Heron Street Tel: 0161 770 1473
Oldham Fax: 0161 652 0474
Head Teacher Mr. N.Fowler
Wednesday 7th June 2017
Dear Parents/Carers
During our topic about the Farm the children were extremely enthusiastic and showed a huge interest in the Farm and in particular the Farm animals. As we are always working towards enhancing and enriching your child’s curriculum and learning experiences we plan to take the children on a trip to Cockfields Farm. The trip will include animal handling and feeding where the children will have the opportunity to feed the lambs and goats and hold various farm animals such as the chicks and finally we will also have a picnic together!
The trip will be on Tuesday 11th July. We are travelling by coach and will leave school at 12:45pm and return back to school at approximately 3:40pm.
Please ensure your child is dropped off at 12:30pm promptly as the coach will leave at 12:45 promptly.
In order to accommodate our trip the pick up time is slightly later than usual and your child will need to be picked up at 3:40pm from their usual gate.
The cost of the coach is £250 and the cost for both Morning Nursery and Afternoon Nursery for the Farm is £356.40.
In order for us to go on this wonderful experience together we would like you to contribute £10.00 towards the trip.
As we will be having a picnic you will need to send a packed lunch with your child also.
P.S. We need volunteers to help with the trip so if you can help can you please indicate on the slip attached.
Please return the attached permission slip to school by 19th of June 2017.
Thank you
Nursery Staff
Please delete as appropriate
I give/do not give my Child……………………………………………………………………
permission to go to Cockfields Farm on Tuesday 11th July 2017. I have enclosed £10 to contribute towards the cost of the trip.
I am able to volunteer to help on the trip to Cockfields Farm. (Please fill in your details below to allow us to make the necessary safety checks). Thank you
Adult Name in full ………………………………………..Parent of………………………………
Contact Number…………………………………………………………………………………
Date of Birth………………………………………………………………………………..