Hi, you are invited to join us!! www. ZCCW.org

Z Car Club of Washington

We are members of the ZCar Club of Washington State. We have organized a local car club in order to increase our enjoyment of the all variations of the Datsun and Nissan Z cars, from the first 240Z through to the latest 370Z! *We publish a newsletter with information about the Z and our activities, organize and participate in sport car events such as road trips, rallies, autocrosses, and car shows. *We arrange Technical Sessions to help provide information about the Z and its care *We have parties and picnics *We are an information resource to each other *We know where and what to purchase for our Z's *We receive discounts from local and mail order dealers and performance shops *We gather, solicit, and archive Z tech articles from past newsletters and other sources.

If You Love Datsun or Nissan Z cars, We Want You!

(240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX, 350Z or 370Z)

We have monthly meetings for club business, knowledge sharing, and socializing. We also organize and participate in sports car events, drives, autocrosses, car shows, potlucks, picnics, parties, and technical sessions.

What are the benefits?

We are an information resource to each other. Each and every one of our members has something to contribute such as where to buy hard to find parts, good mechanics, how to fix or modify something, etc. Club members get discounts on parts and service from Bellevue Nissan. You also get to meet many other people that share your passion for cars and especially Zs!

Here’s how to contact us:

Web site: By E-mail: (or)


ZCCW Membership Application

Annual dues: Member - $40/year

Each Membership receives a one year online/paper magazine subscription to Z Car Club Magazine Magazine!

Members joining between October and December will be given membership through the following year in addition to the remaining months of the year they join.

Membership includes all family members within the address provided below.

To join, fill out the application below and mail to the following address with your $40.00 payment.

ZCCW - P.O. Box 311 Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Please fill out your Membership Info below:


Street Address / City

State / Zip code

E-Mail / Phone

Z-Car #1 Year: Model: Color:

Z-Car #2 Year: Model: Color:

Areas of Interest > Technical/Mechanical? Shows?

Autocross or Track Days? Drives? Social? Other?

ZCCW is sponsored by: Bellevue Nissan

14762 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue WA 98007