Hero/Villain Poster Rubric

2 / 1 / 0
The poster focuses on your character as either a “super-hero” or “super-villain” / The poster has a clear titleandallillustrationsand written evidence focuses ontheassignedtopic / Thereissomeconfusion onthemainfocusofthe board, either in illustrations or written evidence / The poster is confusingtotheeye and the focus is unclear
Theposterhasneat, colorfulillustrations / The required illustrations are neat and colorful, addingtothefocusofthe board / The required illustrations are sloppy or do not display adequate color / There are no illustrations, orthey arenotdoneneatly orcolorfully
The poster has written evidence to support the group’s focus (at least two reasons) / There are two written reasons, strongly supported with evidence tosupportthemainfocus oftheboard / Thereisonlyonereason shown,orthewritten responsesareshortand inadequate / There are no written responses or they are poorly done and confusing

Hero/Villain Poster Rubric

2 / 1 / 0
The poster focuses on your character as either a “super-hero” or “super-villain” / The poster has a clear titleandallillustrationsand written evidence focuses ontheassignedtopic / Thereissomeconfusion onthemainfocusofthe board, either in illustrations or written evidence / The poster is confusingtotheeye and the focus is unclear
Theposterhasneat, colorfulillustrations / The required illustrations are neat and colorful, addingtothefocusofthe board / The required illustrations are sloppy or do not display adequate color / There are no illustrations, orthey arenotdoneneatly orcolorfully
The poster has written evidence to support the group’s focus (at least two reasons) / There are two written reasons, strongly supported with evidence tosupportthemainfocus oftheboard / Thereisonlyonereason shown,orthewritten responsesareshortand inadequate / There are no written responses or they are poorly done and confusing