Ohio Association of Pupil Services Administrators
Business Meeting
Date: September 30, 2016 Time: Noon
Quest Business Center
I. Call to Order- Lisa Bruening: Mrs. Bruening called the meeting to order at 11:50 a.m.
II. Secretary’s Report- Paul Kidd: Mr. Kidd presented minutes from the May 2016 business meeting and noted that the minutes are posted on the OAPSA website for full review.
· Motion to accept minutes made by: Kim Allen Seconded: Paula Jones; Motion passed
III. Treasurer’s Report- Gwenn Spence: Mrs. Spence indicated that the Treasurer reports, which include the wrap up for 2015-16 as well as the current school year, are on the web page. We had a balance of $22,916.57 to conclude the previous school year. We are at 296 members for 2016-17. Our current assets are set at $34,308.65.
· Motion to accept final 2015-16 report made by: Kristi Prough Seconded: Nancy Nimmo; Motion passed
· Motion to accept initial 2016-17 report made by: Vanessa Spring Seconded: Deb Yorko; Motion passed.
IV. Programs Report- Lisa Bruening (on behalf of Dee Hepperly): Due to the absence of Mrs. Hepperly, the Programs Report will be shared via email and posting to the OAPSA website.
V. Past President’s News- James Tatman: Mr. Tatman reported that OAPSA will need to recruit a new Secretary in May of 2017. Mr. Tatman encouraged folks to consider the position over the next few months to help encourage diversity of experience. Mr. Tatman reminded everyone of the four-year commitment with the lines of succession that have been established.
VI. Communication’s Report-Val Riedthaler: Ms. Riedthaler reported where the handouts can be located on the ClubRunner website. She reminded everyone that the handouts are not removed unless the presenter specifically requests her to remove something. Ms. Riedthaler explained that she will send out Google Surveys to get responses for a variety of topics rather than relying on email comments that may not be captured as accurately.
VII. Executive Director Report- John Opperman: Dr. Opperman requested that everyone take the single-page flyer describing OAPSA and try to provide it to someone they know who might not be a member. He feels the personal recommendation may be the most effective way to encourage membership. Dr. Opperman provided an overview of the remaining items he has included on his written report, which is posted on OAPSA’s website. The general topics include: Medicaid reimbursement, Committee of Practitioners, ESSA updates, transgender issues in schools, school psychology shortages, and OH Coalition updates among others.
VIII. Committee Reports-
a. State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children- Lisa Bruening: This is an open spot if any OAPSA member would like to be a participants. Lisa mentioned it should generally be four meetings per year in Columbus to discuss a variety of issues pertinent to the state.
b. NAPSA- James Tatman: Mr. Tatman reported that NAPSA’s next conference is in Pittsburgh at the end of October. National organizations are part of NAPSA that support psychologists, SLPs, teachers, as well as Student Personnel administrators. There are handouts for the October meeting with the agenda of topics that will be discussed and the social that will be held for members to meet and greet.
c. Ohio Coalition-John Opperman: Dr. Opperman shared Coalition information as part of his Executive Director report.
d. OCALI Update-Sarah Walker: Mrs. Walker shared that her report will be available in December, as the first workgroup meeting is coming up in October of 2017.
e. Nominations Committee- deferred until Spring 2017 when the position of Secretary will need to be filled from nominations.
f. Title 1 Committee of Practitioners- John Opperman (for Dr. Karen Hall): Dr. Opperman shared that there are online webinars with discussion guides that reside on the ESSA website and that have been promoted by the CoP group.
g. Historian- Kathy Brand: Mrs. Brand read some material from 1996 to show how the OAPSA mission has continued to focus on very similar ideals as those espoused today.
IX. Old Business- Reminders: Upcoming OAPSA Conference Dates: Dec. 9th. 2017: February 9th & 10th, May 5th
X. New Business- None to report at this time.
XI. Adjournment
· Motion to Accept made by: Deb Dennis Seconded: Sarah Walker; Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 12:02 PM, with additional reports presented at 1:00 PM, due to phone conference responsibilities of reporting members.
Respectfully Submitted by Paul Kidd, 2016-17 OAPSA Secretary