Here are some tips for the Scholastic Book Coordinator.

Q1. What isScholasticBook Orders and how does it support Bowman teachers/classrooms?

ScholasticBooks is the largest publisher and distributer of children's books in the world. They work in partnership with schools to allow families to purchase books at [often] discounted prices and, in conjunction, earn points which may be used for classroom purchases. Teachers can redeem points, earned from each order, to get books for the classroom, audio/visual products, curriculum aids, school supplies, and even classroom equipment.

Q2. What does theScholasticRoom Parent do? What are they responsible for?

TheScholasticRoom Parent will decide how many orders they would like to place during the school year. They will take the catalogs given to them (by the classroom teacher) and make packets for each student. Typically this means flyers from 3-5 catalogs with a due date note attached (see PTA website for documents). The parent will collect paper orders and manage online orders and then place one single classroom order, online. The last step would be to separate the books for each student who has ordered and deliver them back to the school.

Q3. Should theScholasticRoom Parent do at the beginning of the year to get started?

At the beginning of the year, theScholasticRoom parent will set up an account for the classroom under the classroom teacher's name, but using their own individual email address. This is very simple to set up and only requires the "customer number" located on the back of the first catalog you receive. You will be assigned a Classroom Activation Code which will be used throughout the year for families to place online orders. Prior to distributing your first set of flyers, you should email parents the information sheet on how to place online orders (see PTA website for document). Just know that you are completely in charge of theScholasticaccount and the only thing taken care of by the teacher is flyer and book distribution (after you have sorted both).

Q4. How often do book orders get placed?

As sporadically or often as you see fit. If you know that families are regularly interested in ordering, you could do monthly orders. If it works to space out orders, it is perfectly fine to do so. Sometimes this works well, as you will have larger totals and thus earn even more bonus points. Points are based on order totals and some months offer extra points if a certain amount is spent.

Q5. Are there paper or electronic orders?

Both. You will distribute paper flyers with order forms attached. Some families will return the paper form, along with a check. Others (usually the majority) will choose to place their orders online. Their payment will have already been processed, so all you will have to do is submit the cumulative classroom order after inputting paper orders. Please hold on to all paper order forms ... you will need them when it is time to distribute books.

Q6. What happens when books are delivered to Bowman? What does theScholasticCoordinator do?

Your classroom teacher will notify you that aScholasticorder has arrived. You will pickup the box from school. At this point, you may choose to separate the books at home or at school. The box will contain a slip and anyone who placed an online order will have their name and book titles grouped together (on the slip). You will need to separate all books, manually. Please bundle and label each child's set with their name so that the teachers can pass them out easily.

Q7. What do I do if there is a problem with an order (this is extremely rare)?

On very rare occasions,Scholasticmay run out of a specified title and substitute a similar book in its place. They will package the item with an apology letter which also outlines instructions for parents on what to do if they did not prefer the substitute. If you do need to intervene, you can contactScholasticcustomer service and they will provide you with any support needed. The rare situation may be if something was missing from the order or you have a question about points.

Q8. Anything else???

TheScholasticcoordinator will need to reach out to the classroom teacher to let them know how many points they have to redeem. The teacher may ask for the parts of the catalogs specifically for educators, in order to circle items they would like. You would then submit that order using points, on their behalf.

The teacher's name should remain on the account. The email address will be theScholasticcoordinator's.

Also, any checks need to be mailed toScholasticin the envelope provided.

With the catalogs, you can sit there with the TV on and sort and staple. Pay attention as orders come in, just to make sure they are all processed. And you never want to submit each one individually. You want to place all the orders into one classroom order so that you earn the most points.

(Special Thanks to Sisy Thomas for compiling this very helpful FAQ)