Helpful Teen Habits, Setting Goals and School Success-- PART II

(Adapted from The 7 Habits of Effective Teens; Covey, 1998)

School Counselor(s): Maria Payne, Steve Hart, Deanna Thompson, Katherine Sapienza


●25 9th grade students identified at risk

●Mixed gender

ASCA Student Standards Addressed:

●Academic Development Domain:

○Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

▪A:A2.1 Apply time management and task management skills.

●Career Development Domain:

oStandard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.

▪C:A1.6 Learn how to set goals.

▪C:A1.7 Understand the importance of planning.

▪C:A1.10 Balance between work and leisure time.

●Social/Emotional Development Domain:

oStandard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

▪PS:A1.3 Learn the goal setting process.

oStandard B: Students will make decisions set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.

▪PS:B1.9 Identify long and short term goals.

▪PS:B1.12 Develop and action plan to set and achieve realistic goals.

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with Competency):

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Define what a habit is.
  2. Use the knowledge of habits to identify their productive and non-productive habits.
  3. Better understand the importance of planning and prioritizing.
  4. Identify important components for creating a goal.
  5. Differentiate between long and short-term goals.
  6. Apply the principles of goal setting to create their own long and short-term goals.



●Poster Board

●Blank Time Quadrant Board to go over with students as a recap

●Dry erase pens/writing utensils

●SMART Goal Worksheet


  1. Introduction:
  2. Discuss group expectations.
  3. Discuss learning outcomes.
  1. Habits Overview (Review what happened during the previous lesson--Part I):
  1. Re-cap what are habits?
  2. Reflect back to first meeting with students about past habits that may not have been productive.
  1. Begin with End in Mind:
  2. Have students discuss the differences between short term and long term goals.
  3. Discuss why it is important for goals to be specific.
  4. Use the worksheet to Explain what SMART Goal are and discuss an example of each component.
  1. Put into Action:
  2. Using the SMART Goal worksheet have the students record their smart goal and all of its SMART components.
  3. Discussion: How will you know if you are working toward your goal? When you have met your goal? Who are the people that can support you while working toward your goal?
  1. Closure:
  2. Ask the students if they have any questions.
  3. Ask if the students if they could see themselves using SMART Goals, and making it a habit.
  1. Post-test:
  2. Inform the students that the post-test needs to be completed but that it will not be graded.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data:

●Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each group.

Perception Data:

●By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

▪Define what a habit is.

▪Use the knowledge of habits to identify their productive and non-productive habits.

▪Understand the importance of planning and prioritizing.

▪Identify important components for creating a goal.

▪Differentiate between long and short term goals.

▪Apply the principles of goal setting to create their own long and short term goals.

Outcome Data:

●Pre-test and Post-test comparison will show a growth in the students understanding of goals, habits and prioritizing.

●The number of units passed with in the 9th grade at-risk students will increase, increasing the rate of students who successfully move on to the 10th grade.

Follow Up:

●Students will go over the information learned when they meet with their counselors individually.