HER – Action Plan

Comment in Report / Action / Timescales /
1. /
  • Ensure the accuracy of the terms of reference of the quality assurance committees and associated documentary guidance (Expectation A2.1) Level of risk: Low
1.25The review team noted the use of some potentially misleading terminology in the terms of reference of some committees and inaccuracy in some associated guidance. [Evidence 121, 199, 005 para 7.1] It also noted that the University has embedded mechanisms to review the effectiveness of its committees and an intention to review aspects of its academic governance at the end of the current academic year. [Evidence 124, 121], The review team recommends that, by September 2015, the University ensures the accuracy of the terms of reference of the quality assurance committees and the associated documentary guidance. /
  • End of year review of university and college committees, governance manual (part of annual report to Academic Board in June)
  • Review and annual update of committee terms of reference to be undertaken by University committee administrators
  • Annual update and publication of AQA Manual
  • Meetings to take place between Chairs of Sec and ASQAC and Executive Deans to agree revised format and content of college committee assurance reports to university committees
  • That the timing of college committees be reviewed in liaison with the Executive Deans
/ AQA to undertake and report any revisions through relevant owning university committees.
Revisions in place for September 15
2. /
  • Ensure the consistent implementation of the revised policy on personal tutoring (Expectation B4) Level of risk: Low
2.48The review team heard from students that there is inconsistency in the application of the personal tutor system [meeting 4 and 5]. Students in small cohorts are happy with the level of personal support received, which may or may not be from a personal tutor, but there is variance for larger cohorts with some students reporting not ever having met their personal tutor [meeting 5]. The review team recommends that, by September 2015, the University should ensure the consistent implementation of the revised policy on personal tutoring. /
  • Revised policy of on minimum university expectations around personal tutoring now agreed by SEC for implementation in September 2015
  • Communication and staff development to implement and support the embedding of agreed minimum standards
  • Update to be made to Personal Tutor Handbook to reflect revised university policy.
/ GM
Implementation from September 15
3. /
  • Systematically involve students in the annual monitoring and review of courses (Expectation B8). Level of risk: Low
2.112Feedback from students informs the annual monitoring process and the annual monitoring reports are considered at a college ASQAC meeting where there is student representation from each of the relevant schools [Docs 199, 462 - 465]. However some students with whom the review team met were unclear about the annual monitoring process. [meeting 10] Similarly, while annual monitoring reports are considered at college level, they are not systematically considered at the course level Staff-Student Liaison meetings. [Docs 367 - 458] As a result there is no clear and consistent process by which students at programme level are systematically involved in the annual monitoring process. The review team recommends that, by September 2015, the University systematically involve students in the annual monitoring and review of courses. /
  • To be taken forward in discussions around Student Voice.
  • Course Leader reports to be put on Blackboard and shared with students as part of an SSLC.
/ GM
Implementation from September 15
4. /
  • Ensure the accuracy of information regarding the status of qualifications delivered at UCLan (Cyprus) (Expectation C). Level of risk: moderate
3.12When students leave their programme of study they are provided with a HEAR transcript and degree certificate [301,302,357a-c]. For UCLan(Cyprus )[357b] the degree certificate does not include a statement that it should be read in conjunction with the transcript. A presentation certificate [357c] is provided in addition to the degree certificate which states that the degree is awarded jointly by the University of Central Lancashire (Cyprus) and the University of Central Lancashire.A similar formulation of wording is included in the website of UCLAN (Cyprus) [493] This is inconsistent with the status of UCLan(Cyprus) as a campus of UCLan and a single qualification from the University, although the degree transcript [357a] makes clear that the course is studied at UCLan (Cyprus).
3.13In the review team’s meetings with senior staff, [Meeting 13] the University acknowledged that the wording on the presentation certificate and the UCLan (Cyprus) website, stating that it is a joint award, is inaccurate and will review this wording. The review team recommends that, by September 2015, the University takes steps to ensure the accuracy of information regarding the status of qualifications delivered at UCLan (Cyprus). /
  • Ensure Uclan Cyprus certificates include the standard footer that they should be read in conjunction with the transcript (and each certificate includes statement relating to dual award) COMPLETE
  • Revised Cyprus certificates agreed by ECPU COMPLETE
  • Clarification of status of Cyprus had been undertaken. These are dual awards with 2 separate certificates. COMPLETE
  • Update of website information to reflect dual award COMPLETE
Rector, Cyprus Campus
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HER – Action Plan

