Herpetology Midterm Exam: Spring 2014
1)Which of the following is not one of Darwin’s 5 observations?
a)There is variation amongst organisms.
b)Populations tend to grow exponentially
c)Populations cannot grow exponentially for very long.
d)Some of that variation is heritable.
e)Only the strong survive.
f)Some forms of variation are better than others.
2)T / FInternal fertilization in Caecilians is accomplished using the same techniques employed by plethodontid salamanders.
3)T / FAll salamanders use internal fertilization.
4)T / FUrodeles are capable of internal fertilization.
5)T / FIn general, Anurans are capable of internal fertilization.
6)Which form of amplexus is most highly derived?
7)Which species of North American frog has an intromittent organ?
a)Bull Frog
b)Wood Frog
c)Green Tree Frog
d)Tailed Frog
e)Spring Peeper.
8)What are the advantages of internal fertilization (circle all that apply)?
a)Increased chance of fertilization.
b)Fewer gametes are required.
c)Mate guarding is no longer necessary.
d)It is now possible to mate on land.
e)The embryo can develop faster.
9)Which of the following are advantages of internal fertilization, and from the males point of view (circle all that apply)?
a)Need fewer sperm.
b)Copulation = reproductive success.
c)Mate guarding is possible.
d)Reproductive cost to the male is lower.
10)Which of the following are advantages of internal fertilization, and from the females point of view (circle all that apply)?
a)Sperm storage is possible.
b)Copulation = reproductive success.
c)Reproductive cost to the female is lower.
d)Sperm selection is possible.
11) T / FPaedomorphosis is the retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult form.
12)Under what environmental conditions might paedomorphosis be advantageous?
a)The animals live in temporary and unpredictable ponds.
b)The animals live in permanent but unpredictable ponds.
c)The animals live in temporary but predictable ponds.
d)The animals live in permanent and predictable ponds.
13)What are the primary determinants of maximum size attainable by a lungless salamander (circle all that apply).
a)Ability of the pectoral and pelvic girdles to support the mass of the animal.
b)Surface area to volume ratio
c)Water temperature.
d)Water velocity
e)Oxygen concentration in the water.
14)Under what conditions might lung loss be advantageous in salamanders.
a)When the animals have low surface area to volume ratios.
b)When the animals live in warm water.
c)When the animals feed and live primarily on the bottoms of streams.
d)When the animals feed and live primarily at the surface of streams.
15)The world’s largest salamanders are restricted to what habitats?
a)Warm mountain springs.
b)Desert hot springs.
c)Fast moving streams with cold water.
d)River rapids.
e)Marshes, wetlands, and swamps.
16)Which of the Caecilian morphological features below represent probable adaptations for fossorial life (not specifically terrestrial life)?
a)Underhung jaw
b)Limb loss
c)Internal fertilization
d)Eyes under the skin
e)Complete dermal shield in skull
g)Annular rings.
17)What is the evolutionary significance of the Cleidoic/Amniotic egg?
a)Cleidoic/amniotic eggs can be laid on land.
b)Cleidoic/amniotic eggs can hold greater quantities of yolk.
c)Cleidoic/amniotic eggs require greater intimacy between sexes in that internal fertilization is necessary.
d)Cleidoic/amniotic eggs reduce reproductive cost for the female.
e)Cleidoic/amniotic eggs reduce reproductive cost for the male.
18)Which of the following are features are possessed by reptiles, but not amphibians?
a)Presence of at least 2 sacral vertebrae
b)Presence of 2 occipital condyles
c)Presence of the cleiodoic/amniotic egg.
d)3 ½ chambered heart.
e)Cervical vertebrae with mid-ventral keels.
19)What is the advantage of temporal fenestrae for non-chelonian reptiles?
a)Increased osseous strength of the skull
b)Increased cranial volume.
c)Increased space for the belly of the temporalis muscle.
d)Increased skull rigidity
20)T / FThe sails of Pelycosaurs were most likely used for thermoregulation.
21)T / FCaptorhinids are anapsids.
22)How many temporal fenestrae did Pelycosaurs have?
23)T / FThe hips of early Ornithischian and Saurischian dinosaurs differed in position of the Ischium.
24)The position of the pubis in Ornithischian dinosaurs
a)Provided improved muscular efficiency in the movement of the femur.
b)Provided increased support for the tail
c)Provided increased room for the G.I. tract.
d)Provided increased room for the delivery of large clutches of eggs.
The 2 hypotheses for the origin of flight are the cursorial hypothesis (ground up) and the arboreal hypothesis (top down).
25)T / FThe arboreal hypothesis is a problem if birds are dinosaurs because dinosaurs did not get into trees.
26)T / FCentral to most discussions of the cursorial hypothesis is the idea that dinosaurs were endothermic.
27)T / FDinosaurs like T. rex were probably not capable of running.
28)What is Occam’s razor?
a)The cheapest solution is usually the correct solution.
b)The simplest solution is most likely the correct solution.
c)It is impossible to know the truth.
d)The process of conjecture and refutation used in science.
