Hello! I am looking forward to getting to know your children as the year goes on, thank you for sharing them with me! I will do my best to take care of them while they are here, as I know they are your babies!

Hopefully this letter will answer some questions you may have about some of the things that will be going on in my Literacy Classes this year. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here is a rundown of some of the things you will find of interest:

Homework Policy

It is never my intention to overload any of my students with homework. Most homework will be class work that has not been finished, and is expected to be turned in the next day. I will require my students to READ EVERY NIGHT! I usually say at least 20 minutes, but love to hear when they have read more.

All homework/class work is due the next day unless otherwise stated. Any late assignments will have points marked off.

All homework will be listed on the Homework Assignment sheet sent home every Monday. Please make sure that you ensure your student gets home with this. I will also place a copy on the Facebook page for reference.

Make Up Work

I hope that your child will be in school on a daily basis. It can be difficult to catch up after missing a day, but I do understand that absences do occur. Should your child be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for make up work. There is a designated area in my class that I put make up work, so, remind your child to check it after an absence. Your child will be given one day for each day missed to turn in the make up work or make up a test.

Accelerated Reader AR TESTING

I truly LOVE reading, and it is my goal this year to get my students to do the same. Sometimes learning to love reading may be a tedious process, but once students stop seeing it as a CHORE, things change. Help me to help your children self-select the right books to read. The right book can make all the difference.

The program we use to monitor reading is the Accelerated Reading program. The program is easy, you read a book then take a test on the book. I will run reports to check the progress made by the students. These reports will notify me of pass or fail status.

Every student is required to read and pass tests on at least 4 books on their level each nine weeks. I encourage more and rewards will be given based on books read/word count…..so students should be motivated to read!

Communication between Teacher and Parent/Guardian

You as a parent or guardian are my best asset in the classroom. You help make us successful! I have a daily prep time in which I will send home times the first week of school (we don’t have them yet). I ask that if you must meet with me or phone me during the school day, please make it during these times. This way, I can devote the time needed to answer any questions you might have, as I will not take away from instruction with your children. Please do not hesitate to email me anytime at . I answer email during my prep time and after school. Also, if you need to speak with me after school hours, you may contact me at 501.266.3377. Remember, I am a mom as well, so please do not call (or you may text) late (after 8)!

Bullying and Other Behaviors

I do not tolerate bullying of any kind. Unfortunately, students who bully will do it when a teacher can not see or hear what is going on. If you or your child feels they are being bullied, please encourage them to speak with me immediately. I will question the suspected bully immediately, without bringing attention to your child.

I do not tolerate any student disrupting the classroom with any behavior that keeps me from teaching or other students from learning. The Payroll System is in effect this year for behavior issues. You should be familiar with this, as it is the same as last year. Please make sure you review your child’s payroll sheet NIGHTLY, and sign off on it. This lets me know that you know your child’s behavior for the day. All payroll sheets must be signed by Thursday for your child to get credit for his/her money earned for the week. The money can then be spent in the bookstore. Any week not signed off on by Thursday of each week, will not be able to be spent (your child will lose their money for the week).

Take Home Binder/Folders

The binder is to go home with your child every night and return every day. Most everything your child needs, and things you need to see, will be in this binder. The take home folder will be in this binder for all graded things and notes sent home. This is also the place for the payroll sheet. Students will also house some fluency phrases and math things as well. It is imperative that your child have this with them EVERY DAY! Most graded things will go home on MONDAYS, so be looking on this day.

Water Bottles

I do not mind if students have water bottles in my class, however, with certain stipulations.

1. Water bottles MUST be pull-top. They cannot be regular water bottles with screw on caps. 2. Water bottles must contain water or clear flavored water (such as adding a packet). NO colored water or any Gatorade, kool-aid or sodas are permitted. Any drinks like this that have added sugars that are spilled, remain sticky….eventually bring BUGS! Ick!

I have provided my homeroom with water bottles.

I know this may not answer all of your questions, but hopefully it will help to clarify things. Again, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your child’s teacher,

Ms. Chasity Reed

*Please return paperwork from your child’s mailbox on the FIRST DAY if possible. Paperwork is due NO LATER than Wednesday, August 19. Before returning paperwork, please make sure your child’s name/homeroom is on each form.