Comment in Report / Action / Timescales /
1. /
  • The steps being taken to revise programme specifications for interim exit awards (Expectation A1)
1.8The review team was able to confirm that assessment strategies are appropriate for the awards at the relevant level and that final qualifications are awarded against the achievement of defined learning outcomes. The University is revising its programme specification template in order to include intended learning outcomes for interim exit qualifications. The University intends to approve such qualifications on a rolling programme with effect from September 2015. [Meeting 2, 11. SED 45. Evidence 073] Under the current process, the mapping of module learning outcomes against those at the course level provides security of the integrity of such awards. The review team affirms the steps the University is taking for the revision of programme specifications to include intended learning outcomes for interim exit awards. /
  • ASQAC agreed proposals in October 2014- COMPLETE
  • The revised template has already been issued to schools with guidance and will be implemented from September 2015-COMPLETE
  • AQA Manual update (updated programme specification and guidance already live on the web)-COMPLETE
  • Revised guidance issued to Schools- COMPLETE
  • The intention is that this will be a rolling process as courses go through reapproval/minor change
/ Rolling programme to include all reapproval/PCR/minor change from September 2015. (AQA)
2. /
  • The steps being taken to review the Student Voice (Expectation B5)
2.64The system of course representatives is generally effective [Meeting 4; 6] although there are some instances of inconsistent support for course representatives and the selection, rather than election, of student representatives [SWS para. 1, 3.2 (5); Meeting 4; Meeting 3]. A review under the heading of ‘Student Voice’ has been initiated in conjunction with the SU. The review team affirms the steps being taken to review the Student Voice . /
  • Proposals drafted around the implementation of a revised Module Feedback Questionnaire Policy. Further discussion is needed before approval in the Autumn by ASAQC
  • That a revised SSLC policy had been agreed by SEC in June 2015 in consultation with the SU which established 6 principals for roll out in September 2015.
/ GM For implementation in September 2015
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HER – Action Plan DRAFT for discussion

GOOD PRACTICE: How we plan to further develop and embed the identified good practice:
1. /
  • The implementation of the Digital Shift project that enhances the student learning experience (Expectation B3)
/ LIS will continue to undertake an annual review of good practice across the schools and publish a set of exemplar case studies, celebrating successes in this area. They will support the PVC with a student-led audit of Blackboard to ensure minimum standards are being met and will continue to develop policy (where appropriate) to embed emerging practice in to standard UCLan policy and procedures e.g. electronic management of assessment policy.
2. /
  • The availability of international study opportunities for all students (Expectation B3)
/ International study opportunities continue to be built into all courses and opportunities for study at UCLan Cyprus are actively promoted
3. /
  • The embedded approach to widening participation, employability and internationalisation (Expectations B4, B1, B2,B3)
/ These expectations are embedded in our course review and approval processes and are part of our overall university strategy. The new university strategy 2015-2020 is likely to further develop and embed these principals.
4. /
  • The effective role of the University in supporting its partners (Expectation B10)
/ The University values its partners and is committed to continuing to support them and to further enhance the support we offer as opportunities arise.
5. /
  • The enhanced accessibility of quality assurance materials through the virtual learning environment (Expectation C)
/ The university is currently going through an approval process to purchase a curriculum management system (Worktribe) which will allow far greater control and accessibility to our quality assurance materials moving forward as well as other benefits such as enhanced management reporting and the automatic population into Banner, KIS, website etc.
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