Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting

Date:19 October 2012

Time: 4.00pm

Venue: Civic 2, City of Melton

High Street, Melton

Meeting Minutes

In Attendance

Chairperson – Sera-Jane Peters (Council’s Heritage Advisor)

Laura-Jo Mellan – Council’s Coordinator Strategic Planning

John Little

Judith Bilszta

Christine Love

ApologiesCr Renata Cugliari

  1. Actions from previous meeting
  • Actions which have not been completed from previous minutes include circulation of History Prize ideas which has been added to agenda as General Business.
  • Council’s Heritage Advisor was to rewrite the heritage award guidelines to be clearer about the time limit on awarding works, and circulate these by email to members.
  1. Heritage Assistance Fund Round 2
  • There were no disclosures made in regard to the two applications for the Heritage Assistance Fund.
  • Two applications have been made to the fund in Round 2 - St Dominics Church, Melton and Roger and Margaret Wood, Toolern Vale. Both have been assessed as eligible for the fund.
  • The number of applications is again disappointing, but Councilallowed for long application period this round and sent letters to every designated heritage property owner with a FAQ sheet, as well as targeted properties which are known to require conservation works, with direct phone calls.
  • Potential applicants are many but those who want to commit their own funds are limited.

Application 004, St Dominics Church, Melton.

  • The application is eligible but there are some questions about the scope of works.Certain items in the scope would not be classified as conservation works and are not on fabric which is considered original to the building. There are also questions about the choice of colours for repainting. St Dominics has been asked to reduce the scope of works and submit a revised quote from their preferred tradesman. This will bring down their original request for $6,500 to a lesser amount which has not yet been confirmed.
  • Council’s Heritage Advisorto liaise with St Dominics in regard to the works to ensure the results are satisfactory and the issue of colours is addressed.
  • In other respects, St Dominics qualifies for funds, with the works improving the appearance and longevity of the painted surfaces, wooden barge boards, window sills and painted masonry of the church. It is also a highly accessible and visible heritage building in central Melton of great significance to the community.
  • All voted in favour of the funding application from St Dominics, subject to the quote being revised down from $6,500, and that Council approve funding of the project for an amount which will be negotiated with St Dominics and their preferred tradesman.

Application 003, Roger and Margaret Wood of Norwood, Toolern Vale.

  • The application is eligible for the Naturalists Cabin, on the property. The cabin is a very significant structure with great historic importance, having been built by Vernon Davey for the use of field naturalists and bird day outings for school children. The works are considered to be urgent and critical to maintain structural stability.
  • There was a question about whether the structure could be repaired given the evidence of white ant damage. Council’s Heritage Advisor advised that there was going to be a great deal of replacement timber used in the floor and lintel structure, and that this was the first stage in works which are expected to be staggered over a number of years.
  • Judith Bilszta provided a potted history of the place, built between 1910 and 1930, and pointed out that Mary Tolhurst may be able to give good information regarding the site.
  • Concerns were raised about the amount of intervention into the original fabric which was required to achieve stability, but this will be carried out in such a way that the new fabric will not be highly visible. ie; under floor bearers and joists of treated pine and in areas that are visible, hardwood stumps.It wasalso pointed out that the cabin is significant for its history rather than its fabric.
  • There were concerns the quote may be too low, but given the works are to be staged over a number of years; this should not be a problem.
  • Council’s Heritage Advisorindicated to the owners that she will need to have access to the cabin for inspections.
  • All voted in favour that thefunding application for $5,175 be accepted by Council.

Recommendation:That the two funding applications be approved as outlined above.

3& 4.Discussion of Committee vacancies and training

  • The Committee has received a formal resignation from Glenda Hutchinson and no response from Kay Haugh when requested to clarify her position on the Committee.
  • An issue was raised about the importance of a representative of the Melton and District Historical Society being on the Committee. The Committee requested that Council’s Heritage Advisorapproach the society and circulate the expression of interest to its members. Judith Bilszta will circulate the EOI to the Melton Family History Group membership andJohn Littlewill approach members of the Exford Residents Association. Council’s Heritage Advisorwill approach the new Eynesbury Heritage group, volunteers of the Visitor Information Centre and the new Diggers Rest history group.
  • Council’s Heritage Advisorwill rewrite EOI and circulate to members for approval.
  • Council’s Heritage Advisorraised the issue of training for Committee members, with the nomination of new members. Some councils have been running heritage advisory groups for many years and have a great deal of experience which could assist members and inspire members with the sort of projects which are undertaken in other municipalities. The ‘training’ would consist of a lunch or similar for committee members and an invited guest, possibly from Mount Alexander committee.
  • Members discussed the expiry of their terms in June 2013. Council’s Heritage Advisorto clarify with Governance officer at Council what needs to occur under the terms of reference and whether members can re-nominate.

Recommendation: That the report be noted

  1. General business

5.1 History prize

  • An issue was raised regarding the new library opening, and the possibility that the inaugural prize could be timed with the library’s opening with possibilities for a display of entries. All agreed this would be a good idea. Opening date is May 2013. Promotion of the prize could occur during Heritage Week.
  • The history prize themes - general agreement that Farming and Family are good themes, with two categories - student and adult.
  • Members would like to see some sponsorship or support from the local newspapers for the prize, with the possibility of publishing winning entries. Council’s Heritage Advisorto make contact with the newspapers.

5.2Heritage Week

  • Melton Heritage Week dates are 18 to 28April 2013. The 2013 National Trust Heritage Festival theme is Community and Milestones. Council’s Heritage Advisoroutlined some of the planning for events including charging for bus trips to prevent overbooking and non-attendance.
  • Judith Bilszta requested that there be some recognition of Oliver Pyke at the graves inside the golf course, on Council land.Council’s Heritage Advisorto circulate the new Baillieu history grants as a possibility for funding.


  • Council’s Library area has tried to organise a local history section in the library and digitising the collection, but it was uncertain where this project is at. Discussed the issue of donation of family archive collections to the library, and difficulties of doing so without a collections policy and storage areas. Committee would like to see a letter drafted to Council asking for clarification of these issues and offering assistance to the Library to organise the local history collections.

Recommendation: That the report be noted

Meeting closed at 5.23pm

Next meeting December 21, 2012, 4.00pm

Heritage Advisory CommitteeMeeting Minutes Page 1