Product Specification
LustresealExtended Wear Plus
High Solid Acrylic Sealer with Resistance to petrol, oil, fungus and algae
Lustreseal Extended Wear Plus
To those areas indicated on the drawings, concrete surfaces shall be sealed with Lustreseal Extended Wear Plus.
Lustreseal Extended Wear Plus provides a hard, clear glossy film to protect most concrete surfaces from the ingress of dirt and weathering.
All surfaces shall be prepared and sealed strictly in accordance with the current manufacturer technical data sheet.
All work shall be carried out by an experienced contractor, who is well trained in the application of the specific, documented sealer.
Surface Preparation
The concrete surfaces should be clean, sound and free of concrete curing compounds, form release agents, paints, coatings and all other surface contaminations, such as algae, mildew, mould, oil or grease.
Concrete surfaces shall be cleaned with a compatible general purpose washing agent.
Concrete under 28 days old should also be acid etching, and then pressure cleaned at 3000 psi to remove laitance.
Prime coat the surface with LustresealSuperbond.
Lustreseal Extended Wear Plus sealer can be applied by soft broom or lamb’s wool roller. Sealer is to be applied, strictly in accordance with the manufacturer current Technical Data Sheet.
Slip Resistance
To obtain a higher slip resistance factor, use a suitable slip additive in the final coat.
Refer to the manufacturer Technical Data Sheet for the appropriate slip additive.
After sealing it is recommended the sealed surface be protected from:
- Foot traffic for a minimum of 48 hours
- Vehicle Traffic for a minimum of 72 hours
Solids (PBW):24.5% plus or minus 1%
UV Light:Very good resistance
Thinning:Lustreseal Solvent, max 50%
Recommended Film Build100 microns
Application Rate:5-6 m²/litre/coat
Film Build Wet:300 microns
Lustreseal Extended Wear Plus from Parchem Construction Supplies meets the product criteria and is an approved product.
Parchem Construction SuppliesDocument Date: 04/2012Page 1 of 2
Parchem offers direct assistance with specifications for individual projects; we can visit the site, design office, or arrange a meeting at our branch office. It is recommended that Parchem be consulted early in the design process. For Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Specifications and Method Statements, please visit our website at. * To insert the Specification, Copy and Paste.