September, 2012Math 7

Dear Student,

I hope you had a wonderful summer and I welcome you to grade 7 math class!!! It is my belief that this will be a successful year for each of you filled with many exciting and rewarding experiences. I look forward to working with all of you.

Here are some things you need to know about math class:


  • Math section in a binder
  • Pocket folder
  • School homework planner

  • Pencils (with eraser)
  • Pens
  • Scientific calculator (TI-30X IIS)


It is expected that, each day, you come ready to learn! That means you have all necessary materials (notebook, pencils, planner, completed homework, and anything else that is required for class), you come to class on time, and you enter class with a willingness – and enthusiasm – to learn. When you enter class, you take out all necessary materials, copy your HW, and begin any ‘Do Now’ assignments.


A. Homework is given every day (“Daily Homework”)

  • You begin the marking period with 100 HW points. You lose 4 points for every homework that is not done or not brought to class. You lose 2 points if the homework is incomplete or does not show ALL work. Once these points are lost they cannot be regained.
  • Your daily HW grade will be entered and updated into the gradebook every 2 weeks beginning on September 21 ( so 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, etc.); you and your parents will be able to view this on the parent portal. The most current grade is the grade that is calculated into your average (so, the last grade entered at the end of the marking period – November 9 - is the grade that counts in your marking period grade).

B. Some homework is collected and graded. (“Graded Homework”)

  • Graded HW is just that – homework which is collected and graded. Graded HW which is handed in late will NOT receive full credit.

C. Homework will be posted each day to my website


A. A 10 minute quiz is, generally, given every Friday.

  • If you get lower than an 80%, you must make arrangements to take a make-up quiz. Before you can take the makeup, all errors must be corrected and, if needed, you will attend a help session with Ms. Posluszny.

B. Unit tests will be given approximately every 3 - 4 weeks. Make-ups for the unit testare not



1. Quizzes = 25% of your grade.

2. Tests = 45% of your grade.

3. Daily HW = 10% of your grade.

4. Graded HW= 20% of your grade.


This classroom is a safe place to ask questions!!! If you don’t understand something which has been taught or if you would like additional practice, please let me know!!! Of course I will help you during class time, but sometimes, more time is needed. I will be available for extra help during your lunch period 1 – 2 times each week; I will post the available days each week. You will need to get a lunch pass. If you need help, ASK!!!

I look forward to a year filled with success, fun, challenges, hard work - for ALL of us!! Ask your questions, share your ideas, explore new ideas. Set positive goals for yourself, work hard to reach those goals, and be proud of all your efforts. I will do all that I can to help you meet with success. Have a great year!!!

Ms. Posluszny

Math Teacher

Eastview phone #: 422 – 2223 Office phone: 422 – 2484

Email address:

PARENTS – Please complete the slip below. Students - detach the slip below and return to Ms. Posluszny

Math Class information sheet, September 2012 Math 7 - Period 2

I have read and do understand the routines and policies outlined above.


Student signature Parent/Guardian signature