Ms H Chuntso

Date15 October 2013

SUBJECT:Environmental Information Regulation Request

DearMs Chuntso

I refer to your request for information 29 September 2013.Please find your question and our responses below:

Fire safety

1) Has the council an evacuation plan in the event of an explosion on the site such as a recent event in the US?

Please see:

The Council granted planning approval to drill two exploratory boreholes at Barton Moss Road, Irlam, to look at the possibility of extracting coal bed methane in June 2010 (Planning Ref: 10/58590/FUL) and this is all available on the public access website: . In addition a second application to discharge planning conditions attached to the planning permission granted in June 2010 can also be viewed on lineunder the reference 11/60712/DISCON.

As part of the consideration of the planning application in 2010 the issue you raise above was not considered, so the answer is NO. It is the Council’s view that as local planning authority the focus of the planning system is on whether the development itself is an acceptable use of the land and the impacts of those uses rather than any control process, health and safety issues or emissions themselves where these are subject to approval under other regimes. The Health and Safety Executive are responsible for the enforcement of legislation concerning well design and construction. Similarly during operation well integrity is subject to examination by independent qualified experts throughout its operation.

Please answer yes or no and provide documentation to support your consideration in your planning approval.

2) Has the council consulted with Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service prior to granting Planning Permission?

Please answer yes or no and provide documentation to support this consideration in your planning application approval.

They were not a statutory consultee and were not consulted. Please also see our answer to 1) above.

3) Has the council considered the prospect of a light aircraft hitting the drilling rig during landing at Barton, due to bad weather with limited visibility? Please answer yes or no and provide documentation to support this consideration in your planning application approval.

Barton Aerodrome was consulted and had no objections to the application. Condition 21 of the planning permission required the operator to submit red obstacle lighting specifications. This was submitted; Barton Aerodrome was consulted and agreed the specification.

Transportation and waste safety off site

4) Will the trucks carrying waste from the site be labelled as hazardous waste?

5) In the event of an accident on A57 how will emergency services/and/or public be aware of the hazards of chemicals contained therein?

Please provide documentation to support this.

With regard to questions 4 and 5 above, no information is held. Carriage of hazardous waste is not controlled by the Council as the local planning authority.


6) In the event of an earthquake, can the council confirm if it has

a) undertaken evaluation or

b) been advised of the local aqueduct and its role in water supply and whether it would be either compromised or contaminated from the site?

Please provide documentation to support this consideration in your planning application approval.

The Council consulted with the Environment Agency when the planning application was considered 2010. No objections were received.


7) What precautions has the Council taken to ensure the company will have the resources / funds to fulfil their liabilities in the event of contamination, seismic disturbance or other event given the potential impact their activities may have on the local community?

Please provide documentation to support this.

We can confirm no information is held as there was no requirement for the Council as local planning authority to impose such measures.

The Council considers it has fulfilled your Environmental Information Regulations request. However,if you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, or wish to appeal this decision, you may wish to contactDavid Sackfield,Head of Business Support and Information Management, Customer and Support Services Directorate; email:

Head of Business Support & Information Management
ICT Services

Salford City Council

Chorley Road

Civic Centre


M27 5DA

Guidance on how to make a formal appeal against a decision under the Environmental Information Regulations is also available on our web site at

Should you continue to disagree with any decision following an appeal you may wish to contact the Office of the Information Commissioner at:-

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,




Telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45

Fax : 01625 524510

Yours sincerely,
Lynn Faulkner
Principal Information Governance Officer
Salford City Council