October 11, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.


Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt, Gary Nasser, Russell Johnsrud, Brenda Carpenter, Janet Gruis, Dacle Schmid Jr., and Deborah Anderson.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.

Nasser made a motion to approve the minutes of September 13, 2012. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Treasurer Gruis presented the treasurer’s report. Johnsrud made a motion to approve report as presented. Carpenter seconded. Motion was called and carried.

The Pearson Brothers billing was discussed. Johnsrud made a motion to accept the bills with the notation to pay the Pearson Brothers billing minus Hubbard Township’s share of the billing. Nasser seconded. Motion was called and carried.

Schmid made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of (1) Dorset Café liquor license application and (2) Election Ballot Information to be added. Johnsrud seconded. Motion was called and carried.

The road report was given by Ralph Sanquist. He attended the Nevis Township meeting where they approved half of the cost of the work to be done on the north section of 219th Avenue. They also discussed the quote given regarding Friendly Bay Drive and have agreed to their share of the cost. A motion was made by DeLaHunt that Henrietta Township proceed with the work needed on Friendly Bay Drive. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Estimated start date will be this coming Monday.

Township roads were bladed as needed. Handicap signs will be checked into. A dead deer was picked up in Dorset in response to a telephone call request. The asphalt was fixed on Boulder access road with new asphalt in holes and cracked spots.

There was no public comment.


Schmid reported that there was nothing new regarding the Dorset Business Association in the purchase of new equipment for the Dorset Park. He did talk with them letting them know that the township board is willing to work with them and that they should draw up a plan to be presented for consideration.

The purchase of a fire safe/regular filing cabinet was tabled to next meeting.

A follow up letter was mailed to Vern Massie regarding the clean-up of 18846 Evening Drive of vehicles and debris. No response has been received.

Henrietta Township Minutes of October 11, 2012 Page 2

Schmid has talked with Mike McMorrow about trimming the hedges in front of the town hall.

Nasser presented an estimate from Ulvin Plumbing for repair work to be done. Nasser made a motion to accept estimate. Carpenter seconded. Motion called and carried.

Nasser will talk with the Hubbard County DAC regarding the cleaning of the light fixtures and the removal of all the bugs in the corners.

Nasser reported that the work at the cemetery was started two weeks ago. It was decided to have the sign painted with the letters being white with a black outline.


Schmid made a motion to approve the license renewals for Cedar Shores, Dorset Corner Liquor, Timberlane, and Dorset Café. Johnsrud seconded. No issues have been found. Motion called and carried.

Carpenter made a motion to approve the following as election judges to serve at the general election:

William Steen, Wanita Nosbush, Russ Walsh, O’Dean Hokanson (Head Judge), Janet Gruis (Head Judge), Sharon Koskela, Amy Runnoe, Arnold Leshovsky, Sharon (Sherry) Sanquist, and Deborah Anderson (Head Judge). Schmid seconded. Motion called and carried.

The clerk reported that Tina Melott is running for treasurer and Dave DeLaHunt for supervisor A. There were no names submitted on ballot for supervisor B or clerk.

DeLaHunt reported having met with the MPCA regarding the Pickett Landfill area. The MPCA would like the township to adopt guidelines regarding growth in this area to the current land ordinance. All information will be given to the planning commission to consider and to bring a recommendation back to the board at the beginning of the new year. Carpenter made a motion that the planning commission meet upon their own discretion regarding the landfill and the MPCA. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried.

Bid requests were mailed to eight contractors regarding Dogwood Road Improvement. No bids were received as of October 10, 2012.

Johnsrud volunteered to complete the mileage certification and return it to the Hubbard County Highway Department.

Information was shared regarding the new optional web services offered from GovOffice. Free training is available. Carpenter is willing to maintain the website beyond her term as supervisor. This was tabled to the next meeting.

Zoning administrator report was received from Gary Korsgaden via email. Printed copies were distributed.

There was no planning commission meeting in October, therefore no report.

Henrietta Township Minutes of October 11, 2012 Page 3


Office Depot Adv x15, Reliable Adv x 9, Arvig Adv, Tom Newman(MPCA) email re: Closed Pickett Landfill (forwarded to Chairman, Dave), McAfee Adv x 4, Katie Dyer re: webcast, phone from Tom Walz, Nevis Township Chairman re: Friendly Bay Drive, Special assessment search re: Jankowsky (was Green Acres therefore returned to sender), Dan Kittilson re: Jeff Forester Forum..(forward to supervisors), Sharon Franke re: dead deer on road (call to Dacle, then to Ralph), billing mailed to Hubbard & Nevis Townships re: Pearson Brothers billing, special assessment search re: Lynn Seiler (payment received), LTAP (given to Ralph), MN Township News, PR Enterprise re: affidavit of publications, phone Deb Luther re: use of townhall, Pam Heeren re: election deadlines, special assessment search re: Christopher DeBlieck (payment received), Paul re: no planning commission meeting, ck from Nevis Township for $13,035, Special assessment search re: James & Joann Whitcomb, and Shai Lee re: rental space available, and Election Source Adv.

Billings received from: Ray Ball, Wadena Asphalt, Itasca Mantrap, PR Enterprise, L&M Supply, and MN Power x 2.


Educational Conference and Annual Meeting: November 15-17, 2012, at the St. Cloud Civic Center

Township Association Meeting on November 19, 2012, at Farden Township

Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Anderson
