> V1 = [-1;2;3];

> V2 = [3;5;2];

> V3 = [8;1;9];

> A = [V1,V2,V3]

A =

-1 3 8

2 5 1

3 2 9

Here is the LU decomposition code in MatLab

function [L,U] = GE(A)


% A is nxn matrix

% L is nxn lower triangular

% U is nxn upper triangular


% We compute the LU decomposition of A using

% Gaussian Elimination


[n,n] = size(A);

for k=1:n-1

% find multiplier

if (A(k,k) ~= 0)

A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k);

% zero out column

A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n) - A(k+1:n,k)*A(k,k+1:n);





L = eye(n,n) + tril(A,-1);

U = triu(A);


We are going to explain all of this code.

For our example here, the matrix is 3x3

and do find the LU decomposition we start in column 1.

Step One:

this is k = 1 in the code above

Is A(1,1) != 0 Yes so go ahead an

zero out the rest of column one

Look at A in row 2 and row 3, col 1

> A(2:3,1)

ans =



Store the multipliers in this part of A

This rewrites A

> A(2:3,1) = A(2:3,1)/A(1,1)

A =

-1 3 8

-2 5 1

-3 2 9

Zero out column 1 below A(1,1)

R2new = R2 + 2 *R1 ==> multiplier is -1 stored in old A(2,1)

A(2,2:3) = A(2,2:3) - A(2,1)*A(1,2:3)

R3new = R3 + 3 *R1 ==> multiplier is -3 stored in old A(3,1)

A(3,2:3) = A(3,2:3) - A(3,1)*A(1,2:3)

The above two steps can be written more

succinctly using MatLab as

> A(2:3,2:3) = A(2:3,2:3) - A(2:3,1)*A(1,2:3)

A =

-1 3 8

-2 11 17

-3 11 33

Step Two:

Now work on col 2

This is k = 2 in the code above

A(2,2) is not zero so ok to divide with it

Store multiplier

> A(3:3,2) = A(3:3,2)/A(2,2)

A =

-1 3 8

-2 11 17

-3 1 33

Zero out column 2 below A(2,2)

R3new = R3 -1 *R2 ==> multipier is 1 stored in old A(3,2)

A(3:3,3:3) = A(3:3,3:3) - A(3:3,2)*A(2.3:3)

The above step can be written in MatLab like this

> A(3:3,3:3) = A(3:3,3:3) - A(3:3,2)*A(2,3:3)

A =

-1 3 8

-2 11 17

-3 1 16


Now eye(3,3) in Matlab gives the 3x3 identity matrix

and tril(A,-1) extracts the lower triangular part of A

skipping the main diagonal -- that is why we have a -1

in the tril(A,-1)

So the L we want is

> L = eye(3,3) + tril(A,-1)

The U we want is

> U = triu(A)

and we don't use the -1 option because we want the

main diagonal now.

So we have

> L

L =

1 0 0

-2 1 0

-3 1 1

> U

U =

-1 3 8

0 11 17

0 0 16

We could repackage what we did like this

for k = 1:2

% find multiplier

if A(k,k) ~= 0

% store multipliers

A(k+1:3,k) = A(k+1:3,k)/A(k,k);

% zero out column

A(k+1:3,k+1:3) = A(k+1:3,k+1:3) - A(k+1:3,k)*A(k,k+1:3);





% eye(3,3) gives the 3x3 identity matrix

% tril(A,-1) finds the lower triangular part of A below

% the main diagonal: the L we want is the sum of these

L = eye(n,n) + tril(A,-1);

% triu(A) finds the upper triangular part of A including the

% main diagonal.

U = triu(A);

There is no reason we couldn't do this for n > 3.

We would have

[n,n] = size(A);

for k=1:n-1

% find multiplier

if (A(k,k) ~= 0)

A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k);

% zero out column

A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n) - A(k+1:n,k)*A(k,k+1:n);





L = eye(n,n) + tril(A,-1);

U = triu(A);

If we use this as a MatLab function, we have

> A = [V1,V2,V3];

> [L2,U2] = GE(A);

> L2

L2 =

1 0 0

-2 1 0

-3 1 1

> U2

U2 =

-1 3 8

0 11 17

0 0 16

which is what we had before.