Come and See Autumn Planner2016-17 Key Questions/Belief

Where do I come from?

Life <-> Creation

Religious Education Curriculum Directory







Start/Finish Dates

Domestic Church -Family AT1 (i)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Domestic Church- Family
Focuses on life as gift, myself as a unique and loved creation, the creative love and care that can be expressed in family groups. / N/R Myself
Y1 Families
Y2 Beginnings
Y3 Homes
Y4 People
Y5 Ourselves
Y6 loving / Explore – 2nd – 9th September
Reveal – 12th – 23rd September
Respond – 26th – 30th September
Baptism/Confirmation - Belonging AT1 (ii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Baptism/Confirmation–Belonging
Focuses on the call to belong, the creative potential that belonging develops; and Baptism and Confirmation, sacraments of the gift of Gods life and friendship. / N/R Welcome
Y1 Belonging
Y2 Signs and Symbols
Y3 Promises
Y4 Called
Y5 Life Choices
Y6 Vocation & Commitment / Explore – 17th – 21st OctoberReveal – 24th Oct – 11th November
Respond – 14th – 18th November
Advent/Christmas - Loving AT1 (iii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Advent/Christmas - Loving
Focuses on the capacity for entering into loving relationships and the perfect gift and revelation of God’s love, Jesus, born of Mary, born as one of us. / N/R Birthday
Y1 Waiting
Y2 Preparations
Y3 Visitors
Y4 Gift
Y5 Hope
Y6 Expectations / Explore–21st – 25th November
Reveal – 28th Nov – 9th December
Respond – 12th – 16th December
Feast Days/Holy Days
All Saints – 1stNovember
All Souls – 2ndNovember
Christ The King – 20thNovember
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mary – 8th Dec
Cafod ‘Harvest’ Fast Week – 3rdOct
Advent begins – 27th November (Sun)
Christmas Day – 25th December
Whole school Gift Day/SVP – 15th December (TBC) / Special Notes for Planning
Formal Assessment Topic is
Concept maps at Explore and Respond
Please remember to use Celebration Planners in ‘Respond’ / Global Dimension
SVP / Other Faith or Religion Week
Harvest Fast Week: 3rd – 7th October
Judaism week: 10th – 14th October
Class Celebration Assemblies
Y3 - Promises 24th November
Y6 – Vocation & Commitment - 25thNov
Y5&6 Harvest Assembly – 7th October

Come and See Spring Planner 2016-17

Key Questions/Belief

Who Am I?

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (2012)






Start/Finish Dates

Local Church - CommunityAT1 (i)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Local Church - Community
Focuses on the people of God gathered in Christ, united in the journey of faith, in care for one another, in sharing their story and in celebration. / N/R Celebrating
Y1 Special People
Y2 Books
Y3 Journeys
Y4 Community
Y5 Mission
Y6 Sources / Explore – 5th and 6th January
Reveal – 9th – 20th January
Respond – 23rd – 27th January
Eucharist - Relating AT1 (ii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Eucharist - Relating
Focuses on the invitation to know Jesus, to live in communion with him and with one another. / N/R Gathering
Y1 Meals
Y2 Thanksgiving
Y3 Listening and Sharing
Y4 Giving and Receiving
Y5 Memorial Sacrifice
Y6 Unity / Explore – 30thJan – 3rd FebruaryReveal – 6th – 24th February
Respond – 27th Feb – 3rd March
Lent/Easter - Giving AT1 (iii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Lent/Easter - Giving
Focuses on Jesus’ loving self-giving on the cross, the Father’s love that raises him to new life and the challenge to Christian’s to follow Jesus’ example of self-giving. / N/R Growing
Y1 Change
Y2 Opportunities
Y3 Giving all
Y4 Self discipline
Y5 Sacrifice
Y6 Death and New Life / Explore – 6th – 10th March
Reveal – 13th – 24th March
Respond – 27th – 30th March
Feast Days/Holy Days
Mary, Mother of Our Lord – 1st January
Epiphany – 6th January
Baptism of the Lord – 9th January
Presentation of the Lord – 2nd February
Ash Wednesday – 1st March
Holy Week – 9th – 15th April
Easter Sunday – 16th April
Whole school Easter Mass – 29th March(TBC) / Special Notes for Planning
Formal Assessment Topic –
Concept maps at Explore and Respond
Please remember to use Celebration Planners in ‘Respond’ / Global Dimension
Good Shepherd Fundraising during Lent
Cafod / Other Faith or Religion Week
Class Celebration Assemblies
Y2 – Books 3rd February
Y4 – Giving & Receiving 3rd March
Y1/Y2 - Easter Mass (29th March TBC)

Dignity <-> Incarnation

Come and See Summer Planner 2016-17

Key Questions/Belief

Why am I Here?

Purpose <-> Redemption

Religious Education Curriculum Directory (2012)






Start/Finish Dates

Pentecost - Serving AT1 (iii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Pentecost - Serving
Focuses on the on-going mission of Jesus Christ in the church through the power of the Holy Spirit. / N/R Good News
Y1 Holidays and Holydays
Y2 Spread the Word
Y3 Energy
Y4 New Life
Y5 Transformation
Y6 Witnesses / Explore – 18th – 21st April
Reveal – 24th April – 5th May
Respond – 8th – 12th May
Reconciliation - Inter-relating AT1 (ii)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Reconciliation - Inter-relating
Focuses on the love, compassion and forgiveness of God the Father revealed in Jesus and poured out by the Spirit to bring forgiveness and reconciliation through the Sacrament. / N/R Friends
Y1 Being Sorry
Y2 Rules
Y3 Choices
Y4 Building Bridges
Y5 Freedom and Responsibility
Y6 Healing / Explore– 15th – 19th MayReveal - 22nd – 26thMay
Respond – 5th – 9th June
Universal Church - World AT1 (i)
Area of Study One - Revelation
Area of Study Two – The Church
Area of Study Three - Celebration
Area of Study Four – Life in Christ / Universal Church - World
Focuses on the same love revealed in the diversity of the world and its people and in the gifts of the Spirit that bear fruit in love, joy, justice and peace for all people. / N/R Our World
Y1 Neighbours
Y2 Treasures
Y3 Special Places
Y4 God’s People
Y5 Stewardship
Y6 Common Good / Explore - 19th – 23rd June
Reveal – 26th June – 7th July
Respond – 10th – 14th July
Feast Days/Holy Days
Ascension – 25th May
Pentecost – 4th June
Corpus Christi – 15th June (Sun 18th June)
Ss Peter and Paul – 29th June
Y4 - Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confirmation and
First Holy Communion (TBC)
Y6 - Leaver’s Mass (TBC) / Special Notes for Planning
Formal Assessment Topic –
Concept maps at Explore and Respond
Please remember to use Celebration Planners in ‘Respond’ / Global Dimension
Eco/environmental links
Cafod – / Other Faith or Religion Week
Islam – 12th – 16th June
Class Celebration Assemblies
Y5 - Freedom & Responsibility 3rd June
Y1 – Neighbours 17th July
YR – Our World 18th July