Hi Motley's on 3,960 MHz.
My name is Ed Pennington K3YTR. For now I am the Editor of the Motley newsletter. The last Newsletter went out with out too much of a hitch. The bad part was I only received $32.00 back for the 72 letters that went out snail mail. So this time I am only sending to the one’s that sent their $2.00 in. Please send you $2.00 in if you want the next issue. The Email will go out as usual and I hope all the changes to Email addresses are correct. We did have a few “SK” both on Email and Snail mail. My list shows. Number 25 K04KI, #27 KB8MMU, #42 WB8IFS, #50 WA2UYL and #105 VE3VFD. There were a few more Snail mail’s that came back with “No address found”. I will keep checking those for address changes and ones no longer Ham’s.
It is now November and Thanksgiving is close at hand.
So there will be no mistake, Friday Nov. 29th will be our next Come-all check-ins. If you haven’t been involved before, it is a night we will try to get as many check-ins as possible. We need 74 to beat the last record. So get on the air that night and give us your check-in.
Mary KB2CWX, Tom’s, WB2CLN, wife has had a real go of it with Chemotherapy. From Fred VE2AHA’s last talk with Tom on the phone, on or around Nov 16, Mary was doing much better and Tom has been missing from the airwaves so he could spend a little more time with Mary. All our prayers are with you Mary and may your Thanksgiving and Xmas be much better this year.
We Have 7 new Members as of Nov. 17th and may have more by the time the letter reaches you. Our total as of this date is 160 members. I think in the future, when we get a new member; I will send the new member the latest list. G4udk’s, one of our England Motley’s, photo has been included but the photo is poor. I asked Robin to send me a new one but he is blind and doesn’t have the right type of Email to send photos and also his wife needs to due that kind of work. If you would like to see a better photo of Robin go to his call G4UDK on QRZ. Robin and Dick G0EVY can be worked on split Freq.when Tom or one of the other Advanced or Extras set up the split with our English friends. Look for them on or around3,775 MHz.
I have not received anything of other news to include with this mailing but do hope that I will receive some for the next mailing. That should be in March 2003. Thanks to Patty KC2GLQ for sending and forwarding Photos. Thank to the rest of you that sent me Photos. Please don’t forget when you send me an Email, in the title first put “Motley’s”, if you don’t it goes into the wastebasket. Also please put your motley # and call some where in the text for ID.
I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving,Merry Xmas orHappy Holidays and a Happy New Year. See you all again in March 2003.
K3YTR Ed Pennington