. Thanks for being a Team Leader!
Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
You have good volume, good body language. Your gestures were very good and helped you to emphasize your points. You had great energy and enthusiasm in your voice and that's so important for a seller to see. Careful about your pace. There were times when it was a little fast. Slow down just a bit but don't lose that wonderful energy and excitement in your voice.
You're clearly proud of the Open House process. Your excitement will translate well to your clients. Really nice job here. I would introduce your topic with a question. Something like: "Have you seen our yellow signs and balloons all around your neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon?" Why? This will engage the client. Draw her into the conversation and get her connected to the topic. THEN give her a headline on Open Houses: "Our Open House program is a system we use to get as many buyers possible seeing your property."
I also wanted to hear more about how the way YOU do open houses sets you apart and as a result, gets more traffic through the home. Something like: "We do open houses like no other company. It's actually a system and it's what I do before, during and after the open house that sets us apart and gets your home the most exposure." THEN give me a brief overview of what you do to drive traffic. Insert comments like: "I don't just stick a sign in your yard. There's so much more that I do to drive traffic." Then explain what you do.
Same for how you conduct the open house and most importantly, how you follow up with each guest for feedback and further interest and to discuss how this property may meet their needs.
You used words that got me engaged in seeing how Open Houses work and how you drive traffic to the open house: "I'm going to create a buzz. I'm going to walk around the neighborhood. Neighbors know people and maybe they know someone who wants to move into the neighborhood. . . I'm going to put up tons of signs. I'm going to get the traffic going." All of this would work GREAT after you set up the idea that it's what you do before, during and after because the "before" here is how much work and time it takes for you to get the traffic and create that "buzz."
You made it real with how you positioned how getting traffic to the open house works. It wasn't theoretical. "Somebody might be driving by not even realizing that there's a house on the market in the neighborhood they want to live in and they're going to drive by. They're going to come in. They're going to start thinking, this is what I want to do." Excellent job here.
WOW! What a GREAT example you shared of success from Open Houses. It's real. It's genuine. It tells me as a seller that I would be working with someone who gets RESULTS. I hope when you discuss open houses that you include this example every single time: "The very first home that I sold was from an open house I held open. Someone came in and said, 'I want to buy this house.' And we sold it. We had them ratify the very next day and we went to settlement 30 days later." Very well done to make the benefit of open houses real to your client.
At the end of every segment in the presentation, close. Ask a question: "Can you see the way I hold open houses will get you more people previewing your property?" or "Would you agree that having Open Houses conducted this way will be an important component to marketing your home?" or "Let's schedule the first Open House now before our schedules get filled up. Would next Sunday work for you?"
I enjoyed meeting you the other day.
Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
I really like your style! You're conversational. You have great energy and interest in your voice. Good volume. Good use of gestures to make your point. Great smile.
I liked your opening: "Another thing that we do with Weichert and I like to do a lot and I get a lot of great response with is our Open House program."
Great idea to bring the idea of having an Open House to life and give the seller the rationale for doing it: "Did you know a lot of people in your neighborhood have friends that will want to move into this neighborhood?"
You're great at explaining how it works, why it works and what you're looking for . . . getting traffic, getting more people to see the house and getting the house sold.
"I get to walk the around your home. Show them all the various, unique things that make your house stand out, different from the others just as you showed me around your house." Nicely done.
Good conclusion: "The more traffic we get for your open house, the more likely the chance we'll get an offer and that's our ultimate goal . . . to get your house sold." THEN you closed: "How does that sound to you?" Great!
Suggestion for next time: Try to lead with a question and then go into a "headline" statement that will frame your topic nicely. Here's an example:
"Have you seen our yellow signs and balloons all around your neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon?" Why? This will engage the client. Draw him into the conversation and get him connected to the topic. THEN give him a headline on Open Houses: "Our Open House program is a system we use to get as many buyers possible seeing your property."
