Course: / Formulas 2 / Date: / January 13, 2010
Class #: / 2 / Prof: / Dr. Ma

Dude’s been talking about an archaeological find in China and a very well preserved 2000 yr old body for about 20 minutes now. She isn’t pretty, I’m just warning you.

…Here’s anotherif you happen to care… This one contained well preserved silks.

Xiao Jian Zhong Tang


  • Warm the middle
  • Tonify deficiency
  • Harmonize the interior


  • Consumptive disease
  • Spleen Qi xu
  • Liver overacting on Spleen

Herb / Function in Formula
Yi Tang / Tonify Spleen
Soothe Liver
Moisten Lung
Gui Zhi / Warm yang
Shao Yao (bai shao) / Tonify yin blood
Zhi Gan Cao / Tonify qi
Sheng Jiang / Warm stomach
This helps generate more Qi for Sp/St
Da Zao / Tonify Spleen

Much like gui zhi tang, but you add yi tang.

Liver can be too strong and overact on Spleen or Spleen might be too weak and therefore Liver is relatively too strong. Consumptive disease can be caused by overeating, overworking, overthinking, overdrinking, etc. Problem could be originally from Spleen. With consumptive disease comes deficiency. Deficiency leads to the stagnation.

Preference for warmth/touch due to the deficient cold. Irritability, hot sensations in soles/palms, paleness (tongue/face), dry mouth. Severe qi xu can also cause some kind of heat – when very tired people can get a hot temper: one side gets very fatigued, one part becomes hot.

Da Jian Zhong Tang


  • Warm the middle
  • Descend rebellious qi
  • Relieve pain


  • Middle yang xu + excessive interior cold

Herb / Function in Formula
Shu jiao / Warm Sp/St
Disperse cold
Gan jiang / Warm the middle
Relieve pain and vomiting
Ren shen / Tonify Spleen/Stomach
Yi Tang

This is a very hot formula for MJ yang xu which causes excessive cold. Cold causes contraction of the channels and sharp pain, n/v, aversion to touch, white tongue, thin and tight pulse, borborygmous.

Shu jiao is the Szechuan pepper which is pretty fiery. Gan jiang is also very hot.

Rescue Yang Formulas

Si Ni Tang


  • Rescue yang


  • Shaoyin disease
  • Yang collapse

Herb / Function in Formula
(sheng) Fu zi / Tonify vital gate fire
Unblock 12 channels
Gan jiang / Warm yang
Clear cold
Zhi Gan Cao / Balance fu zi + gan jiang
Rescue yang

People that have yang collapsing are cold. The heat can’t reach the 4 limbs, so those are very cold too.

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang


  • Warm channels
  • Disperse cold
  • Tonify Blood
  • Unblock channels


  • Yang qi xu
  • Blood xu
  • Cold evil

Herb / Function in Formula
Dang gui / Tonify blood
Shan yao
Gui zhi / Warm channels
Xi xin / Disperse cold
Gan cao / Tonify Sp qi
Da zao
Tong cao / Unblock channels

This is from the Shang Han Lun.

Tong cao is rice paper pith – promotes urination to clear heat and promotes lactation. Interesting choice…

Cold, pale tongue. Cold contracts the channels, causes blockage and then pain.

Dr. Ma’s Herbal needling: 9 needle treatment for everybody/anything
St 36, Sp 6/9, Ki 3, Lv 3, SJ 5, LU 7, Li 11, Yintang – bilateral insertion

Formulas that Release Interior and Exterior Diseases

Da Chai Hu Tang


  • Harmonize Shaoyang
  • Drain heat


  • Shaoyang and yangming syndromes

Herb / Function in Formula
Chai hu / Harmonize
Clear heat
Huang qi
Da huang / Drain Yangming heat
Zhi shi
Shao yao / Relieve pain
Ban xia / Descend rebellious qi
Sheng jiang / Relieve nausea
Da zao / Harmonize ying wei when combined with sheng jiang.

Shaoyang is alternating chills/fever, bitter taste, no appetite, wiry pulse. Evil is ½ in and ½ out. Additionally, bm problems of either extreme – constipation or diarrhea. Yellow tongue coating, wiry/forceful pulse. This is a combination of diseases of both Yangming and Shaoyang channels.

This is a Zhang Zhong Jing formula.

Fang Feng Tong Sheng San



  • Excessive wind heat
  • Excess of both exterior/interior

Herb / Function in Formula
Ma huang / For the exterior
Da huang / For the interior
Jiu da huang Ma huang
Fang feng Mang xiao
Jing jie Bo he
Zhi zi Hua shi
Shi gao Lian qiao
Huang qin Jie geng
Chuan xiong Dang gui
Bai shao Bai zhu
Gan cao

Need to know ma huang and da huang. There are a host of others, however.

Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang


  • Release exterior
  • Clear heat


  • Exterior syndrome
  • Heat evil transferred to the interior

Herb / Function in Formula
Ge gen / Releases the exterior
Clears heat
Huang qin / Clears heat from St and intestines
Dries damp
Huang lian
Gan cao / Harmonizes

Herbs that drain down can cause the heat evil to go deeper into the system. Doh! This causes burning diarrhea, restlessness, dry mouth, red tongue w/ a yellow coat, rapid pulse. Huang lian stops the burning diarrhea, calming the MJ/stomach.

Some ppl carry this formula for travel. You can even carry just huang lian. Dr. Ma carries some single herbs so he can modify.

Tonification Formulas

All god’s children love da tonics!

Tonifications strengthen weaknesses of qi, blood, yin and yang in the internal organs. Sometimes you combine – liver blood and spleen qi for instance. Figure out what the deficiency is and what organ is suffering. But before that you have to make sure your client has a deficiency! You need to use caution here – over-tonification is not a good thing! Tonics can cause problems.

Tonifying principle:

Males, start with spleen because males have their root in Qi

Females, start with liver because root is blood

Small fire can generate qi, but big fires consume Qi. May need to add a bit of KI tonic to both male/female but with caution because hot herbs burn up Ki yang.

Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang

Qi and blood

You cannot separate these two. Qi generates blood and blood is the carrier for the Qi.

Yin and yang

Yang is based on yin. Yang keeps the yin alive and functioning. Yin is like gas inyour car. Yang is like cranking and runnin the engine. Gas is the base. Without gas there is no movement. Without the movement gas just sits there.

Even if you want to tonify Yang, you should add yin tonics.

Tonifying the mother when there is a deficiency

We all know this principle by now: tonify the mother to nourish the child. Mother can generate the child.

Tonify Kidney to tonify Liver
Qi generates blood. This is tonifying water to generate wood.

Tonify Spleen to tonify Lung
Qi moving the blood. This is tonifying earth to generate metal.

Tonify Heart to tonify Spleen
Qi can hold blood – if bleeding, may need to tonify qi
Blood carries qi - if there is blood loss, there is qi loss also
This is tonifying fire to generate earth .




Herb / Function in Formula

Formulas 2 – Winter 2010

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