Hiddenbrooke Community Association

Minutes of Board Meeting February 12, 2009

1.  Call to Order: 7:02 p.m.

2.  Board Members Present: Nancy Berke, Kevin Elliott, Jason Hamilton, Jim Hayes,Sasha Jain, Jim Libien, Richard Tirrell.

3.  Invited Guest: Ollie Becker-Hiddenbrooke Golf Club General Manager.

4. Golf Club Report: Hosting Drake University College Tournament,March 13- 17th. French Wine Dinner Friday Night the 27th. There is a kids menu and prices on the regular menus. Bookings slightly slowed the past two months, weather.

5. Changes/Additions to Agenda:See New Business, Deposit for Sept. Golf Tourny.

6. Approval of Minutes of January meeting: M/S/C.

7. Treasuere’s Report: Jim Hayes. Dues income $5295 so far, 2009. Assets $16,965, Liabilities of $1692.33 (Neighbor’s printing, Feb-March issue) Trash Program: $479 left, enough for 3 months. Will use membership list to get new Chairman. 8. Welcome Center Update: R. Tirrell. Camera #4 dead (old camera); Camera #2 intermittant. Bid from All Phase Video Service for new Hi Resolution camera and switch older unused camera to incoming position, of $2231.33 discussed. There is money in HMD maintenance fund for Welcome Center to cover this, per Jeanine K. of City-HMD department. Approved, subject to actual labor hours instead of estimate of 8 hours installation. M/S/C/. White stripes have been painted on the cross-walk area incoming, at the Stop signs, to mark the pedestrian area and to slow/stop traffic at the Entrance/Welcome Center. Improved compliance noted by Officers. A renewal request for a variance for the A Frame signs at the Entrance has been sent to the HARC for 2009-2010.

9. Neighbor’s Update and resignation of Editor: Letter accepted from Jamie Clark, very gracious, not enough time to do everything in her schedule, will do one more issue. Kevin Elliott: We have design and vendor and quotes for a new single portal for Hiddenbrooke online.org that will include Neighbors, H-B News, HCA and HPOA, ads, alerts, information on events, warnings, pictures of social events, weather, calendar, headline articles, HARC and CC&Rs links, etc. We need the HPOA Board to vote on wether to join us in this endeavor and support its creation. For those who still prefer a paper version, print-outs of Neighbors can be placed at the Welcome Center and J&0’s. The board M/S/C/d a resolution to proceed with this project of a new restructured Web site.

10. Golf Tournament Update: Jim Hayes. New Committee going great. Members Chris Anthony, Pat Libien, Gail Foltz, Janet Perez, Pam Hargrove, Laura Kazaglis, and Barb Bacon have set date of Sept.20th, shotgun 18 holes, 1 p.m. Charity will be Alternative Family Services, estimated cost $95-100 with $10 to charity, 72 golfer maximum. Discussed donating some or all of profits to the Charity after all bills paid.

11. Social Update: Nancy Berke. Urgent talking up “Oldies” party next week ; ad in Neighbors out late, Emails and H-B News reminders. Looking for venue for Cinco de Mayo party on the 9th of May.

12. Safety committee: Jason Hamilton. Hitting a wall with Solano EMS Michael Friend, and Fire Chief Russ Sherman to get dispatch linked for early delivery of AED to medical emergencies scenes in Hiddenbrooke. Osby Davis, Mayor, will be contacted to facilitate this project. Neighborhood Watch project will be restarted in 2009 with help of Bob Sampayan .

13. City Relations: Jim Libien. The Council approved the supplemental police contract, extended two years, minimum staffing clause deleted. Union reduced claim to monies under old contract from $20 million to $1 million. CAMP union approved a three year contract (administraters), and waived their claims in bankruptcy court, and will pay a portion (small) of their health premiums. The Fire Union is still fighting the bankruptcy , and will probably lose their claim. The binding arbitration resolution from the City council was defeated 5-2, along union lines. It will still be on the Nov. Ballot due to the signature drive. Park & School still dragging along in the regulatory phase; no response from Mel Jordan; Mayor Davis will be setting another meeting with the principals involved to get moving again at glacial speed.

14. Membership: Nancy Berke. Great response to all the hard work of the committee, 132 members so far, with another form in the Neighbor’s that just came out today. Geoff Albrecht will do an exel spreadsheet with member’s interest for use by committee chairs to involve more volunteers/new people. Discussed electronic invoices next year to save mailing, with Pay Pal option. Mailing list needs to be updated, from Desiree Conley. New members who want HB News will be added, Barb Bacon volunteered, plus moderate it, along with Geoff A. A”Welcome” E-mail will be composed (Robert Berke) with a “thank you” and pick-up of gift at J&0’s end end of the month, which will be credit card size magnet with HCA 2009 and important phone #’s. Hope to coordinate with HPOA in future for a new Hiddenbrooke owner packet, with “”Join HCA” info and forms. Future recruitment ideas involve A frame sign info, Block parties in summer, cul de sac locations and a “Bounce House” for kids. Sasha suggested an HCA” meet and greet” on his store patio with Bar-B-Que..

15. Liason to HPOA: no new meeting; See item #9

16. The Ambulance future: see item #12.

17. Upcoming Events:

A. Oldies but Goodies Party: Feb. 21st, 2009.

B. HCA Board Meeting: 3/12/09

C. HCA Board Meeting: 4/09/09

18. Old Business: Moment of Silence in Honor of Abraham Lincoln.

19. New Business: Approved Deposit of $400 to Golf Club for Sept. 20th annual Hiddenbrooke Golf Tournament.

Adjourned: 9:45 p.m.

Richard E. Tirrell M.D. Secretary