I also wanted to hear more about how the way YOU do open houses sets you apart and as a result, gets more traffic through the home. Something like: "We do open houses like no other company. It's actually a system and it's what I do before, during and after the open house that sets us apart and gets your home the most exposure." THEN give me a brief overview of what you do to drive traffic. Insert comments like: "I don't just stick a sign in your yard. There's so much more that I do to drive traffic." Then explain what you do. Can you see how this will nicely frame all the details you want to share?
I hope this feedback was helpful. I really liked the way you approached this. May I share this video with the class?
I enjoyed meeting you the other day. Thank you for being a Team Leader!
Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
You have great energy and enthusiasm. Good volume. Good rate. It's clear you care and you love what you do.
Your passion for what you do is terrific. I can see you're proud of the team and the office.
What I wanted to hear next is an example of how the team will benefit the seller. Here are a couple of examples:
"Here's my team. We have over XX sales professionals in the XX office. Considering that they are working with an average of 4 buyers at any one time, you can be sure your home will be marketed to all my colleagues buyers. In the first week alone, that's XX buyers who will know about your beautiful property. We give updates on listings at our office meeting. My colleagues will join me in previewing your property the first week we have it listed so they can describe the house to their buyers and future buyers." THEN close with: "Can you see how my team will be a help in marketing and selling your home?"
"In my office, we have someone welcoming customers and answering the phone from XX to XX every single day. These individuals are sales professionals who will be able to answer questions about your home and set up an appointment to preview your property." THEN close with: "Would you agree that having inquiries on your property handled by professional sales associates is a benefit to you?"
I hope this feedback was helpful.
I enjoyed meeting you the other day. Here's your video. Just click on the link and it should play for you.
You have good volume, good body language. Your gestures were very good and helped you to emphasize your points. Great eye contact. Good posture. You had great energy and enthusiasm in your voice and that's so important for a seller to see. You have a great smile.
I'm glad you chose the "agenda" page. Not many people do that one. You're setting the stage for what you're going to cover and this page can be a little tricky because some folks spend too much time on each point and do the whole presentation here. I think you touched on each topic well and didn't spend too much time on each one.
Nice job: "Real briefly what the Weichert Difference is . . . "
At each segment of your presentation, try asking a question. Why? To engage the seller and bring him into the conversation. Something like: "Do you believe there's a difference between real estate companies?"
For the Internet: Leave out WLN. You'll get to it. Everything else you said was perfect.
For Open Houses: Rather than say, "I know that's not everybody's favorite thing." Try: "I've found that Open Houses are a critical componenet in marketing your home and we can talk more about how I conduct open houses in such a say that you feel comfortable that your safety and security are maintained as we show your home to interested buyers." It's more positive and still acknowledges that some sellers have a hard time with that one.
For Gold Services: Nice job! LOVED that you laughed. When you laugh, you put the client at ease and make it a human interaction, not a "sales" interaction.
For Pricing: Liked the way you positioned how you approach pricing. Adjustment: "We have something unique to Weichert. I don't just show you comparables. I conduct a Price Trend Analysis that factors in the trend in the market."
For Neighborhood Specialist: You've convinced me that you have it all. Especially liked the Neighborhood Specialist points because your facial expression changed. The energy in your voice changed. You became more animated and this told me -- Wow! She's proud of her roots in the community and her local knowledge. I want someone with that kind of enthusiasm about this area representing me in selling my home. If she loves it here she'll share that with buyers. Smart. Smart. Smart.
When we speak for more than a minute or two, it's always a good idea to engage the seller. How? Ask a question. It draws the client into the conversation and you get a chance to guage the client's level of interest and whether or not the client has a question or concern. Better to get the concern out early and address it rather than wait until the end. Try: "Of these six distinct advantages I just shared, is there any one that you're particularly interested in over the others?" (then, whatever the client says you can react to it. "Great! Then I'll spend a little more time on our internet strategy and we can talk about some of those questions then." Or the client might say, "Yes. What's the price of my house?" and you can say, "Great question. I've prepared a complete analysis and we'll get to that in a few minutes. May I start with our internet strategy and then after we review your customized plan I'll discuss pricing?" You need to get their agreement on this agenda and stay on track. This will help you do just that.)