Friday 21st October 2016

Science and Technology Week

The children have had a fantastic week at school putting their science and technology skills to the test! From Nursery to Year 6, the children have been busy learning about different types of space – Outer space, Digital space, Personal space, Built space and Open space. We all started the week dressed in our science and space costumes in an exciting launch assembly where we thought about what space means and shared our scientific thinking about this.

Here are a few highlights from the week:

Space Dome

On Wednesday 19th October, a very exciting dome appeared in our school hall. As the children entered the dome they could see images of the night sky projected all around it. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and you could see their faces light up with excitement watching the different animated projections. Years 3 and 4 could see the Ancient Egyptian King and Queen in the different star constellations and Years 5 and 6 could see the Ancient Greek gods.

“It was fun when we got inside because it was dark and we got to see the stars in the sky!” Juno – Lime Class.

Stop Animation Creations

The children in KS2 have been busy creating their own short films using stop animation. Using the ipads to take pictures, the children selected the best ones to use for their different frames. They then used these images to edit into a short film – some of which had voice overlays and sound effects. The children really enjoyed using their digital skills to create their own mini-films.

Investigating our Solar System

The children in KS1 have been learning about the different planets. They have been learning about the names of the planets, the different colours of the planets and special facts about the planets.

“What I loved about science and technology week was wearing my costume, making my rocket and making my Jupiter planet.” Amir – Hedgehogs.



Dear Parents & Carers

We are now only a few weeks away from the Sulivan Christmas Fair and, as usual, we are very much relying on your generosity, time and effort to make it a very special event.Whatever you can do to help, be it by donating goods, running a stall, helping set up/tidy up on the day, or just by coming on the day, together it all goes towards making the Fair a real success.

A BIG thank you to you all for whatever your contribution is, and here’s to a great Christmas Fair!


Wednesday 2nd November
Sweets & Confectionery
Packets of wrapped sweets / Wednesday 9th November
Do you have any unwanted teddies for our Teddy Bola?
Wednesday 16th November
Suggested donations are:- toiletries, children’s stationery packs, novelty items, candles, picture frames, scarves, children's books & small toys, / Wednesday 23rd November
Bottle Day
We would welcome any donations of bottles: fizzy drinks, ketchup, sauces etc..

All donations can be dropped off in the playground on the relevant day where a PTA member will be there to collect your items.

Thank you.