March 12, 2015 – 7:00 p.m.

Approved April 09, 2015


Attendance: Dave DeLaHunt, Russell Johnsrud, Duane Goeden, Dacle Schmid Jr., Gary Nasser, Tina Melott, and Deborah Anderson.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman DeLaHunt at 7:00 p.m. followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was announced that the meeting is being recorded for clerk information only to complete minutes. After the minutes are approved the recording will be deleted.

Goeden made a motion to approve the minutes of February 12, 2015. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Nasser made a motion to approve the minutes of February 20, 2015. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.

Treasurer Melott presented the treasurer’s report. Johnsrud made a motion to approve treasurer’s report as presented. Schmid seconded. Clarification was made that the cemetery expense was electricity. Motion called and carried.

DeLaHunt made a motion to pay deputies (clerk and treasurer) for the annual meeting the same as a regular meeting now and in the future. Schmid seconded. Clarification that the treasurer would be paid the same as supervisors was made. Motion called and carried.

Nasser made a motion to approve the bills as presented. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried.

Todd Sanquist gave the road report. Roads were plowed and sanded as needed. Areas were brushed on 209th Avenue and Friendly Bay Drive. Signs were picked up from Fergus Falls. Signs are being put up as needed. They have begun to sweep the tar roads and intersections.

Johnsrud clarified that as signs were put up they should each be logged onto the “sign spreadsheet” showing date, type of sign and where located.

Schmid stated that on Friendly Bay Drive a groove had been cut through the road to direct water. Possibly the road grater should go out and fix.

Henrietta Township Minutes of March 12, 2015 Page 2

A telephone call had been received regarding snowplowing of Enchanted Drive. Johnsrud contacted party and clarified situation.

Gary Korsgaden, zoning administrator, stated that he is following up with Sara Swanson, Rising Hope Foundation, questioning zoning of purchased property behind Heartland Plaza.

Vern Massie addressed the Board stating that he intends to stay in contact with the Townships for local level input. There is a public hearing schedule regarding the proposed sales tax for road construction on March 17 at 12:30 p.m. at the Hubbard County Courthouse. Vern stated that he is not in favor of the proposed sales tax as he feels that spending should stay within the levy amounts for road construction. He asked the Board for their feelings. Johnsrud made a motion that the Board voice opposition to the proposed sales tax for road construction. Goeden seconded. Discussion included feelings that the levy should be adjusted as needed, not an additional tax. Motion called and carried. Vern asked Board to contact him if any matter arises that he could be of help.


No deposit has been received from Eric and Jamie Munson therefore no action to be taken at this time.

Michelle Lommel addressed the Board, representing Great River Energy, answering any questions regarding the possibility of Henrietta Township to issue permit for proposed 15k line upgrade. Goeden made a motion the Henrietta Township act as local government unit for Great River Energy proposed 15k line upgrade. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried. Deputy Clerk, Lila Kalish, to be direct contact with Great River Energy as needed for project to proceed. Board asked that Great River Energy put in writing their agreement to reimburse Township for any and all costs related to this project through completion. Michelle said that a letter would be mailed stating their intention of such.

Johnsrud made a motion to adopt Resolution 2015-01 regarding Farmview Drive. Goeden seconded. Motion called and carried. Clerk will have recording done at Hubbard County Courthouse.


Schmid made a motion to add deputy clerk, Lila Kalish, as signer on the Citizens National Bank account for the township. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.

The Post Office has informed clerk that there should be two PO Box keys for the township. Only one key is being used. Schmid will talk to previous clerk to see if she knows where the other key may be. Johnsrud made a motion to purchase another key if the second key is not found. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried. This key would be kept in the key lock box at the town hall.

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Johnsrud would like to recommend that the zoning map be added to the township web page. Schmid made that into a motion. DeLaHunt seconded. Motion called and carried.

Johnsrud would also like to see the overlay district map (Pickett Landfill area) be made available on the web.

Kalish will pursue the possibility of receiving an electronic copy of the zoning map from Headwaters Regional Commission out of Bemidji, who originally made zoning maps. It was stated that in the future all maps should be also requested in electronic form.

It was noted to update Gary Nasser’s email on the contact list.

Schmid made a motion to accept the “Rental of Town Hall application” submitted by Shelly Hamblin on behalf of Boy Scout Troop 58 on March 28-29, 2015, and waive fee. Nasser seconded. Motion called and carried.

Information received from MN Benefit Association regarding insurance options was shared with the Board.

Schmid made a motion to accept the fire contract as presented with the City of Park Rapids. Johnsrud seconded. The report was reviewed. Motion called and carried.

Cemetery information to be requested from Frank Kruft was tabled to next meeting.

DeLaHunt made a motion to approve all donation requests the same as last year. Nasser seconded. Motion called and was defeated.

Goeden made a motion to approve donations to Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area in the amount of $600, Park Rapids Area Library in the amount of $750, and Hubbard County Historical Society in the amount of $200. Johnsrud seconded. It was verified that each of these requests were found to meet all guidelines necessary. (Living at Home through stat. 365.10, sub 14; Park Rapids Library through stat. 134.12, sub.2; and Hubbard County Historical Society through stat. 138.053) Motion called and carried.

Schmid made a motion to enter into contract with Hubbard First Response & Rescue Inc, for $25,000. Goeden seconded. It was verified that request was found to meet all guidelines necessary through stat. 465.037. Motion called and carried.

DeLaHunt made a motion to enter into contract through resolution with Hubbard County SWCD. No second. Motion dies. Schmid abstain.

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Goeden made a motion to consider AIS at next meeting. Nasser seconded. Sharon Natzel addressed the Board with current information regarding AIS. Motion called and carried.

Goeden made a motion to consider the donation request from Support within Reach at next meeting. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried.

Communications:Steve Green (forward to supervisors), Terry Long re invite to Feb 25 meeting (forward to supervisors), Gov Office (forward to Tina), Jean Ruzicka/PR Enterprise re: Annual meeting information, Affidavit re: publishing of annual meeting, Allison Klingenberg re: rental of town hall questions, PR Volunteer Fire Department invitation to April 4 Banquet, Chuck Christensen, and Public Utilities and Waterworks Mgmt (forward to supervisors).

Advertisements and Flyers:Country Enterprises, Community Education, and Arvig,

Special assessment searches: Hubbard County Abstract re: Priscilla Brown, Hubbard County Abstract re: Janet Jensen.

Billings received from:Thomason, Swanson & Zahn, Hubbard County Auditor Dogwood Road Assessment Fee, MN Power x 2, Hubbard County Highway, Kennedy & Graven, PR Enterprise, and Itasca Mantrap.

Donation Request Info Received and Given


Spring Short Course, Northern Lights Casino, Walker, on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 (Make sure to keep your receipt to attach to Claim Form to be reimbursed for registration costs)

Great River Energy Open House at Itasca Mantrap on April 7, 2015 from 4-7 p.m.

Annual Noxious Weed Training, April 23, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.

Enter through the Southeast doors of the Law Enforcement Center to the Basement Meeting Room

Local Board of Appeal and Equalization scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 at 1:00 p.m.

Nasser made a motion to adjourn. Johnsrud seconded. Motion called and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Anderson