29)T / FHeterotherms have body temperatures that vary over time.
30)T / FAn apomorphic character is a primitive character
31)T / FPoikilotherm have body temperatures that match environmental temperatures.
32)T / FEctotherm generate body heat from within the organism.
33)T / FHomeotherms have body temperatures that are regulated outside of the body.
34)T / FPlesiomorphic characters are highly derived characters.
35)The first adaptive radiation of the Amphibia consisted of
a)Predominantly small forms that were insectivorous.
b)Predominantly large forms.
c)Small forms with 2 sacral vertebrae and 2 occipital condyles.
d)Large forms with 3 sacral vertebrae and an erect mammal-like posture.
36)Which of the following determine how far a frog can jump? (circle all correct answers)
a)Mass of the frog
b)Length of the hind legs.
c)Velocity at the moment the frog loses contact with the ground.
d)Body temperature
e)Ability to adduct limbs after takeoff
f)Number of toes.
g)Size of the temporalis muscle
37)T / FThe fact that amphibians have a 2-phase life history makes it virtually impossible to optimize evolutionary responses to both life stages.
38)T / FTriadobatrachus differs from modern Anurans in that it has fewer trunk vertebrae.
39)T / FTriadobatrachus had a tail.
40)How many ‘true’ and ‘apparent’ cervical vertebrae do turtles have?
a)3 / 5
b)5 / 8
c)8 / 11
d)5 / 3
e)8 / 5
f)11 / 8
41)How many cervical vertebrae do reptiles generally have?
42)How many trunk vertebrae do turtle ancestors have? How many trunk vertebrae do modern turtles have?
a)8 / 5
b)11 / 14
c)21 / 7
d)14 / 11
e)5 / 8
43)Think about temperature dependent sex determination. Why do higher nest temperatures produce predominantly female turtles.
a)Females are more important for population growth, and are more likely to survive at higher temperatures.
b)Higher temperatures result in faster growth, and therefore larger body size.
c)Higher temperatures result in more even paced development, and therefore higher survival for females.
d)Higher temperatures result in greater production of estrogen and therefore more females.
44)Why is it reasonable to assume large dinosaurs were homeothermic, but not endothermic?
a)Large size results in a higher surface area to volume ratio and therefore the cost of endothermy is too high.
b)Large size results in a smaller surface area to volume ratio and therefore homeothermy is not possible.
c)Large size results in a larger surface area to volume ratio and therefore endothermy is not possible.
d)Large size results in a smaller surface area to volume and therefore inertial homeothermy is possible and endothermy is not necessary.
45)T / FThe Alvarez hypotehsis implies rapid extinction of the Dinosauria.
46)T / FThe end Cretaceous mass extinction was selective. That is, not all taxa were affected equally.
47)Crocodilians have a 4 chambered heart, but maintain the Foramen of Panizza. What is the functional significance of this foramen?
a)It allows crocs to increase metabolic rate and blood pressure.
b)It allows the crocs to regulate salt.
c)It makes the semi-erect gait of crocs possible.
d)It allows blood shunting.
e)It separates air above oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood.
48)Crocodilians have a secondary palate that is more complete than that in mammals. What is the function of the palate?
a)Provides a sound resonating chamber for communication.
b)Allows blood shunting.
c)Separates oxygen rich and oxygen poor circulations.
d)Allows crocs to breath while everything but the external nares is submerged in water.
e)Provides a surface for food processing.
For the following statements, use C to indicate Edward Drinker Cope, M to indicate Othniel Marsh, and B to indicate both.
49)_____Published 1600 scientific papers.
50)_____Wanted his skeleton to be used as the ‘type’ specimen for Homo sapiens.
51)_____Was wealthy
52)_____Was the first curator of the Peabody museum.
53)_____Destroyed fossils in the ground rather than let others find them.
54)What led to the end-Permian mass extinction?
a)The breakup of Pangea
b)The formation of Pangea
c)The evolution of flowering plants.
d)The evolution of the Therapsid reptiles.
55)As continents coalesced, what happened to the climate of interior areas (centers of continents)?
a)It became wetter and cooler.
b)It became hotter and drier.
c)The climate became constant.
56) T / FAmphibians have two pathways for sound conduction to the ear.
57)The upper limit to size in the dinosaurs was determined by
a)Length of the legs.
b)Cross-sectional area of the legs.
c)Room available for the gut.
d)Surface area to volume ratio.
58)Early depictions of dinosaurs showed them in marine or aquatic habitats. This is because
a)dinosaurs ate aquatic vegetation
b)Dinosaurs were assumed to have a sprawling posture like modern reptiles.
c)Aguatic habitats would provide thermal stability for these large animals
d)Dinosaurs had long tails, useful for propulsion in aquatic systems.
59)T / FAnurans ventilate their lungs using a buccal pump.
60)T / FLung loss in plethodontid salamanders is considered an adaptation to foraging at the surface of streams.