Art I Course Syllabus

LaVega High School 2015-2016

Course Title: Art I Credit unit value: 1 Fine Arts Credit

Instructor: Scotty Wilhelm Meeting in Room 402

email- Phone: (254)299-6820

Instructor office hours by appointment 12:16pm to 1:08pm, other arrangements can also be made by email or phone call.

For a full schedule of classes and other information please see the following URL

Course Description: This is an introduction course to art. Students will be trained on a wide spectrum of art techniques and styles all of which tie into the fundamental elements and principles of art. We will touch on all aspects of art while developing the skills necessary to produce it. Topics can include famous artists, tiem periods, art movements, and various art mediums. In class open discussions about artwork that we are viewing or creating are possible. All who participate in the course should obtain a better understanding of art and discover the tools to continue into the advanced art classes should they have the desire. Instruction will be delivered in many methods including, but not limited to the following- lectures, instructional videos, discussions, group work, individual work, Cornell Note taking and Avid Reading.

Materials: Most materials will be provided, but students are required to bring a pencil, their Avid Notebooks, and a hand pencil sharpener to each class every day. Instructional materials are to be handled appropriately. Damaging supplies is not acceptable and could result in a referral.

Requirements: Course grades will be composed of daily grades (70%) and test grades (30%). Daily grades will come from short projects, excercises and warm-ups. Test grades will come from tests over the elements of art, lengthy projects (defined as any project that lasts 3 or more days), and great artists research papers.

Attendance and Tardiness: Students should strive to be in their seats and working on the warm-up by the time the tardy bell rings. Students who enter the room more than 10 minutes after the tardy bell will be counted absent. The end of class bell does not dismiss classes, students should wait for the instructor to dismiss the class.

Classroom Decorum: Students will not be allowed to eat, drink or use cell phones during class without permission of the instructor. Failure to follow these rules could result in the student having to through away the food or dink. In the case of cell phones, the phone may be confiscated and either given to the office or returned at the end of the school day at the instructors discression.

Late assignments: Assigments turned in later that the due date by up to (5) school days will receive a grade no higher than a 70. Work turned in more than (5) school days late will receive a grade no higher than a 50. No late work will be accepted (3) days before the close of any six week grading period.

Make up work: Assigments missed due to absence are the responsibility of the student. Students will have (3) school days to make up any assigments that they missed.