Sponsored by the Michigan Section of the

Mathematical Association of America

Web address

The Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), in seeking to foster interest in mathematics and to give high school students an opportunity to hear mathematicians speak on mathematics, sponsors an on-going program of VISITING LECTURES to high schools in Michigan.

For many years now volunteer lecturers from colleges, business, and industry have been willing to make visits to high schools in the state. Usually these visits are very well received by students and faculty, who find it a valuable supplement to the regular curriculum. Lecture topics include applications of mathematics in bridge-building and Congressional apportionment, careers in mathematics, beautiful mathematical gems in mainstream mathematics, and topics in other areas such as graph theory, chaos theory, and the theory of surreal numbers.

There is NO CHARGE to your school for this service. The lecturers participate because they want to share with young people their knowledge of mathematics and their enthusiasm for the subject. The Michigan Section of the MAA reimburses speakers for travel.

A list of lecturers and the titles of their talks for the current academic year can be found at the HSVLP web site. The address is given at the top of this page. The speakers list will be updated throughout the year. In order to minimize travel costs and conserve the lecturer's time and energy, we attempt to arrange visits within a fifty mile radius of the lecturer's home institution. However, if you are not within this distance of a listed lecturer, you may still request a visit. In this case, the program director will try to locate either a volunteer in your vicinity or else someone who is willing to travel further. Also, arrangements may be made for a lecture topic suitable to your needs, even though it is not on this list. Additional details and the procedure for requesting visits can be found at our web site.

We hope that your mathematics department will take advantage of this program. To have a Visiting Lecturer come to your school to give a mathematical talk and perhaps meet with students interested in careers in mathematics, please send your request to one of the Co-Directors listed below. You may also submit your request on-line at our web site. Feel free to contact either Professor Evan Schemm or Professor Brian Snyder if you have further questions.

Professor Evan Schemm
Professor Brian Snyder
Co-Directors Michigan MAA-HSVLP
School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Lake SuperiorStateUniversity
Sault Sainte Marie, MI49783 / FAX: 906-635-6663
Telephone 906-635-2633 (Evan)
e-mail: (Evan)
Telephone 906-635-2658 (Brian)
e-mail: (Brian)