My Sighting:

Back in 1995 I was sitting in my front room around 9.45pmwith the lights off watching a program on TV,

I could see through my dinner room windowa light upin the sky above mygarden whichcaught my

attention so I decided to go into the Garden to investigate the light when I went into the Garden I soon

realised that this light was a helicopter travelling from the west to the east which was unusual, what I

mean by this is that I live under the flight path for the helicopters that fly into Royal Cornwall Hospital,

and thatthis helicopter wasusing a different flight path, normally the flight path is East to West or from

South west to North East.


Back to the helicopter, after watching the helicopterfly down the valley out of sight I turned round to

come indoors, at this point I was on the top steps which had a smalllanding about seven foot above

the garden which was eye level with nansavallan woods about 1mileacross the valley.

From my house, at this point something red caught my attention I spun back round to get a better look

and I then sawtwo red lights glowing really bright floating just above the trees, there was no noise coming

from these lights the position of the lights were side by side moving down the valley at this time it was just

getting dark so could not make out any shape, so I then went indoors to call my wife out to witness the lights,

after my wife came out she then said that the lights were a helicopter so I then said to her that there was no

noise and that they were to low for a helicopter, which we then debated about what they could be, buy this time

they had gone out of view, soI decided to go out and investigate what the lights were I went up to the back

of Richard Lander School, which had goodviews over the valleyalso it was higher up and you could look down o

the valley, by the time that I reached the location it was dark, and the time was around 10.05pm

All off a sudden I could hear a helicopter after searching the sky for some navigation lights on the helicopter

I noticed some flashing lights over the woods, (which was one helicopter) then another one appeared then a third

one then a forth one ( I think they were lynx helicopters not sure)they then started to crisscross the valley as if

searching for something they also flew over my location, at this point I was thinking what the hell is going on here,

the helicopters were flying around for 5 minutes or more after this they then went down the valley in the same direction

as the red lights went, at this point I heard a very loud plane noise come over the top of my location, which was very

low indeed I thought at the time it was very low for this area just outside Truro, I don't know why but I had a feeling

that this plane was a RAF Nimrod ( more on this plane can be found on:

the helicopters, at this point went quite and out of view, so I decided to go home,when I arrived home

I noticed my wife in the kitchen with no lights on and ironing, the first thing she said to me was that thetwo

red lights we had seen early were not helicopters so I said what makes you say that she then said I have just

seen the helicopters flying over the woods and they were nothing like the lights we had both witnessed, the next day

I phone Culdrose control tower to ask why these helicopters were flying so low over the woods at nasavallany woods,


Two months later after this sighting a person phoned me up and told me that he was just going into the petrol station

which was next to the Country Arms (The Country arms overlooks Nansavallan wood) about 2am in the morning

when he witnessed a very large ball of light hovering just over the power lines that run through the woods.

And this was how Cornwall U.F.O. research group was started. I have had many more sightings since this sighting.