September 11, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.

Approved October 9, 2014


Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Dacle Schmid Jr., Gary Nasser, Tina Melott, and Deborah Anderson.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.

Secretary’s Minutes of the Continued Annual Meeting were presented. Minutes were signed by Moderator Goeden and filed.

Goeden made a motion to approve the minutes of August 14, 2014. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Treasurer Melott presented the treasurer’s report. Nasser made a motion to approve treasurer’s report as presented. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Clerk stated that there is a $50 difference between Treasurer Books and Clerk Books. They will meet to find difference.

Clerk stated that check number 9810 was returned by the Hubbard County Highway Department in the amount of $9,063.04 as it was an overpayment of the current billing. It was also noted that the Kennedy & Graven billings have not included the recording of the amendment to the annexation agreement with the City of Park Rapids. DeLaHunt will contact them in regards to this matter. The MN Association of Townships Insurance Policy was reviewed before payment was approved. Nasser made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud added #9 in New Business for Report from the District Meeting, Kevin Lindow to be included in #3 of Old Business, and move Matt Murray to #1 in New Business. Johnsrud made a motion to accept agenda with additions. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.

Ralph Sanquist presented the road report. Township roads were bladed and Cliff Road/170th Street was finished. The balance of the township gravel was used on Cliff Road. The gates were closed today on the north end of 189thAvenue at the minimum maintenance road. The road was open several weeks and maintenance work was completed. Trees were cut. Grubbed stumps were hauled away to the gravel pit. The brush was cut on the intersection of 169th Avenue and 107th Street. Brush was also cut on North of 189thAvenue and North on 209thAvenue. There

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was one day of chainsaw work resulting from the wind. Chloride roads were rolled by the motor grader and this seems to be helping with compaction.

Johnsrud asked that when the culvert on 210th Street is going to be done to let him know ahead of time so he can talk to each landowner letting them know that the road will be closed for four hours on the day of work. Two culverts need to come out to be replaced by one. Also the culvert on 170th Street will be done.

Johnsrud reported that the sealcoating project is done including the sweeping on 169th Avenue and 170th Street. Mowing has begun of the ditches.

Sanquist stated that while his men were working near the Heartland Trail it was observed that the bicycle riders are not stopping for the stop sign as posted. The brushing work done on 169th Avenue and 107th Street was complimented on the completeness and appearance.

The zoning administrator’s written report was reviewed. The issue of Peterka’s junkyard possibly violating current regulations was discussed. It was felt that at this time there were no issues on the township level as there were no current complaints.

The Drop Box has been completed and is located under the outside posting board at the town hall. There is a red flag on the box to be used if mail is placed into the box. Keys were made available to the Board.

DeLaHunt reported that the new computer is here with a total cost of $243 ($219 plus $24 shipping). It will be installed whenever the Treasurer is ready to update.

Kevin Lindow gave a report regarding his research on the Deer View Road issue. A 1987 township resolution was found but Kevin stated that the Court most of the time will not acknowledge this resolution. The deeds refer to the township road, as it is placed. This is not really a survey question; it is more of an engineering question regarding moving of the water and drainage issues. Kevin highly recommends getting a legal opinion.

Johnsrud feels that legal advice is needed before writing a letter to the landowners near the public access on Long Lake. A survey may need to be done. DeLaHunt made a motion that Johnsrud take this issue to Thomason, Swanson Zahn Attorneys. Nasser seconded. The advantages of using a local attorney were discussed. Motion called and carried.

Matt Murray addressed the Board concerning a Plat Correction of Wildwood Retreat First Addition dated November 2, 1962. The correction proposed has been reviewed by an attorney. To be corrected each party that originally signed the plat must approve and sign, which includes the township. Johnsrud made a motion to accept the correction as presented and move this to the next level. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.

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The Snowplowing/Sanding Contract with Sanquist Construction was reviewed. It was noted that the #8 Payment was increased from $74 to $84 which was previously approved in March 2014. Schmid made a motion to approve contract with Sanquist as presented. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Zoning Administrator Contract was reviewed. No changes from previous year. Johnsrud made a motion to approve contract with Gary Korsgaden as presented. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.

A letter from the Hubbard County Sheriff’s Office was presented to the Board requesting support in the hire of an additional investigator. Johnsrud made a motion that the Chairman drafts a short letter of support. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried. Letter to be mailed directly when completed, no need for further Board action.

Goeden made a motion to authorize the Treasurer, Tina Melott, access to PERA on the township’s behalf. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

DeLaHunt made a motion to authorize reimbursement of costs for CTAS training for Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and Clerk. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud made a motion to approve the Updated Township Board Directory. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud made a motion to appoint the following election judges for the General Election:

Jon Larson, Denny Ulmer,Wanita Nosbush, Russ Walsh,O’Dean Hokanson (Head Judge),Janet Gruis (Head Judge),Sharon Koskela,Arnold Leshovsky,Sharon (Sherry) Sanquist,Nancy Gibbs, and Tina Melott. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud gave a short report regarding information at the District Meeting. Supervisors in attendance were Goeden, Schmid, Johnsrud and Nasser. Johnsrud recommends that the township have a resolution establishing a snow and ice removal policy. He is willing to work with Ralph to form this resolution. Board agreed. Johnsrud will bring a draft resolution to the next regular meeting. Other issues discussed at the District Meeting included noxious weed update and CTAS training.

Copies of the minutes from the September meeting of the Planning Commission were reviewed. Johnsrud reported that the sign ordinance will be reviewed by the Planning Commission. They would also like to see an updated annexation map since the annexation with the City of Park Rapids has now been amended. Johnsrud talked to Dan Walker at the City of Park Rapids, they do not have one available at this time. It was noted that Richard Max would like township support in detachment of his property from the existing annexation agreement. If this is done the map would change again. The Board will not pursue the issue of an updated map at this time.

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Communications: Levy form to Hubbard County, special assessment search re: Chad Erickson, special assessment search re: Robert Miller, MN LTAP, special assessment search re: Haugen, Sue Wothe re: furniture and fixtures for sale, Sandy Rittgers numerous email re: election, email with Penny re: contact information, phone Russ Walsh re: permit (gave Gary K phone #), and phone Steve Martin re: permit for approach (gave Gary K phone #).

Advertisements and Flyers:Office Depot, and Aramark.

Billings received from: Itasca Mantrap, Kennedy & Graven, Pearson Brothers, and MN Power x 2.


Township Association Meeting: September 15, 2014, in Mantrap Township

MN Association of Townships Annual Conference at Duluth, November 20-22, 2014

Virgil Johnson addressed the Board regarding Electron Drive and the road right of way. There is a big rock on the curve, is this the township’s responsibility to be move? Virgil asked that the Board look at the road. Johnsrud will meet with Ralph to determine what can or cannot be done.

Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Anderson
