Walden University–Online Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) with a Specialization in Homeland Security Policy
Walden University offers a Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) program with a specialization in Homeland Security Policy online. This specialization can prepare homeland security professionals to implement protective measures without compromising individual rights and freedoms.
Walden’s online program is ideal for policymakers and government leaders who are unable to put their careers on hold to earn an advanced degree. Individuals in the following areas will benefit most from the specialization in Homeland Security Policy:
· Leaders of Federal, State, and local security council’s who are responsible for developing and implementing security policies and guidelines
· Federal Homeland Security employees who are developing legislation, rules, and guidelines for security
· Legislative Aides at all levels of government, particularly those who work with senators, representatives, and others who are developing legislation impacting civil liberties and public security
· Lobbyists who need to understand the laws and issues around public security and civil liberties
· Individuals in business who are responsible for security issues
· People who work in advocacy nonprofit organizations and think tanks that research and recommend policy and legislation
Required Courses (66 quarter credits)
MMPA 6200 Introduction to Public Administration (5 credits)
MMPA 6115 Foundations for Graduate Study (1 credit)
MMPA 6405 Ethics and Social Justice (5 credits)
MMPA 6420 Organizational Management and Leadership (5 credits)
MMPA 6431 Finance and Budgeting for the Public Sector (5 credits)
MMPA 6435 Human Resource Management: Building a Capable Workforce (5 credits)
MMPA 6461 Public Sector Economics (5 credits)
MMPA 6465 Strategic Planning: Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination (5 credits)
MMPA 6451 Public Policy Analysis (5 credits)
MMPA 6480 Applied Research and Evaluation Methods (5 credits)
MMPA 6830 Current Issues in Homeland Security (5 credits)
MMPA 6831 Critical Incident Leadership and Planning (5 credits)
MMPA 6832 Terrorism: Legislation and Policy (5 credits)
MMPA 6910 Capstone Seminar (5 credits)
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association, www.ncahlc.org.
For more information:
Contact: Enrollment Advising
Walden University
155 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: 1-866-492-5336
Web site: www.WaldenU.edu
Updated: 8/18/10
“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”