HHJS Science Week:Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June 2013

Robin Batchelor - 01844 217321 £600 Monday

Alan Ames - £375 – Tuesday

Spectrum Drama – Suzanne – 020 7735 9220

Amy Johnson booked for Wednesday - £200 maximum of 4 shows (each lasting 40 mins)

Nick James - booked Wednesday kites – £560 plus £160 travel for one day – workshops for all children in year six making their own kites and learning how to help younger children make theirs, materials for all other classes to make kite included

RAF – Odiham – 01256 702134 RAF Odiham, Hook, Hampshire RG29 1QT – Group Captain Sean Reynolds (x 7494) Flight Sargent Thompson (x 7522) x 95235 community relations officer - Helen James (engagement and support officer) 01256 367204 or Flying Officer Rhian Watts – 01256 367494

Air Ambulance- 7247 6722/24 Alan Rock - The Chief Pilot, Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, London’s Air Ambulance, The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BB PR Office – 7218 7955

RSPB – 01273 775333 –

STEMnet– Rebecca Tranckle - 0118 3784602 - or

Shell Education Services Meg Post – Sphere Science – Amy Johnson actress - email @spherescience.co.uk

Fun Factory– John – 8977 1006 Visit his shop after half term - £200 for balloons – 10 inch, one per child – we provide labels with school e-mail address

Aeronautical - Rosalind Azouzi - 020 7670 - female aeronautical personnel

Jon London 01638 515777 - £900 for 2 people whole day and 1 person for half day.

Red Arrows – 01522 733110

HHJS Science Week 2013: Health and Safety

Visitors have own risk assessments (where appropriate) and public liability insurance

Monday Balloon at Holly Road Rec – children will stand around the edges of three sides in class groups – Bill to co-ordinate Parents at Rec to watch

Balloon basket in playground – safe access to climb in and out

Tuesday Birds of prey – Eagle Heights lead sessions

Sphere Science workshops – Meg Post leads sessions


WednesdayKite workshops and display – Nick James leads sessions

Amy Johnson – N/A

British Airways – sessions led by Barbara Pearson – children need to move tables and chairs, some may push airplane trolley

ThursdayKite workshops led by year 6 – normal classroom hazards – scissors and glue

Rocket assembly and workshops – Jon London and colleague lead sessions – need area of playground cordoned off and from this, access to an electric socket for 65m extension lead

FridayMcClaren car in playground – needs to park at 8.00 am in cordoned off area. Geoff Grose leads sessions. If wet weather, ?car driven into hall?

Paper spinner competition – children in hall sitting around the edges of central space. Spinners dropped from height by teachers – need safe things to stand on

Helium balloons at end of day – supplied by fun factory in Teddington – Parents watching


Investigations in classroom Paper spinners – must be dropped from higher than normal reach only if standing on something safely

Other falling paper etc. investigations – again, safe standing

Dandelions – hayfever from actual flowers

Flying objects, eg paper planes, across classroom -